Here's Your Horoscope For January 2021
If the new year starts off feeling heavy, it’ll balance out with time.

We’re constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which zodiac signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. In this January 2021 monthly horoscope, Astrologer Six, creator of BlackWomenCry, shares the astrological events happening this month that will affect every zodiac sign.
You can take a deep breath because 2020 is almost over, but don’t fret if the new year starts off feeling a bit heavy. It’ll balance out with time. The biggest piece of astrological advice all signs can benefit from is to learn when to leave situations. Jupiter in Aquarius will help in that department by teaching us when to develop boundaries between ourselves and our communities. With Saturn and Jupiter’s presence in Aquarius, there’s a significantly lighter vibe approaching.
Kicking the month off with a symbolic bang on Jan. 1, the moon begins the year in the flamboyant and impassioned zodiac sign of Leo. Be mindful of how you could come off to others. While there’s no need to change yourself to fit in, there are benefits to learning to work with others. Trusting your instincts and leading with an open mind will unlock surprising and serendipitous outcomes. On Jan. 2, the Aries moon makes a grand fire trine to the adventure-filled Venus in Sagittarius and the rambunctious Mars in Aries. This whirlwind of an entrance into the year 2021 can spell out trouble (if you don’t watch your words). Also, be mindful of what interpersonal risk(s) you take during this time. With Mercury in Capricorn until Jan. 8, it isn’t wise to take on more than you can handle. That said, there’s nothing wrong with saying no or asking for help so long as you’re not expecting others to pick up your slack.
When Mercury enters Aquarius on Jan. 8, start thinking from a more communal mindset. The world is leaning toward a collectivist mindset, which means your ability to utilize your emotional intelligence will make all the difference. On Jan. 30, Mercury turns retrograde in the sign Aquarius, providing us time to review and recap our new normal. For two weeks, active listening will be your best friend. You’ll find that it’s easier to recognize who you don’t want to maintain close relationships with when you actually listen to the words people are saying. Expressing your boundaries in January is a practice that’ll help you thrive in 2021.
Happy Birthday, Aquarius!
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)
2020 brought with it a major focus on your career and the person you’re growing into. Yes you’ve had a few hardships and difficulties, but don’t let those obstacles knock you down. This new year is bringing with it a natural ability to rise and shine, so long as you’re willing to network. Refrain from the belief that you need to fit into a particular group and try mingling outside of your typical group. Of course, you shouldn’t expect everyone you come across to stay within your realm of relevancy. That said, keep your long-term goals in mind — are the individuals in your inner circle aligned with the person you’re morphing into?
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)
There are only big things popping off for you, Taurus. You’ve been hustling despite the downpour that was 2020. Keep your head up and watch as your flowers bloom; don’t forget to keep watering them though. January brings with it the potential for meaningful transformation, so keep your mind open because the more you know, the more you can grow. Pay careful attention to the people you keep close, because the planets suggest you may not be using enough of a discerning eye with those around you. Take note of how people express themselves and what type of fun they lead you toward. There’s nothing wrong with cutting loose every once and awhile, but there should be a fair reason for your rationale.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Let’s have a reality check, Gemini — there is a reason why all of astro Twitter is coming for your neck. Some comments about your sign are merely jokes, while others are clearly alluding to issues that are worth exploring. Based on the stars, the universe is demanding that you purge from previous relationships. Last year encouraged a dive into your patterns of intimacy, which helped you own up to your personal limitations and hesitancy. The strides you took toward self improvement is commendable, but the work is not yet complete. You have all of 2021 to focus less on your relationships and turn an attentive eye onto yourself.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Life is getting more serious for you. You’ve leaned into your close partnerships and relationships, even if they required long hours and exhausting interactions. As the month carries on, show your close relationships some extra appreciation. Give your loved ones a call or write your partner a romantic letter — you’ll be surprised to see how well they’re received. You may find yourself resisting the urge to say more than what’s necessary, which is fair because your words are especially powerful during January. Do your fair share and you’ll find that it’ll pay off toward the end of the month.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
