How To Know If You're Psychic
Clue: listen to your gut.

So how do you know you’re psychic?
Well, that starts with realizing that on some level, everybody is.
There’s an awful lot of mystery surrounding psychic energy in modern culture. On one hand, we’re comfortable with understanding that intuition plays a large role in our daily lives (“I had a gut feeling I should buy that house!” or “Yikes — that person gave me the creeps, even before they opened their mouth”). We’re rather drawn toward spontaneity, excited by people who seem comfortable living in the moment and allowing positive experiences to come their way. On the other hand, we tend to look down on those who rely on their intuition too much to effectively fit into society. If someone’s spontaneity turns into chaotic disorganization, we’re generally less attracted to it, and when so-called intuitive guidance turns into last-minute, knee-jerk decision-making, it often brings more judgment than admiration.
I’d like to gently suggest that perhaps being psychic isn’t the issue here — it’s what we do with it. Understanding that is a major step toward demystifying the psychic experience. It allows us to lean into the psychic energy flow that serves us and away from the fear-based thoughts that don’t. From this perspective, it’s easy to see that everyone is psychic — it’s just that the bona fide professional psychics have developed a skill set around that discernment.
If that’s the case, doesn’t it make sense for every one of us to invest in our psychic development? This investment mostly comprises time, attention, and repetition. And whether you intend to read for others or are looking for more guidance only for yourself, dedicating yourself to the pursuit of deeper intuition will always achieve results.
In fact, it’s precisely what your Team has been leading you to do all along.
Putting Doubt Aside
A major part of this path is learning to put our doubt aside. It can be so hard to trust that what we see, feel, and/or hear is divine guidance! I’ve been teaching intuitive development for long enough that by this point, I’ve managed to identify several distinct patterns of doubt in my students as they develop their psychic gifts.
It’s difficult to slay doubt completely; for most of us, this process takes time. And
Some students just waltz into the room, unafraid. Their arrival in class cues the opening of the floodgates, and the psychic energy just flows. These rare souls are the envy of their peers because this stuff just comes easily to them. Validating experiences pour in before doubt can even get involved, and by the time it does, these students have plenty of strong memories to lean into. If you are one of these people, embrace that confidence, and if you’re not, don’t worry.
Other students sort of nervously slink into the room, eyes darting from face to face to evaluate whether it’s emotionally safe to be there. These folks are often slow to deliver a message, even when what they’re receiving feels crystal clear to me. They often second-guess themselves and end their sentences with unintentional question marks, regardless of how immediately and specifically they can answer their own questions. For instance, during one workshop, my student Jess saw a pair of hands, fingers pointed upward, holding an apple. That’s a pretty clear image, isn’t it? But for Jess, it wasn’t. Jess’s voice was high and tight as she said, “I…well, I saw, um, some hands? Like this?” She tentatively demonstrated the hand position. “And holding, like, I think, maybe, a red apple?” From there, we began to discuss possible interpretations: an apple could mean a teacher, a farm, health, or any number of things to Jess. The one thing I knew for sure was that Jess did receive a message.
Most students are somewhere on the spectrum between these two extremes, often bouncing off either end temporarily. They have moments of triumph and total confidence followed by moments when doubt threatens to consume them completely. The idea of being not good enough is inherently ego based, and it arises in so many ways! A student may show up with confidence before flipping over to doubt, or the exact opposite, sometimes within just a few minutes.
A display of evidential mediumship — with its immediate power to stop people in their tracks, causing them to no longer wonder if but how — seems like the most surefire way to blast through this doubt. This is the experience of successfully delivering a piece of evidence, especially when it is well received, and providing external confirmation such that even the most skeptical people are shocked. Yet it takes time and sustained effort to nurture a gift like that. It took me time, at least. This is part of why, outside the supportive environment of a classroom or a trade session with a friend, I don’t recommend you read anyone based solely on the information contained within the pages of this book.
What others think of us is not our business; we’re not accountable for that, nor should we be.
It’s difficult to slay doubt completely; for most of us, this process takes time. And during that time, we’re often quite sensitive. Our doubt can be influenced, for better or worse, by others. And in our enthusiasm, we can cross others’ boundaries — that’s right, the boundaries of the living.
If we become overly excited by our psychic experiences and share them with people whose doubt is strong — especially early in our development as spiritual Lightworkers, when we are learning to understand and properly interpret the messages we receive — we’re unlikely to receive the encouragement we want. In many ways, it’s also the encouragement we need, and it’s definitely the encouragement we deserve. We may even receive active discouragement, which is entirely unhelpful to our doubt-slaying venture.
There’s another issue at play here: if we share our gift with people who don’t willingly consent to receiving it, it’s not exactly spiritual lightwork. I receive messages all the time that I don’t deliver simply because they haven’t been solicited. This is a basic consent issue, and it rests on the idea of accountability.
Each one of us is accountable for the energy we share with others. We are accountable for what we call toward us, what we nurture, and what we emanate. When we align ourselves with love and light, it’s no problem. Our actions tend to be socially appropriate; we share when we know it will be well received, which is in the very best interest of the recipient. That’s part of what makes it lightwork. By doing this, we know our actions are in lockstep with our intention. This significantly reduces the amount of judgment we receive — both behind our backs and to our faces — and when we are judged, it’s easier to not worry about it. What others think of us is not our business; we’re not accountable for that, nor should we be. Our alignment is what matters.
Excerpted from the book Medium Mentor: 10 Powerful Techniques to Awaken Divine Guidance for Yourself and Others by MaryAnn DiMarco. Copyright ©2022 by MaryAnn DiMarco. Printed with permission from New World Library.
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