243 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions To Liven Up The Party
Would you rather go 30 days without the internet or showers?

Would You Rather — the game we’ve all played since our debuts on this earth — is as thought-provoking now as it was when we were asking each other “Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?” in the second grade. Only now we get to do so over a big ole glass of red and err on the side of unhinged, adult, and 100% goofy.
Nearly anything can be turned into a party game, and having some funny “would you rather” questions up your sleeve for your next gathering will have everyone busting guts and deeply contemplating the most irrelevant and implausible — albeit entertaining — queries.
As you get deeper into the game, the defenses only get stronger and more heated — especially when there are cute little cocktails to go with your cute little questions. There’s truly nothing like witnessing someone pour their full heart and soul into their stance on why having lettuce for hair is much more desirable than having carrot fingers.
While all of these funny “would you rather” questions will make you chuckle, these goofy prompts cover everything from absurd to downright impossible to answer. Below, find the funniest questions for your next game of Would You Rather.
Funny “Would You Rather” Questions
Would you rather turn into E.T. or an alien from Space Jam every night?
Would you rather be as tall as you are wide or as wide as you are tall?
Would you rather have to swim everywhere you go or bear crawl?
Would you rather have to shake hands with yourself every time you meet someone or offer your foot to them as a handshake?
Would you rather steam out of your ears like a train every time you’re mad or bark like a dog when you’re excited?
Would you rather shed pixie dust or stick to every surface?
Would you rather wear three hats at all times or never wear socks at all?
Would you rather wrangle a four-legged octopus or an eight-legged poodle?
Would you rather always have an eyelash in your eye or always have a hair in your butt crack?
Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
Would you rather not be able to control your laughter, or not be able to control your tears?
Would you rather only be able to speak in riddles or have to sing every sentence?
Would you rather have to communicate only in emojis for a day or speak in rhyme for a week?
Would you rather have to communicate solely through interpretive dance for a day or speak only in puns for a week?
Would you rather have sticky fingers forever or dusty Cheeto fingers forever?
Would you rather eat a tube of chapstick for breakfast every morning or eat every bug you see for the rest of your life?
Would you rather sweat maple syrup or cry Fanta soda?
Would you rather have to eat your used Band-Aids or never wash your hair?
Would you rather be baby-birded by a stranger every time you eat or only eat cat food for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have mud squelching between your toes or coffee dripping from your nose?
Would you rather have your entire body turn lime green whenever you’re nauseous or fuchsia whenever you’re embarrassed?
Would you rather accidentally swallow a spider or a moth?
Would you rather have oven mitts for arms or cucumbers for legs?
Would you rather your hands shrink like a cotton shirt in the drier when you get hot or have them deflate into boneless flesh balloons when you get cold?
Would you rather have a toe the size of a foot or a finger the size of a hand?
Would you rather have an ear for a mouth or have mouths for ears?
Would you rather have an extra arm or an extra leg?
Would you rather be without elbows or be without knees?
Would you rather have your arms dangle to the floor because they’re really long or because you’re really short?
Would you rather know when you’re going to lose a finger or know how you’re going to lose a finger?
Would you rather have a head the size of a watermelon or a golf ball?
Would you rather have the hiccups every day for the rest of your life or feel like you have to sneeze but be unable to for the rest of your life?
Would you rather use eye drops made of vinegar or toilet paper made of sandpaper?
Would you rather be covered in scales or be covered in fur?
Would you rather never know where you’re going or never know what time you’re leaving?
Would you rather have to speak in rhymes or riddles for the rest of your life?
Would you rather hop everywhere or skip everywhere?
Would you rather perform ballet in concrete shoes or play soccer with no knees?
Would you rather shriek every time you laugh or snort every time you cry?
Would you rather have all your dreams live-streamed on Instagram or have your most embarrassing moments go viral on TikTok?
Would you rather have someone 24/7 live screaming your every thought or have everything you do live-streamed on Instagram?
Would you rather the other person get a text notification every time you’ve read their message or have to manually sign into every app every time?
Would you rather have your favorite celebrity follow you or like one of your posts?
Would you rather give up all social media or all streaming services?
Would you rather never be able to use Google or Instagram again?
Would you rather exclude your best friend from your MySpace Top 8 or be excluded from your crush’s?
Would you rather only see dancing videos or OOTDs on your FYP?
Would you rather have one million followers or one follower?
Would you rather fight 500 ostriches or one T-rex?
Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?
Would you rather fight a tiger or a bear?
Would you rather fight a chicken every time you get in your vehicle or an orangutan with a broadsword once a year?
