Here's How Scorpio Season Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Each sign will feel intense for a different reason.

We’re deep in the heart of autumn, and keeping with the supernatural spirit, the astrology of Scorpio season 2022 is nothing short of intense. Falling between Oct. 23 and Nov. 21, enigmatic Scorpio will be holding up a mirror to our dark side and probing at our secrets and hidden emotions. But Scorpio season isn’t just about the heavy stuff — it’s also a fitting moment to explore your sensual side, too. With two emotional eclipses and Mars going retrograde, you’ll want to know just how Scorpio season 2022 will affect your zodiac sign.
Being a fixed sign, Scorpios are strong-willed and a tad (OK, very) stubborn. Ruled by transformative Pluto, Scorpio is a courier of the occult and all things mystic and taboo: think sex, death, secrets, and magic. While Scorpios may seem tough on the surface, the intuitive water sign is secretly sensitive underneath. In the same sense, Scorpio season is about exploring the trenches of emotion and unearthing thoughts and desires you’ve kept hidden deep in the crevices of your soul. Sound dramatic? That’s because Scorpios crave passion and intimacy, so expect Scorpio season to tug at your heartstrings as you get raw and vulnerable in your relationships.
“While the Sun cycles through Scorpio, you will find that your energy will flow to where you focus your attention, so being intentional is crucial,” Desiree Roby Antila, astrologer and author of Sun Signs In Love tells Bustle. “The energy of this time is intense and concentrated gifting us with a space to tap into our resourcefulness.”
Scorpio season falls hot on the heels of an emotional new moon in its native sign on Oct. 25, bringing attention to loose ends, grievances, and bitter feelings. The full moon lunar eclipse follows on Nov. 8 in headstrong Taurus, which impacts our self-worth and material comforts. “Eclipse season is not a time for manifestations but rather a season of accepting what comes and adjusting accordingly,” says Antila. What’s more, Mars officially goes retrograde on Oct. 30, and the planet of aggression and impulse will slow down our projects and drain our energy.
With all the drama unfolding in the cosmos in the upcoming weeks, it’s a good time to look within. Keep reading to learn how Scorpio season 2022 affects your zodiac sign and how to use Scorpio’s dark magic to step into your power.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
What do you need to let go of, Aries? Scorpio season is helping you understand the reservations you may have that prevent you from actively pursuing and defining the things you want. It’s a good moment to pause and do some spiritual digging.
“Allow yourself to become more vulnerable to allow space for what is meant to be,” explains Antila. “With Gemini reversing in your house of communication and local community, you will feel activated to get out more. However, you will find yourself negotiating conflict often.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Scorpio season marks a pivotal time for your relationships, Taurus. This is a great moment to check in with the conditions of your romantic, professional, and one-on-one partnerships — this is a season of letting go of the connections that don’t serve your best interest.
“This could be the beginning of the end or the beginning of a new chapter,” explains Antila. “With Gemini reversing in your house of money and security, you may need to make some bold choices when it comes to stabilizing your finances.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You may feel out of sorts as Scorpio season shifts your day-to-day, Gemini. Are there elements to your daily ritual that you’ve outgrown? Take this time to reorganize your schedule but leave enough for self-care, too.
“This is a great time to realize that you do not have to do it all on your own. Ask for help if you find yourself in a bind and take notice of who is there for you when you need it most,” says Antila. “Make sure to get a lot of rest, because you will feel like you are [moving] at warp speed.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Passionate Scorpio is inspiring your creative side, Cancer. Pay attention to what brings you pleasure, big or small. Don’t fight off the creative blocks granted by Mars retrograde as these delays are often for a reason — mastery takes time!
“What brings you joy most in life? Tap into your inner child and do what makes you happy,” Antila explains. “Your intuition will be activated [this season]. You may find yourself wanting to be alone more than usual making it the perfect time to lay dormant and tap into your innermost desires.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Prepare to get sentimental during Scorpio season, Leo. The upcoming weeks are about breaking cycles and healing in terms of family and home. “Take some PTO if you need a reset and spend some time with the people that fill up your cup,” Antila explains.
But your healing journey doesn’t need to be lonely. Mars retrograde is reminding you to allow yourself to lean on others for comfort. “You will feel the urge to gather your crew. This could lead you to connect with old friends or new ones that have the same vision as you,” she says.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Scorpio season is a reminder that following your intuition is just as important as being analytical, Virgo. Lean into your spiritual side for answers you’ve been searching for. “Now is a great time to receive downloads, but not a great time to act on them. So invite what comes and then wait until eclipse season is over to act on it,” Antila says.
Your gut feelings may lead you to make super important connections. “This is a great time to check in with your contacts by strengthening existing work contacts. After all, work life can be all about who you know,” adds Antila.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Reveling in material comforts can only take you so far, Libra. Scorpio season is helping you consolidate your self-worth, but it’s also forcing you to get real about your money habits, too. Review your budget and create healthy, realistic new plans. “You’ll want to make sure to revise your responses so that they are not too brash. This is not a great time to move into new territory, but rather revisit planes you are more familiar with,” she says.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
It may feel like you’re outgrowing people and places right now, Scorpio. Allow yourself to sit in these strong emotions as long as you can, but remember the power of rebirth. Follow your intuition as this season gives you new insight into the answers you’ve been looking for.
“Scorpio season is bringing some major change that you have been needing,” says Antila. “Mars retrograde will be bringing up some things from the past that need to be addressed so you can shed another layer of skin to give you the new options you are craving.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You’ve put in the work. Now it’s time to reap your rewards, Sagittarius. Scorpio season is prompting you to reflect on the major milestones and appreciate that there’s beauty in endings. “It’s time to say goodbye and start thinking about a new star to reach for,” explains Antila. Mars’ backspin is a powerful moment to address issues in your relationship that have been gnawing at you. “No more brushing things under the rug. It is time to put the work in to make your relationship the best it can be,” she adds.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Scorpio season may add a little spice to your friendship circle, Capricorn. Whether it’s through secrets, gossip, or cultivating a more intimate bond with your friends, it’s a good moment to focus on the state of your friendships and how you can improve them. “Connecting with your crew during this time will be a great way for you to spend your Scorpio season,” says Antila.
Mars’ backspin is slowing down your day-to-day, but remain your usual stoic self to combat the drama that this may bring. “Something that assists you in your daily life may suddenly become unavailable,” she adds. “This is going to teach you how to work smarter, not harder. This will stretch you, so make sure to make time for rest.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Changes in your career and public life are afoot, Aquarius. You’re in the limelight, and with all these eyes on you, you may feel particularly vulnerable. New opportunities call for endings. “Scorpio season may bring a promotion, a new job offer, a pay raise, or a sign that it is time to do something different altogether. This will have you in the spotlight,” says Antila.
Mars retrograde prompts the perfect time for a social media cleanse and pour your focus into your creative projects as well as practice self-intimacy. “This could be the time you need to review and reestablish your confidence,” Antila adds.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Scorpio season is inspiring your inner adventure-seeker, Pisces. Follow the inspiration to new places, but remember to give yourself time to explore your domestic world, too. Allow this month to expand your perspective on what you’ve been keeping to yourself.
“Scorpio season will bring travel and learning into focus, bringing an opportunity to transport, teach, or learn,” explains Antila. “This is a great time to reevaluate your home and roots and what you want to accomplish in that arena from now to the end of the year.”
Desiree Roby Antila, astrologer and author