Let’s begin 2024 with a five-card tarot spread. I asked my tarot deck, “What do we need to know this month?” This January, the message is to be playful and wise, like Baby New Year.
What is Tarot?
Tarot cards are a divination tool, originally used by the Romani people upon arriving in Europe in the 15th century.
In the century prior to that, the same type of cards were used as a game in Italy.
How I Read Tarot
My Romani grandmother’s family trades are tarot, palm, and tea leaf reading, and she began teaching me when I was a small child. Through divination, my podcast Romanistan, and my other work, I celebrate Romani culture and educate others.
The five-card spread I created represents embodiment (your energy), situation (what’s around you), obstacle (a struggle you’re facing), action (what to do about it); and lesson (what you will learn from this month).
Your Tarot Reading For January 2024
Embodiment: The Page of Pentacles
The Page of Pentacles presents you with an opportunity to be more playful or experimentative with how you make a living or thrive in the world. The pentacles represent health, wealth, work, home, and abundance, and the page symbolizes a playful approach that leads to success. If you’re considering trying something new in any of these areas, now is the right time. Challenge yourself to make the most mundane elements of your life — like cleaning your home or commuting — a little more entertaining. Appeal to your inner child.
Situation: The King of Swords
The King of Swords is represents learning and decision-making. It’s time for you to recognize your intellectual strengths and make clear, rational choices. You may also be presented with the opportunity to learn or teach. Your mind is a wonderful tool, and you need to trust that you are capable of using it successfully in alignment with your pursuit of joy.
Obstacle: The Queen of Cups
When pulled as an obstacle, the Queen of Cups suggests you may be struggling with deep emotions that get in the way of being light-hearted, connecting to your inner child, or making decisive changes. On the other end of the spectrum, you might feel frozen or empty inside. Extreme feeling and numbness are two sides of the same coin: overwhelm. If you’re feeling this way, lean into practices that help nudge you toward the center. Try activities that channel emotions, like journaling or creative writing. Seek physical outlets, such as chopping wood or running. Enjoy spiritual excercises, including breathwork or meditation.
Action: The Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords reminds you that everyone needs to tend to their emotional wellbeing — yes, even you, you busy, independent bad*ss. Use whatever resources you have to learn more about your feelings and blockages; clarify your needs and what you can let go of. This card blesses you with the ability to cut out toxic people or situations, and shed old versions of yourself for good.
Lesson: The Page of Cups
The Page of Cups teaches you to have a sweet and compassionate inner dialogue with yourself. In many images of this card, the page is gazing at a fish in a cup. Your conscious mind is the page, the subconscious mind (or inner child) is the fish, and the two of you are having a loving conversation. You are learning to approach your deepest self with compassion and curiosity. Take interest in how you’re feeling, and get creative about meeting your emotional needs.
How To Use January 2024's Tarot Lessons
If a little kid ran up to you crying, you’d probably feel concerned, and want to help. You’d stop what you were doing and say, “What’s the matter, buddy?” in your kindest tone. Now, imagine doing this for yourself the next time you feel overwhelmed by fear, anger, sadness, or even numbness. Pause, put a hand on your heart, and with all the love you can muster, ask yourself, “What’s the matter, buddy?”
Just as the embodiment of this month is Page of Pentacles, a card encouraging you to be playful and creative, the Page of Cups is urging you to tend to your emotional needs with the same innovative and experimental energy. It’s the beginning of the calendar year for many, so turn back to your own beginnings. What did you find soothing as a child? What made you feel happy? Or strong? See if you can bring back some of those old tricks and give them new life.
In the spirit of the Page of Cups, check out Opulent Witch, an artist, performer, tarot reader, psychic medium, and co-creator of The Living Altar Oracle Deck. Their work encourages you to look inward with love, and express yourself in new ways.