Social Media
Here’s How To Find Your Most Liked Instagram Post
Take a walk down Valencia lane.

If Instagram's 10 year anniversary is making you feel nostalgic, and you want to know how to find your most liked post on Instagram as part of your celebration agenda, you'll be glad to know there's an app for that. Remember year-end Top Nine grid photos? Apps like the one that helped people to find those photos are going to be able to help you to find your best performing post ever. So you don't have to scroll back to the days of retro-bordered photos edited in Hipstamatic, you can let an app do the work for you — unless that walk down Valencia lane is how you want to celebrate Instagram's birthday.
If you've been on Instagram since it first hit the app store in October 2010, you're likely going to find that your most popular picture is recent. Once upon a time, it was exciting to get more than nine likes, since there weren't as many people on the app. Back then, spending an entire day on Instagram was simply impossible because there wasn't enough content to scroll for more than a few minutes.
But the times, as they say, have changed. Here's how to find your most liked post so that you can re-share it — for even more cumulative likes.
Download An App To Find Your Most Liked Instagram
In the App Store, you'll find that Top Nine is one of the highest rated post aggregators for single-year retrospectives. So if you're just looking to see your most popular posts from 2020, download the free app, type in your username, save the grid to your photo roll and check out the data for each post. Best Grid provides a similar service for 2019. It also gives you a fun animation with your stats for the year prior, like how many followers you have, how many posts you made, and how many likes and comments you received.
But if you want to go back in time, BestNine will allow you to select individual years, or purchase an all-time report for $0.99. This third-party app requires give it access to your Instagram, so if that doesn't jive with your security settings, you'll want to skip this app altogether.
Use Instagram Insights For Your Recent Top Posts
If you use Instagram as a business or creator, you have access to Insights. This feature will show you your most liked photo, but only within the last two years. If you have a feeling this time frame is representative of the peak of your whole Instagram experience, because your following has been steadily growing, this is all you need. What's more, it's free and doesn't involve any extra download space. To find your top posts, tap Insights on your profile page, then tap Accounts Reached, and then scroll down to Top Posts and See All. You can sort these by Reach — so, the number of people who saw the post, total — or by Likes.