Though checking your email inbox might be the least relaxing thing in the world, there is something particularly soothing about having separated filters in our inbox. It might be easy to take for granted, but it’s especially convenient when those relentless promotion emails from a restaurant you went to once in your life are filtered out of your work emails. But, when it comes to our iMessage inbox, navigating through unread messages can feel overwhelming.
If you’ve been wishing you could establish some order amongst countless group chats, automated texts, and messages from your sneaky link, then you might be glad to know that iMessage offers the ability to filter your inbox.
The filters that iMessage offers aren’t quite as advanced as what you might be used to on your email, like separating content into different folders or starring them for later. However, they can be particularly convenient if you often receive automated updates or spam texts from unknown numbers. Plus, the filters add an extra layer of protection by preventing links from unknown numbers from opening until they’ve been added to your contacts.
Filtering your iMessage inbox can be especially helpful when it comes to just generally decluttering your inbox. Not only can it help you to prioritize your contacts’ messages first, but it can also allow you to delete messages from unknown senders all in one go.
If you’re ready to do some mindful cleaning on your iMessage inbox, here’s how to filter your iMessage.
Can You Filter Messages From Unknown Senders On The iPhone?
To filter your iMessage inbox, first tap the “Settings” icon on your home screen, which should look like a gear. Next, scroll to Messages, then scroll down toward the bottom of the screen. You should see a setting that says “MESSAGE FILTERS” and a toggle for a setting that reads “Filter Unknown Senders.” From there, turn that toggle green.
Now that your messages are filtered, your iMessage inbox will be separated into two separate inboxes: Known Senders and Unknown Senders. To navigate between inboxes, open your iMessage app, and tap “Filters” in the top left corner. Here, you can choose between viewing all of your messages, just your messages from known senders, or just your messages from unknown senders.
Apple does note that, when you turn on iMessage filters, you cannot open links from unknown senders until you add them to your contacts list. This allows you to avoid any spam links and is a tool for added security in your inbox.
You are now free to move about your newly-organized inbox and prioritize messages from your contacts before anything else.