Your January 2024 Astrological Forecast
The cosmic skies are clearing just in time for the new year.

Happy New Year, star babes! There are loads of new and powerful interstellar happenings headed your way in the year ahead, and the astrology of January 2024 sets the tone for it all positively and excitingly. After a challenging and retrograde-filled end of 2023, it feels like the cosmic haze is finally clearing, allowing you to find your footing and see a few steps ahead. Bust out those shiny new planners and mark down the major astrological events in January, because you won’t want to miss out on the magic.
Things get off to a fantastic start, as Mercury retrograde wraps up on Jan. 2 ET/Jan. 1 PT. What a perfect way to ring in the new year! Uranus retrograde ends a few weeks later, at which point you’ll enjoy two full months of retrograde-free astro weather. And when it comes to setting 2024 intentions, it helps to have the hardworking influence of Capricorn season on your side through Jan. 20. Mental Mercury, go-getter Mars, and romantic Venus all shift into Capricorn throughout January, too — so even as airy Aquarius season ushers in, you’ll still have plenty of Capricorn’s nose-to-the-grindstone motivation to work with.
Deep and mysterious Pluto is also making a big move this month, as it enters Aquarius hand-in-hand with the sun, right after forming an especially rare and powerful conjunction that'll bring the skeletons jumping out of our closets. Plus, there will be an ultra manifestation-friendly January new moon to work with, as well as a high-drama full moon to look out for later in the month. Buckle up, because your January 2024 astrological forecast is taking you for a true joy ride.
A Gift: Mercury Retrograde Is Over
Mercury retrograde made its messy mark on the 2023 holiday season, but the chaos is coming to an end on Jan. 2 ET/Jan. 1 PT, as Mercury stations direct in free-spirited Sagittarius. With this backspin finally behind us, all zodiac signs will enjoy a boost of mental motivation, clearer visions for what they’d like to achieve this year, and better communication in general — making it much easier to start effectively working toward your exciting 2024 plans.
Capricorn Energy To Jumpstart Goals
The first few weeks of January make up the bulk of Capricorn season, and the influence of this ambitious earth sign is perfect for helping everyone set realistic New Year’s intentions — and then actually follow through on them. Use this pragmatic energy to connect with your long-term goals, step up to your responsibilities, and tackle any projects that require a little extra structure and discipline.
You’ll feel especially capable of slaying your 2024 to-do list once motivating planet Mars joins the sun in Capricorn on Jan. 4, bringing added stamina and zeal to the industrious vibes of the season. Having Mars in Capricorn for the next six weeks feels like a jolt of focused and hardworking energy that can help you jumpstart your drive for success and make steady progress toward your goals.
Communication planet Mercury joins the Capricorn party on Jan. 13, two days after the Capricorn new moon. This transit can help you get clearer on your objectives and think more practically — making it a great time to put together business or financial plans for the year ahead. This is also your chance to clean up any communication messes that may have been made during the planet’s retrograde back in December.
A Focused New Moon In Capricorn
Amid all this cosmic Capricorn action, we also have the year’s first new moon, which rises on Jan. 11. If you haven’t quite gotten a grip on your New Year’s goals (fully understandable!), this new moon in Capricorn offers the perfect energetic opportunity to boss up and make decisive moves. This lunation squares off with the North and South Nodes of Fate, so you’ll be challenged to overcome the confines of your comfort zone and push toward a more spiritually fulfilling future. Start laying out the bricks for whatever it is you hope to build.
A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pluto Cazimi
On Jan. 20 — just minutes before the official start of Aquarius season — powerful Pluto will form a perfect conjunction aspect with the sun at the very last degree of Capricorn, forming what’s known as a Pluto cazimi. This is the final Pluto cazimi to take place in Capricorn in this lifetime, and the two planets connect at 29 degrees of this earth sign. This is a very sensitive point in the zodiac, causing cosmic energies to come to an intense climax. With the illuminating sun joining forces with underworld-dwelling Pluto at this critical degree, expect subterranean power struggles and hidden motivations to creep into the light. On a larger scale, we may see corrupt forces make desperate power grabs as tides begin to turn.
Aquarius Season & A Pluto Move
Aquarius season kicks off with a sonic boom of epic proportions, as it starts minutes after the earth-shaking Pluto cazimi on Jan. 20. The sun shifts into the sign of the water bearer arm-in-arm with transformative Pluto, which officially enters Aquarius about 11 hours later. This Aquarian double-ingress is being supported by a lovely connection from the moon in Gemini, making the intense shift in energy all the more palpable. This is an Age of Aquarius moment for the books!
The cool and free-thinking vibe of Aquarius season will feel like a cosmic breath of fresh air, encouraging you to step back from your grind and start thinking outside the box. With the sun in this socially conscious air sign, the coming month is also great for connecting meaningfully with friends, colleagues, and your community at large.
In Love With Venus In Capricorn
Aquarius season started strong, but there’s still plenty of Capricorn's down-to-business energy to work with through the rest of the month. Love planet Venus enters Capricorn on Jan. 23, joining Mercury and Mars in this earth sign’s terrain. Venus rules things like romance and value, so this transit inspires everyone to get in touch with what’s truly worth their time, energy, and love. You may feel put off by fair-weathered friends and shaky situationships, and more interested in relationships or investments that offer more security in the long run. You’re going for quality over quantity here.
A Dramatic Full Moon In Leo
Full moons are known for bringing drama, and the feisty lunation on Jan. 25 promises to live up to the stereotype. The first full moon of the year rises in flashy fire sign Leo, bringing egos to the surface and turning attention-seeking behavior up to max. The sun and moon are locked in a tense T-square with over-the-top Jupiter — and with enigmatic Pluto in the mix, too, it may be tempting to act from a place of insecurity or envy. Focus on your journey toward joy and success, and don’t get wrapped up in competitiveness or low vibrations.
A Retrograde-Free Zone Begins
Electric planet Uranus wraps up its annual retrograde on Jan. 27, after five long months of moonwalking. Once this cosmic wild child stations direct, all zodiac signs can start to embrace and integrate the sudden changes, innovations, and curveballs that rocked their world throughout 2023. Keep an open mind, as some brilliant new ideas could come flowing in now, and some exciting advancements could shake up the status quo.
The end of Uranus retrograde also marks the beginning of a very special period where exactly zero major planets are backspinning. From now until April 1, all of our solar system’s major players will be moving direct, bringing a refreshing feeling forward-motion and clearing the path for new endeavors. Welcome to the only retrograde-free zone of 2024!