Leo Season Is Bringing Seriously Good Vibes To All Zodiac Signs This Month
Our cosmic summer can finally begin.

It's bold, it's bright, it's beautiful: It's Leo season 2020, folks! And it's here to sprinkle a little bit of astrological sunshine into our collective summer. It's time to dry out our tears after the month-long sob session that was Cancer season (was that just me?) and celebrate as the Sun moves into Leo, which takes place on July 22. This warm, enthusiastic, and boisterous placement for the life-giving Sun brings a fresh breeze of positivity and self-confidence that should deliver some seriously good vibes after what's otherwise been a pretty rough summer. If Cancer season's Mercury retrograde period and series of eclipses took you on an emotional roller coaster, think of Leo season as a warm ray of sunshine that'll help you get in touch with your creative side and shine your light into the world with a little more luminosity.
Leo is the zodiac's fixed fire sign, and its ruling planet is the glittering Sun itself — which inspires us all to get a little more glammed up, step into the spotlight with an extra shimmer of confidence, and embrace our inner starlet. "Leo energy allows us to be bolder, brighter, and reach for the stars," astrologer Mysticalcraft Arriana of Keen tells Bustle. "Often during the Leo season, we will find ourselves seeking out adventures and wanting more attention ... This is why we tend to make decisions we have been hesitant [about] and believe in ourselves more as we strive for changes." Leo energy is as sparkly as it is hardworking, and as generous as it is attention-loving. It's a great time to express yourself through creative projects, embrace things that make you happy, and get a little bit bolder when it comes to showing off your best assets. Leo season asks you to ditch your shyness in favor of bright self-confidence — because this will inspire others to do the same, and we could all use a little boost of feel-good energy right about now.
"The Leo Sun's outgoing nature mixed with the summer sunshine makes us want to reach out for more," Arriana says. "This is not the time to worry about the little things — it is time to shine." The fresh astrological vibes will beam their light into everyone's life a little bit differently, of course, so read on to find out how Leo season 2020 will affect your zodiac sign when it comes to love, friendship, and work.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Love: Have you ever been flirtier, Aries? Your love life is bursting with pleasure and excitement all season long, so don't waver in your confidence and let your inner self shine. You're sure to catch the eye of whatever cuties you've got on your radar.
Career: You rarely struggle to speak your mind at work — but this season, focus on sharing creative ideas rather than opinions. It's your artistic, personal flair that will bring you the most accolades right now when it comes to your career.
Friendship: As a fellow fire sign, Leo season is always a bright and beautiful time for you, and you'll likely see your friendships and connections blossoming. Prioritize lighthearted good times with your crew and plan to have some fun in the sun.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Love: It may the middle of summer, but in typical Taurus fashion, you're more in the mood to cuddle up at home with your partner or text your crush from the coziness of your bed. Take things slow and gentle, and don't forget to work through your personal stuff before getting in too deep with someone new.
Career: You might find it hard to find the motivation to chase your work goals with the tenacity you hoped you would, but you might feel more clear-headed if you make sure your living and working spaces feel clear and supportive. Clean up your desk or office area and spruce it up with fresh flowers or a lil' rearranging to bring some renewed energy.
Friendship: This is a great time to connect with your childhood friends or schedule some bonding time with your closest crew. You're craving the comfort of the people who know you best.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Love: Love is all about communication for an air sign like you, Gem, and this season you're feeling more confident than ever in your ability to express yourself. Heart-to-heart conversations with your crush or partner will scratch your romantic itch.
Career: If you've been lagging when it comes to catching up on e-mails or making some overdue calls, expect to finally get a burst of motivation to get things done. Embrace this burst of energy by wrapping up loose ends on some of your more mundane projects so you can focus your energy on bigger things.
Friendship: As is in your true Gemini nature, you'll be the chattiest Kathy on the block this season. Expect lots of phone calls, Zoom happy hours, and fun conversations with whoever happens to be around — whether it's a roommate, colleague, or just a friendly face at the grocery story.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Love: Sensuality is the way to your heart right now, lil crab. Plan a romantic, Valentine's Day-worthy date night with your partner. Leo season is your official excuse to bust out the nice champagne and splurge on some fresh roses.
Career: Money is coming in hot right now, Cancer, so be ready to vouch for your worth and revv things up at work. Your dream career can be yours — and it's a wonderful time to start embracing your boldest and most confident self when it comes to chasing those dreams.
Friendship: Love and work will certainly be keeping you busy this month, Cancer, but it's a good time to show your friends some love and remind them how you value their presence in your life. Venmo a friend a few bucks to treat themselves to a coffee or send a heartfelt text to someone who might need the loving boost.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Love: You're a naturally generous lover, but it's OK to indulge your own pleasures a little bit this month. After all, you're the birthday baby! Prioritize your needs when it comes to love and allow yourself to bask in the glow of your crush's adoration.
