
Here's How Athletes Will Have Sex In The Olympic Village This Year

The 2021 Games come with extra rules and tiny beds.

by Amanda Chatel
Originally Published: 
The 2021 Olympics have tiny beds and lots of Olympic Village rules.
AKIO KON/AFP/Getty Images

While everyone soaks up their post-vax, hot girl summers, athletes, coaches, and others in Olympic Village are encouraged to keep everything G-rated this year. With only 8% of Japan fully vaccinated, COVID-19 restrictions are extra tight in the Olympic Village at the 2021 Games.

Outside of the televised games, the Olympics have historically been full of behind-the-scenes, X-rated content. Back in 2018, PyeongChang handed out the most free condoms in the history of the Winter Olympics, equaling a cool 37 condoms per athlete. And in Rio 2016, Olympians took to Twitter to brag about their, ahem, extra achievements.

Among roommates, tiny beds, and strict social-distancing rules, trying to get it on at the Olympic Village this year is like trying to get it on in a religious boarding school. Upon landing in Japan, athletes were assigned a COVID-19 Liaison Officer (CLO), to ensure they follow protocol. What’s more the third and final version of the Tokyo Playbook, released on June 15, states athletes must “keep physical interactions with others to a minimum” and “avoid physical contact, including hugs and handshakes.” According to the playbook, failure to comply to these rules can result in fines, disqualification, and metal stripping.

So with extra rules and very tiny beds, here’s how Olympians may get it on in 2021.


They’ll Find Their Comfort Zone

In Rio 2016, American swimmer Ryan Lochte, famously said that roughly 70 to 75% of people engage in sexual activity while in the Olympic village. While these Games were dubbed, “Raunchy Rio” it’s impossible to say how many athletes were actually getting busy in their rooms. Just like any sexual encounter, Olympians need to find their own comfort levels with getting it on. While others may be doing it, certainly not everyone is getting frisky off the field.


They’ll Take Advantage Of The Privacy

This year more than ever, the Olympic Village is totally isolated. This means no reporters or parents are allowed on the premises and dining halls and common areas have limited capacity. Though there’s more rules in place, there’s also likely more privacy than past years. Athletes aren’t allowed to eat out, use public transit, or wander around Tokyo — meaning there’s less chance of being seen by fans or paparazzi. This extra privacy may allow for some extra low-key loving.


They’ll Get Creative

The theory that the Olympic beds were “anti-sex” this year turned out to be false, and according to CNBC, the cardboard beds hold up to 440 pounds and are stronger than most wooden beds. They’re made from recycled cardboard, and will be recycled after the games, as part of Japan’s sustainably concept, “Be better, together — For the planet and the people.” While they are sturdy, they’re also narrow, so getting two (or more!) athletes on them may require some flexibility (or spooning.)

Because of small beds or roommates, there’s been a colorful history of outdoor sex at the Olympics too. In fact, during the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, outdoor sex was banned. Apparently, unable to find places inside to have sex, the Olympians took to doing it outside at such a rate that it had to be officially stopped.


They May Try Virtual Sex

In a 2020 survey conducted by sex toy retailer LoveHoney of 1,200 Americans, 89% of respondents reported to sexting and 48% reported having virtual sex to keep the heat up during quarantine. As they likely don’t have typical office jobs, Olympians probably aren’t suffering from Zoom fatigue like many others. This means getting it on over the phone may be a good option for people in the Olympic village this year.


They’ll Probably Consider Making It A Group Thing

During the 2010 Winter Game in Vancouver, ESPN reported that a "whirlpool orgy" took place among several Olympians from Germany, Canada, and Austria. So, if you can't get any proper privacy, then opting for a group thing might be a pretty good idea — and a fun one at that.

Of course, with the extra social-distancing rules this year a multiple-person sex party may be more of a closing ceremony thing.

6They’ll Make Use Of Dating Apps

Dating app popularity has steadily been increasing in Japan, according to CNBC. From 2019 to 2020, the country saw a 125% increase in dating app usage, and that was before the influx of tourists and athletes. This isn’t the first time dating apps have surged around the Games. In 2016, Tinder usage increased 129% in the Olympic Village in Rio. During the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Tinder use skyrocketed in the area. And two years before, during 2012 Summer Games in London, Grindr actually crashed from the huge influx of users.


They’ll Masturbate

As you can imagine, Olympic athletes are on serious training regimens. That, with a mixture of pent-up endorphins and adrenaline, (not to mention the 9,000 calories they eat a day), may make athletes a little extra horny. For pelvic health physical therapist and sex educator Dr. Uchenna "UC" Ossai, during the Olympics, athletes may need a sexual release.

“It is widely known that high-level physical performance and fitness have an elevating effect when it comes to overall sexual function,” Dr. Ossai previously told Bustle. "Sexual activity is a truly loyal friend when it comes to mood, pain management, sleep quality, and pelvic floor function.”

But because of this year’s extra restrictions, many athletes may choose to get it on as a party of one this year.


Some Will Wait Until The End Of The Olympics

Even if they don’t get a medal this year, they won’t be going home empty-handed. This year, the Olympics are giving out 160,000 free condoms in goody bags upon exit. This means the long journey home may result in some new members to the mile-high club.

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