It’s time to put more order into the way you conduct your daily life, Leo. January kicks off a significant year for you. In 2021, you will witness how your close partnerships have the capability of helping you tend to your needs. There’s power in knowing how to pick and choose your words, so be careful with how you express yourself. Needless engagement with problematic and dysfunctional people impacts your health. Stress is a normal part of life, but you shouldn’t allow unnecessary stressors into your life. If you have partnerships that are taking their toll on your spirit, set boundaries.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
The trick to getting through January is learning to let yourself have fun, even though your work obligations are starting to pile up. Take it slow and draw the focus on your home environment for the beginning of the month. Your home has the power of fueling your drive to shine, so consider letting go of all that encourages you to sink within your environment by clearing out unnecessary clutter. The steps you take improving your space today will pay off for you on Jan. 8, which is when Venus, the planet of pleasure, enters Virgo’s house of pleasure. Ideally, investing in your place translates into an ability to better enjoy your space. So this month is the perfect time to set aside time for home-cooked meals and home improvement projects.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Your relationships won’t improve unless you unearth realities about them, Libra. Some of these realities pertain to how you conduct yourself. You’re currently in an eight-year cycle of recovery and triumph, specifically pertaining to your close relationships. And if you choose to lean toward healing and intimacy, this month will help you with that. Confronting the ghosts of your past will be difficult. Put your focus on having conversations regarding your familial and home life. Take time to evaluate certain narratives and truths you’ve internalized, because it’s possible that you’re holding onto old ghouls that are begging to be freed. There’s nothing wrong with needing to review and recap. In fact, recapping might help you understand how and why you conduct yourself as you do in your romantic relationships.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Start working on finding your center, Scorpio. The current of 2021’s vibe will lead you toward experiences that encourage you to practice gratitude. Life is wild and some days it can seem a lot more than what you bargained for. As the month progresses, try not to overspend. In mid-January, if you’ve been looking into moving to a new place or developing a space to nest in, the stars are looking down on you with favorable eyes. It’s likely that you could stumble upon a new space that seems worth your investment — just be sure to read between the lines. The planets are requiring you to think with permanence in mind, so don’t splurge on places and furniture that are out of your budget.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
It’s time to get your act together, Sagittarius. Turns out, the world is more complicated than you expected it to be. While some things seem to stay the same, a lot is changing. It’s best not to assume anything as well as take any interactions with an extra dose of consideration to help you better navigate through them. Develop a thick skin and accept that people’s odd behavior probably isn’t a personal attack on you. Patience will lead you to more successful interactions.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
January spells out the finalization of your transformation in the making. Without a doubt, these past two years have been intense, especially for you, Capricorn. With the sun in your sign until mid-January, take time to reflect and appreciate the work you’ve done. Inside and outside, there has been a conscious effort made toward your holistic improvement. Now’s a lovely time to treat yourself to a spa day or something that’ll make you smile. The stars, however, do warn that you shouldn’t be overspending. Spend within reason and keep your head up; you should be proud of yourself Cap.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
January marks a year that’s going to be filled with growth and difficult lessons. You’ll thrive if you accept that while you know a lot, you still have a long way to go. 2021 requires deep introspection and asks that you carry a willingness to own aspects of yourself as opposed to living in denial about them. Consider making time this month to organize yourself. Your dreams are speaking to you, Aquarius, and when you listen and take note, it becomes that much easier to develop strategies to make them come true. Humility and consistency will make or break this year.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Take it easy with your spending, Pisces, as it looks like the holidays could have taken a toll on your wallet. The need to spend will likely be consistent throughout the first week of January, but the end of the month could spell out unexpected expenses, so make sure you’re setting aside money for a rainy day and do your best to embrace what you already have. The stars could lead you toward self comparison throughout the month, and comparison often leads to feelings of inferiority. January marks a time that you will find joy in planning for the life you want to live, but you shouldn’t feel pressured to figure that out at the beginning of 2021. Lean into your dreams, and you’ll be surprised how imagination can lead you to your next come up.
This article was originally published on