Would you rather fight a dozen 5-year-olds or five 12-year-olds?
Would you rather turn into a dolphin every time you swim or a bird every time you jump?
Would you rather be able to speak to animals, but they all have annoying voices, or be able to speak any language but only while wearing a chicken costume?
Would you rather milk a cow or shear a sheep?
Would you rather rollerblade into a bear den or water-ski over a shark tank?
Would you rather be able to climb a tree like a squirrel or dig burrows like a mole?
Would you rather be kept awake at night by a dog barking or be woken up early by a rooster calling?
Would you rather hug a koala bear or a panda?
Would you rather have a pet parrot that only repeats embarrassing moments from your past or a pet squirrel that steals your socks every day?
Would you rather pet a tarantula or a snake?
Would you rather never use toothpaste again or deodorant again?
Would you rather never floss or never shave?
Would you rather never wash your hair or never clip your nails?
Would you rather lick your hands every time you touch a doorknob or offer your sleeve as a tissue every time someone sneezes?
Would you rather go 30 days without the internet or showers?
Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?
Would you rather do 100 push-ups or 300 sit-ups?
Would you rather never get sweaty or never get sore?
Would you rather have strong arms and weak legs or weak arms and strong legs?
Would you rather have to grunt in satisfaction with every rep or never be able to shower after working out again?
Would you rather forget your headphones every time you go to the gym or get an unpickable wedgie every time you work out?
Would you rather have to work out covered in someone else’s sweat every time you work out or clean everyone else’s equipment with your tongue at every workout?
Would you rather receive a handwritten letter or a flirty pic?
Would you rather be the little or big spoon?
Would you rather send a flirty text or say it in person?
Would you rather date someone younger than you or older than you?
Would you rather never be able to kiss your partner again or never be able to hug them again?
Would you rather your partner constantly be running 15 minutes late or a half hour early?
Would you rather have kids or travel the world?
Would you rather stay in for every date night or go out for every date night?
Would you rather outlive your partner or have your partner outlive you?
Would you rather have regularly scheduled date nights or be spontaneous?
Would you rather I become best friends with my ex, or best friends with yours?
Would you rather have a partner who is always honest but critical or one who tells white lies to spare your feelings?
Would you rather celebrate lots of little relationship milestones or just one big one every year?
Would you rather have a partner with a possibly life-threatening job or a totally time-consuming job?
Would you rather have everyone you know hear you singing in the shower or never sing in the shower again?
Would you rather run out of toilet paper every time you go or only be allowed to use paper towels to dry yourself after a shower?
Would you rather never have to shower again or never have to use the bathroom again?
Would you rather have a 9 a.m. meeting every morning or a 5 p.m. meeting every afternoon?
Would you rather have a job that lets you travel or a job that lets you work from home?
Would you rather have a job with a lot of routine tasks or a job that varies daily?
Would you rather have a high-paying job that you dislike or a lower-paying job you love?
Would you rather work with a small team of experts or a large team with diverse skill sets?
Would you rather sell an organ or empty out your entire bank account?
Would you rather have money or time?
Would you rather win a million dollars or earn a million dollars?
Would you rather be a millionaire or have your dream job that doesn’t pay well?
Would you rather get rich in a way that upsets your family or just make enough money to live?
Would you rather have a major pay raise or move to the place of your dreams?
Win $10,000 or have your best friend win $100,000?
Would you rather spill coffee on your shirt every time you drink it or never drink coffee again?
Would you rather give up caffeine or alcohol forever?
Would you rather have your coffee delivered by a fancy butler in bed or by a cute dog every morning?
Would you rather have one coffee drink per month that’s the size of a bathtub of 50 coffee drinks the size of golf balls?
Would you rather wake up at 5 a.m. with no coffee or stay up until 3 a.m. with no coffee?
Would you rather live in a big city or in the countryside?
Would you rather go on a road trip or go backpacking?
Would you rather have an Italian accent or an English accent?
Would you rather be known for being attractive or being funny?
Would you rather be the smartest person in the room or the funniest person in the room?
Would you rather only be able to text or call me for the rest of your life?
Would you rather live in a world where everyone shares everything, and there are no personal possessions, or a world where everyone is completely self-reliant, and nothing is shared?
Would you rather live in a world where there are no laws or a world where there are strict and unchangeable laws with harsh consequences?
Would you rather watch horror movies or cartoons?
Would you rather give up your cell phone or your video games?
Would you rather only watch Pixar movies or only watch Disney movies?
Would you rather go on a game show or a reality show?
Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance along to every song you hear?
Would you rather be able to teleport or fly?
