How To Get Your Sh*t Together, According To Virgos
They have a reputation for being organized — and you can be too.

Life is messy and there’s no way around it. And after a very bratty summer, life may feel messier than usual. Thankfully, Virgo season arrived on August 22, and the clean and pristine energy of this earth sign is here to help everyone get their lives organized, implement some productive habits, and bring some order to the day-to-day chaos.
Virgos are the perfectionists of the zodiac. They're known for their impressive organizational skills, immaculate attention to detail, and refined appreciation for simplicity. Virgo is also the sign associated with wellness, so they appreciate being in the groove of a healthy routine — and while these grounded earth signs tend to be smart with money, they’ll almost always be tempted to splurge on a trip to the overpriced natural foods store.
The energy of Virgo season aligns on a collective level too, since the month that the sun spends in Virgo each year wraps up the summer and culminates with the autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Virgo season is a time when people are getting back into some solid routines: They’re going back to school, they’ve returned from their vacations, and they’re tidying up their lives as the colder months loom on the horizon.
The world can be a chaotic and stressful place, and Virgos have to deal with the same reality that everyone else does. But here’s the thing: Virgos know that. The reason they’re so good at maintaining routines and staying ahead of their responsibilities is that they understand that to do these things, they need to be flexible and adaptable enough to roll with the punches without falling off track. Plans change! Sh*t happens! People cancel! Things come up! Virgos sometimes get stereotyped as being schedule-obsessed and type-A to a fault, but the truth is these mutable signs are way more go-with-the-flow than they get credit for.
Maintaining some semblance of order in your life can be challenging, but Virgos make it look easy. I spoke with real-life Virgos to get their tips on how to get your life organized and keep it that way. And in true Virgo fashion, they had loads of clear, sound, and logical advice to offer.
Keep A Calendar
“To be honest, sometimes Virgos only look like they have it together from afar. However, we are very much organized chaos, and I do live by my Google calendar.” — Diana C., Virgo Sun
It’s true. Virgo’s greatest skill is not necessarily having everything together, but being able to pull off the appearance of having everything together. Either way, they’re doing something right! And Virgos like to keep it simple, so it should come as no surprise that the top suggestion they had for staying organized was to just… use a calendar.
“I put everything on the calendar to keep track of the past and future.” — Jane E., Virgo Rising
Maybe even multiple calendars.
“CALENDARS. I have like four Google calendars and a mood disorder, and it’s the only way I live.” — Valerie G., Virgo Sun
A calendar? To stay organized? Groundbreaking. But that’s the thing: Virgos are refined and they like to keep their systems clean and streamlined. But Virgos aren’t perfect, see below.
“Buying hundreds of planners and never using them, but feeling secure just knowing you have them.” — Sarah J., Virgo Sun, Mercury, & Rising
Make Lists (& Actually Use Them)
Making lists was another one of the most highly-suggested Virgo tips that came in, and it makes sense. How can you stay organized if you don’t know exactly what needs to be done?
“Lists! Actually writing out a list, and then crossing things off the list.” — Sophia P., Virgo Sun
This is why I love Virgos: They don’t just assume everyone knows how to effectively make and use a list, so they include explicit directions. Very thorough.
“I handwrite everything on a physical calendar and in my Day-Timer planner. Handwriting 4-eva!” — Jenny M., Virgo Sun
Virgos are earth signs, so they appreciated being grounded by tactile experiences and tangible items — so it makes a ton of sense that numerous Virgos recommended writing out lists by hand to get organized. Grabbing a nice inky pen and mapping out a to-do list in a Moleskine journal or paper planner is so much more Virgo’s style than typing out their tasks on a digital device and sending it into the cloud. And honestly, they’re onto something: Studies show that writing things out by hand improves both memory and learning.
Everything Has Its Place
And if it doesn’t, it probably shouldn’t be in your space, according to Virgos.
“Get rid of the clutter in your home. It’s cluttering your mind!” — Chloë, Virgo Sun
These detail-oriented earth signs have a keen and attentive eye, so they know that clutter is only bringing you down.
“Less is more, so if you don’t love it, get rid of it. Everything needs to have a place unless it’s being used.” — Lana N., Virgo Sun & Mercury
It appears many Virgos agree with Marie Kondo’s line of thinking, which is that if an object doesn’t spark joy or get actively used, it’s time to toss it.
Find Magic In The Mundane
Virgos have a reputation for being nit-picky, but these earth signs are actually quite spiritual and connected to the energy of nature. It’s easy for them to find magic in life’s mundane moments and see the beauty in the everyday grind.
“Make daily tasks and routines into a ritual of honor and devotion to yourself!” — Alisha P., Virgo Rising
Rituals sound so much more mystical than tasks and routines, right?
“Use aesthetic, luxury planners and pens so it motivates you to actually use them.” — Kyrie H.N., Virgo Rising
Virgos know that doing this actually tricks your brain into being more productive. These organization tips come naturally to the astrological maidens but can be implemented in your life no matter your sign if you want to feel like you have it all together (even when you don’t).
Create Systems That Work For You
Ultimately, keeping your sh*t together isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair, and Virgos know it. That’s why it’s so important to find tricks that work for your unique brain and lifestyle. Maybe you’re more of a bullet-journal person than a digital calendar keeper. Maybe you prefer to have your everyday belongings visibly organized on open shelves rather than hidden behind a closet door in labeled boxes. Experimenting is the only way to find out — and if you need a few suggestions, these earth signs have plenty:
“Tips for keeping it together: Small plexiglass boxes, re-doing your closet quarterly, and an overbearing sense of feeling like you know best.” — Sarah J., Virgo Sun, Mercury, & Rising
“Color-coding everything and the iPhone Reminders app are my life.” — Lisa M., Virgo Sun
“Excel spreadsheets can tame anything.” — Jo O., Virgo Sun
There are plenty of Virgos with pristinely tidy homes and perfectly streamlined desktops who fully live up to their sign’s ultra-organized stereotype. But there are also plenty of Virgos with messy bedrooms and 10,000 emails in their inbox who somehow still keep it together because they found what works for them.
“As a Virgo with ADHD, all I can say is if it makes sense to you, then it works.” — Anna H., Virgo Sun
Virgos can always find the order in the chaos, and with a little extra effort, you probably can, too.