Everything To Know About The Rare Blue Full Moon On Halloween
A full moon? On Halloween? In 2020? Yep, it's gonna be crazy.

Halloween is obviously a very special day (I mean, hello, it's only the climax of spooky season), but this year it's even more significant, because it also happens to be the date of the second October 2020 full moon. That means we'll be kicking off the month with a spunky full moon in Aries, and wrapping it up with this very special blue moon in the earthy sign of Taurus, charging up the whole month with the illuminating energy of these powerful lunations. Whether you plan to glitz yourself up in full costume or simply chill at home with horror movies and snacks, you'll want to know exactly how the Halloween 2020 full moon will affect your zodiac sign — because it's going to be major.
A blue moon is the term used to describe the second full moon that takes place during a single calendar month, and this relatively rare occurrence is made even more exciting given that it'll light up the skies on Halloween night this year. Because this spook-tastic full moon moment takes place in the fixed earth sign Taurus, it'll shine its emotional spotlight onto Venusian matters of love, money, and pleasure. Use this energy to wrap up loose ends when it comes to financial dealings and also seek some closure and grounding within your romantic situation-ships. But beware of unexpected changes of heart or sudden detours in plans, as Uranus, planet of change, is aspecting both the moon and the sun during this lunation, which adds an element of unpredictability to Halloween's lunar vibe.
If you want to know how the blue moon on Halloween 2020 will affect you, read on — and make your Spook-tober plans accordingly.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Resist the urge to release your endless supply of Aries energy onto the world right now, and instead, embrace a slower pace that allows you to make more practical decisions around love, money, and resources. A little groundedness can go a long way — and will allow you to take in and enjoy your surroundings. Just remember: If you do make some fun Halloween plans, keep your wallet in check, and don't go splurging so hard that you regret it the next morning.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
This is your sign's full moon of 2020, Taurus, and it's going to be an illuminating one. While you can sometimes be a homebody, this lunation will have you seeking the spotlight a little more than usual, so try to plan something fun for Halloween and don't shy away from a flashy costume that'll draw you some attention. This is a time to have fun and get in touch with your will, your drive, and your true self.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You may not be feeling very social under the blue moon, Gemini — especially given that your ruling planet Mercury is in the middle of a retrograde come Halloween — but that isn't slowing down your active mind one bit. Carve out some alone time to spend with yourself at home during the full moon so you can reevaluate your current trajectory, and be sure it aligns with what your higher self really desires.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This blue moon is bringing your right out of your shell, Cancer, so call up your crew and plan something safe and social for Halloween night. You're clearly seeing the value of your friendships and community during this lunation, and things seem to be falling into place socially — which makes you feel like a helpful part of the group. Connect with your friends and allow their energy to boost your spirits and make this luminary enjoyable.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Let the light of the blue moon shine down on your career life, Leo baby. This is a great time to focus energy on being more comfortable with the public-facing persona that you've built for yourself. Don't be afraid to start pitching for that pay raise and taking the lead on projects that light your fire. Most importantly, let go of imposter syndrome — your success at work is no Halloween costume, so step into your power and acknowledge your own value in the workplace.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Having a full moon lighting up the skies in a fellow earth sign is inspiring you to lean into your pleasure-seeking side in the most adventurous of ways, Virgo. While you may not be hopping on a plane for a last-minute Halloween getaway, you might scratch your itch for excitement by watching a fun foreign horror flick or cooking a meal inspired by a faraway country's cuisine. Now's a time to broaden your horizons in the realm of sensory experiences.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You may be a master of small talk, Libra, but this full moon will prompt you to get way deeper than usual with your feels and focus. It's a great time to explore your intimate relationships, and additionally, you'll likely find yourself drawn to the darker parts of yourself. As far as Halloween goes, this is a perfect vibe — so go with a more taboo or spook-inspired costume than you might usually to indulge your full moon feelings.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Halloween's blue moon is the major full moon of your birthday season, Scorpio, and it's igniting the relationship sector of your chart. Expect to feel drawn deep into the dramatics of your one-on-one partnerships in love or at work — but not in a bad way! The clarity that this lunation brings will offer you a chance to get real about how to give and receive pleasure and value in relationships, and that can only make them stronger.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
This full moon is all about self-care for you, Sag, so prepare to blend your current intentions with your daily routine. Find ways to incorporate healthy sensory experiences into your wellness schedule — booking a massage, shopping for nutritious ingredients for home-cooked meals, or making time for relaxing bubble baths are all great ways to take care of yourself, decrease stress, and make your body feel good.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
It's not easy for a hardworking Capricorn like you to throw work to the wayside in favor of pleasure, but with the full moon in fellow earth sign Taurus, you may be inspired to put fun and passion on the front burner come Halloween night. Take a break from stress to have some fun and do what brings you joy — allowing excitement to lead the way when it comes to making plans.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
As an air sign, you're naturally equipped with getting comfortable with new ideas and opening your mind to fresh ways of thinking. But allowing yourself to be physically present with your surroundings doesn't always come as easily — and this blue moon is inspiring you to lean into that side of yourself more. Spend this lunation connecting with family or longtime friends who know you in and out, and can remind you of who you are on the inside.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
This fun Halloween lunation is lighting up your social life, Pisces! Your phone will be blowing up with texts from friends to feel out Halloween plans, and you'll be in the mood to chat and enjoy the pleasure of lighthearted conversation. Whether you have some socially-distanced drinks with friends or just spend the night in gossiping on the phone, you'll be embracing your more talkative side.