Would you rather be able to read people’s minds or tell the future?
Would you rather have the power to change the past or control the future?
Would you rather be able to read minds but can't turn it off or never be able to lie?
Would you rather have a pause or rewind person in your life?
Would you rather have three great friends or 20 average friends?
Would you rather lose all of your friends but keep your BFF, or lose your best friend but keep the rest of your buds?
Would you rather have people spread a terrible lie about you or have people spread terrible but true tales about you?
Would you rather be rich with no friends or poor and popular?
Would you rather be beloved by the general public but your family and friends hate you, or be hated by the general public but your family and friends love you?
Would you rather have tons of mediocre friends or one really loyal dog?
Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or everyone you know have access to your internet history?
Would you rather get stuck in an elevator with your ex and their partner, or with your partner and their ex?
Would you rather make a movie about your most embarrassing moment or publish your diary?
Would you rather never speak to your ex again or become good friends?
Would you rather show friends every photo on your phone or read out loud every text you’ve sent this week?
Would you rather have to wear mismatched shoes for a month or a suit made entirely of duct tape for a week?
Would you rather wear the same outfit for a year or switch closets with someone of your mother’s choice?
Would you rather wear only gold or silver for the rest of your life?
Would you rather wear only DIY clothing or neon onesies printed with texts from your mom for a month?
Would you rather wear a hula hoop for an earring or dental floss for underwear for a year?
Would you rather always look outdated or awkwardly futuristic?
Would you rather always know the truth, no matter how painful, or live in blissful ignorance?
Would you prefer to be remembered as successful or as kind?
Lose all of the money you’ve earned this year or lose all of the memories you’ve gained this year?
Have the lights on or off if you knew the room was full of snakes?
Be married to someone good-looking who doesn’t think you’re attractive or be married to someone ugly who thinks you’re gorgeous?
Would you rather have birthday presents or birthday experiences?
Would you rather have one person show up to your birthday party out of 70 invites or 400 people even though you only invited 10?
Would you rather receive a birthday present from someone you don’t like or receive a birthday card from someone you like?
Would you rather have birthday cake-flavored steak or steak-flavored birthday cake?
Would you rather have everyone forget your birthday when you’re excited about it or everybody know it’s your birthday when you’re trying to stay lowkey?
Would you rather it be your birthday every single day for a year and never have another birthday or have one birthday every 10 years?
Would you rather be famous on TikTok or on YouTube?
Would you rather go on tour with your favorite band or star in your own movie?
Would you rather be famous and disliked, or not well known but liked by your circle?
Would you rather be famous for a good deed you didn’t do or go unrecognized for a good deed you did?
Would you rather have the perfect first date or the perfect wedding day?
Would you rather be with the same person for most of your life or with many different people?
Would you rather have your heart broken or break someone else's heart?
Would you rather get a Venmo request nickel and dime-ing you after the best date you’ve ever had or go on a terrible date where they cover everything?
Would you rather cheat and be caught or be cheated on and never be told?
Would you rather cheat on your partner and get away with it, or have them think you cheated even if you didn’t?
Would you rather find out your spouse has been cheating on you for the last two years with someone you don’t know, or find out they cheated on you only once, but it was with your best friend?
Would you rather never age mentally or never age physically?
Would you rather never age and live forever or live a Benjamin Button life and age in reverse?
Would you rather be a mental age of 35 with a physical age of 7 or a mental age of 19 with a physical age of 70?
Would you rather buy 10 things you don’t need every shopping trip, or always forget the one thing you do need every time you go shopping?
Would you rather shop online and have to make exchanges or shop in person and have everything fit the first time?
Would you rather pay $20 for next-day shipping or get free shipping but it takes three weeks?
Would you rather think you’re getting a good deal but really get ripped off or think you’re getting ripped off but really get a good deal?
Would you rather have every meal you eat for the rest of your life be a little too spicy, or a little too sweet?
Would you rather not eat your favorite meal ever again or have to eat only that meal forever?
Would you rather have sheets made of American cheese, or floors made of raw hamburger?
Would you rather not be able to tell a lie, or not be able to tell the truth?
Would you rather be able to lie without being caught or always be able to tell when someone is lying?
Would you rather always be able to know when someone is lying to you or never know?
Would you rather everyone think you’re lying when you’re telling the truth or only be able to tell lies?
Would you rather have six kids or zero?
Would you rather have your kid’s first words be the name of the person you despise most in the world or be a curse word?
Would you rather have one iPad kid or six certified, pasture-raised almond children?
Would you rather live in a mansion in the middle of nowhere or a small house with the ideal location?