Career: All eyes are on you this season, Leo — just how you like it! You're feeling like the mental fog has finally started to clear and that you're on steadier ground when it comes to work. Let your confidence shine through and know that your colleagues are seeing you for the star you are.
Friendship: It's party time, Leo babe. Whether it's a Zoom rager or a quarantine pod picnic, it's a great time to connect with friends and celebrate the sunshine of the summer and the star of the season: you!
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Love: Sometimes love isn't about logic, Virgo — sometimes it's just a feeling. Allow your fantasies to lead you to your desires rather than trying to rationalize what's in your heart. Turning off the inner-critic can allow your true feelings in romance to come into a clearer focus.
Career: Your intuition is on fire, so believe in yourself! You may not feel super focused on getting things done at work right now, Virgo, but you'll find that you can more easily see the direction that you'd like to take. Up the self-care and don't let yourself get overworked.
Friendship: It's not the most social month for you, and you might find that you'd prefer some extra time to nap rather than socialize with friends. See if you can't squeeze in a couple heartfelt phone conversations or a meditation session with someone you trust, just to get you out of your introspection.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Love: 2020 has been tough on relationships, especially for a social butterfly like you — so make an effort to spice up your love life by bringing a more social element into it in whatever ways you can. Perhaps you can attend a virtual game night as a couple, or just Zoom with some mutual friends.
Career: Collaboration is making everything happen for you at work this month, Libra. Use your charming people skills to make group projects run a little more smoothly, and don't be afraid to engage your coworkers for extra feedback.
Friendship: This is a gorgeously social season for you, so don't hold back when it comes to saying yes to (safe and socially-distanced) plans! You've been exhausted by work and emotions lately, so booking up your calendar with friends instead of jobs will serve as a nice break from the grind.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Love: You're a scorpion on a mission, and you might find it hard to make much time for love right now. If you're in a relationship, make sure you're communicating with your partner so they know where your mind is at, in case you seem distracted. And if you're single, it's OK to slow down on the dating scene in order to focus on yourself.
Career: Now is the time to capitalize on your power at work, lil' scorpion. If you've been waiting for the right time to make a power move — like carrying out an intense project, asking for a raise or promotion, or pitching an epic new idea — the current moment is full of auspicious vibes. Go for the gold.
Friendship: You have a tendency to get competitive, but right now, you'll likely find that connections with your colleagues actually feel more helpful than threatening. Try to let your guard down and trust that you're not being judged or sized up. Your presence speaks for itself.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Love: When a Sagittarius gets bored, it's not a pretty sight — but the excitement in your relationship isn't just up to your lover to provide! If you need to mix things up in love, just say so. Suggest some fun new date ideas or ways to spice things up in the bedroom. You might be surprised to find your partner is fully on-board.
Career: Don't limit yourself right now, Sag. Even if you don't see yourself growing immensely in your current role at work, open your mind and allow yourself to imagine the ways it could serve as a stepping stone to brighter futures.
Friendship: Call on your friends who broaden your horizons and challenge your opinions. If you lock yourself in an echo chamber, you'll never grow the way you want to — so allow your friends to help your sharpen your views by openly sharing theirs.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Love: Has there been something (or someone) weighing on your heart or holding you back from moving forward and loving someone new? It's due time to get busy with healing and close the old chapters, Cap. New and exciting moments of romance will be coming your way — but only if you make space for them in your heart.
Career: Being hardworking and dedicated to the job is in your nature, Cap, but setting boundaries is a must — as you can't take your work life home with you each day. Work on maintaining a more clear-cut work-life balance that ensures you have time off to give your mind a break.
Friendship: Don't be afraid to extend an olive branch to a friend from the past who you may have cut ties with a way that doesn't sit quite right. Now's a great time to seek closure — or perhaps even rekindle a special bond with someone who you've fallen out of touch with.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Love: This is a hot and heavy month for you as far as relationships go, Aqua. You may not be the romantic type, but you'll find yourself pouring a lot of your energy into your love life right now. If you're single, you might also find you're down to be a little more committal. Do what feels right.
Career: Bright your social and bright energy into your relationships with your colleagues this month. By strengthening your professional connections and allowing yourself to get to know the people you work with, you'll find that you're able to maneuver things better for yourself in the future.
Friendship: You love being at the center of a bustling social group, but this month will shift your focus onto one-on-one hang outs. Allow yourself to chill and enjoy quality time with close friends — no need to seek out a party every night when you have more fun sipping wine and giggling at home.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Love: Is your current relationship a healthy thing for you, dear Pisces, or is it weighing on your heart in a way that's throwing you off your game? This month is a great time to address anything that's less-than-functioning in your love life and get it cleaned up.
Career: Tackling your to-do list will be easy, as you're feeling extra confident and focused when it comes to managing your schedule and taking care of business. By the end of the season, you'll be the most organized person in the office.
Friendship: Link up with friends who will support you in your healthy living goals, whether that's someone who always encourages you to think positively or a friend who's down to do a daily yoga challenge together. You're more into having a spiritual squad right now rather than a group of party friends.