Everything You Need For A Frighteningly Good Virtual Halloween Party
You'll still be able to show off your spooky looks to your friends and family.

It’s the season of all things spooky. Like most big events this year, halloween feels a little bit different due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, just because the pandemic means you can’t gather with your pals doesn’t mean that halloween parties are totally off the table. Throw it back to the start of the pandemic and get your pals together for a virtual call. So here’s how to have a Zoom halloween party.
Video calling has been essential during the pandemic. In the times when you couldn’t go to your favourite pub you could still meet with loved ones on a Friday night for a glass of wine. As restrictions tighten across the UK, face-to-face halloween parties will unfortunately not be on the cards this year but with a little organisation Zoom could be the answer to your fright night woes.
Step One: Make The Invite Extra Spooky
I know, it’s 2020 and you probably wouldn’t send your friends invites to a halloween party beyond sending them a text or a dm. However, you have to send an e-invite to video calls, so why not give it a spooky twist. You can change the wording and add GIFs just so your mates know exactly what they’re in for. You can also lay out an itinerary of all the spooky shenanigans you plan on getting up to during the evening.
Step Two: Get Out The Spooky Decor
You wouldn’t dream of having a halloween party at your house without some spooky decor. It isn’t a party without a hanging skeleton and pumpkins galore. And just because friends aren’t coming to your house doesn’t mean you shouldn't decorate. Get everyone to decorate the room they’ll be in for the party and you can judge who has gone to the most effort. Winner gets a trick or treat.
If accessing decorations is difficult the you can change your Zoom backgrounds to something on-theme.
Step Three: Make A Scary Feast
Halloween is all about the treats as well as the tricks. Make sure you have plenty of sweets and baked goods on hand to get the party going in your living room. You don't have to make them all yourself but there are some super easy recipes for halloween goodies like eyeball pops and slash cakes. You could also swap out your usual beverage choice for a spooky punch.
Step Four: Have A Costume Runway
Getting all dressed up with nowhere to go has been a bit of a theme in lockdown. However, that doesn’t have to be the case on Oct. 31. Encourage your attendees to dress up as they normally would, make sure there’s no costume crossovers, and then have a virtual halloween catwalk. The person with the most inventive outfit wins a prize and you don’t have to splash out on an elaborate scary look. Get creative and make one out of clothes you already own and items around your house.
Step Five: DIY Halloween Games
Once your friends have arrived on the call and have shown off their looks then it's time to start having some fun. Some games require more preparation than others but your evenings entertainment could look like a game of murder mystery, a true crime quiz, or scary story competition. Halloween 2020 is going to be a little bit more DIY and the entertainment can be as laid back or competitive as you’d like. So long as there's a prize for everyone to have their eyes on.
Step Six: Pumpkin Carving
Nothing screams ‘wholesome halloween fun’ quite like pumpkin carving. On your e-invite let your party attendees know they’ll each need a pumpkin, big or small, and a tea light. Pumpkin's can get a bit scarce the closer you get to Oct. 31 so make sure everyone is given plenty of warning to get theirs.
Step Seven: End The Night With A Horror Film
To end your party you can do a poll to see what horror film everyone wants to watch and turn it on at the same time. You’re still on camera so it’s a little bit like being snuggled around a sofa together but from the safety of your own home. And if you’re anything like me (a massive wuss) you can pick a moderate thriller and join in the fun.