Would you rather live in a cozy cabin in the mountains or a modern beachfront villa?
Would you rather have a home with a huge backyard but no front yard, or a home with a spacious front yard but no backyard?
Would you rather live in a tiny house with all modern amenities or a mansion with no electricity?
Would you rather have no windows or no running water?
Would you rather have a small kitchen or a small living room?
Would you rather have a home that's always warm in winter but too hot in summer, or a home that's cool in summer but cold in winter?
Would you rather have a home that has a tiki bar or a movie theater?
Would you rather have a home with a hot tub or a tennis court?
Would you rather have an apartment with a spacious walk-in closet but a small bedroom, or a massive bedroom with minimal closet space?
Would you rather only wear monochrome outfits for the rest of your life or only wear clashing patterns?
Would you rather wear an outfit that's a size too small or a size too big?
Would you rather only wear black and white for the rest of your life or only wear neon colors?
Would you rather wear high heels every day for a month or sneakers with a formal suit for a month?
Would you rather always have perfectly styled hair but wear mismatched clothes, or have impeccable outfits but always have a bad hair day?
Would you rather wear the perfect outfit that makes you uncomfortable all day or a comfortable outfit that doesn’t quite fit the occasion?
Would you rather have a wardrobe full of vintage clothing from the 1920s or futuristic clothing from the 2120s?
Would you rather wear a wedding dress every day or a swimsuit every day?
Would you rather be known as someone with impeccable fashion taste but a limited budget or someone with an unlimited budget but questionable fashion sense?
Would you rather be underdressed at a fancy gala or overdressed at a casual party?
Would you rather have all your tags showing so everyone can see how much you spent on your clothes or have your shirt on backward for a full day?
Would you rather dress inappropriately for the season every day or match with your partner every day?
Would you rather wear the same outfit every day or eat the same food every day?
Would you rather spend a week exploring a busy city or relaxing on a quiet beach?
Would you rather travel alone to a destination where you don't speak the language, or travel with a friend to a place you've been to 25 times before?
Would you rather have free first-class flights for a year but only to destinations you've already visited, or free economy flights to anywhere in the world for a year?
Would you rather stay in a luxury hotel with no Wi-Fi or a hostel with perfect Wi-Fi?
Would you rather visit 15 countries in Europe in one month or spend a month in one country?
Would you rather have a fully planned itinerary for your trip or spontaneously decide what to do each day?
Would you rather travel to places known for their food or their beaches?
Would you rather visit famous tourist attractions or discover hidden gems?
Would you rather have unlimited money for travel but limited time, or unlimited time for travel but limited money?
Would you rather travel to a destination where it's always summer or always winter?
Would you rather have an aisle seat but no legroom or a middle seat with tons of legroom?
Would you rather never use Instagram again or never watch another TV show?
Would you rather have unlimited free Wi-Fi wherever you go or never have to charge your devices again?
Would you rather have a self-driving car or a robot assistant that can do all household chores?
Would you rather have the latest iPhone with average battery life or a slightly older model with exceptional battery life?
Would you rather live without the internet for a week or go without your phone for a week?
Would you rather give up all social media or the ability to text?
Would you rather have unlimited data storage or an unlimited battery life?
Would you rather only communicate through emojis or memes?
Would you rather only communicate with family and friends through Instagram DMs or FaceTime?
Would you rather your phone be stuck in Comic Sans or all caps?
Would you rather have a hot drink during a heat wave or a cold drink on a snowy day?
Would you rather only be able to drink soda for the rest of your life or only be able to drink fruit juice?
Would you rather give up alcohol or soda forever?
Would you rather only spend the rest of your life only drinking water or drinking anything but water?
Would you rather have a milkshake that tastes like your favorite candy, or a smoothie that provides all the nutrients you need for the day?
Would you rather have a drink dispenser filled with unlimited iced tea year-round or one that serves unlimited hot chocolate during the winter months?
Would you rather give up soda or fruit juice forever?
Would you rather only be able to drink a milkshake when you’re exercising or only be able to drink an energy drink before bed?
Would you rather have an energy drink that boosts your mood or one that increases your productivity?
Would you rather explore the ocean in a submarine or go to the moon?
Would you rather go on an African safari adventure or trek through the Amazon rainforest?
Would you rather take a road trip through every state in the U.S. or every country in Europe?
Would you rather take a road trip across the U.S. for two weeks or take a cruise to only one other country?
Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping?
Would you rather capture a stunning sunrise on a camera and share it with others or keep the experience to yourself?
Would you rather star-gaze during a meteor shower or a lunar eclipse?