The 3 Friendliest Zodiac Signs, According To Astrologers
They always have a compliment and a smile.

Some people have the ability to walk into any room full of strangers and leave with three new best friends. They’re always introducing themselves to the person next to them line, they get along with pretty much everyone they meet, and they just seem so confident. If you’ve ever wondered what’s their secret to being such a people person, the answer may be in their birth chart. According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, the friendliest zodiac signs are determined by their ruling sign, modality and element. “All three contribute to your temperament,” Monahan says.
If you were to only look at elements, a general rule is that fire and air signs tend to be the more extroverted and open. “Due to their outward directed energy, they come across as pretty friendly,” Monahan says. “It doesn't necessarily mean they’re nicer, but they definitely come across, at least initially, as more approachable and affable than earth and water signs.”
A zodiac sign’s modality, which is how a sign expresses itself, can also play a role in how friendly they’re likely to be. According to Monahan, mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo) are the most adaptable and therefore, the easiest to connect with. “They leave their judgments at the door and are open to all other perspectives, and their chameleon-like nature means they can adapt to the people around in order to make the energy harmonious,” she says. Because of this, they tend to build relationships quickly.
Finally, a sign’s ruling planet can also determine what their personality is like. Signs that are ruled by the Benefics (Venus and Jupiter) are going to come across in a more social and open way. “Venus wants to connect and is the social glue that brings us all together, while the great benefic, Jupiter, also wants to connect and build deeper, expansive relationships,” Monahan says.
If you take those three factors into consideration, these are the three friendliest signs in the zodiac.
Leo Zodiac Signs (July 23 - August 22)
Fiery Leo is ruled by the Sun, which give this zodiac sign a “very sunny and friendly disposition,” Stina Garbis, astrologer and psychic, tells Bustle. The zodiac’s lion is naturally outgoing, confident and kind. Despite their love for being the center of attention, they’re very loyal and generous with their friends and loved ones. In astrology, Leo rules the fifth house of pleasure and creativity, so they’re all about having a good time and they want others around them to feel the same whether they’re close friends or strangers.
Libra Zodiac Signs (September 23 - October 22)
Anyone with a Sun sign in Libra also tends to be friendly. According to Garbis, Libras have excellent people skills and get along with others very easily. They’re known for being one of the most charming and flirtatious signs in the zodiac. Libras are represented by scales, so they’re all about keeping peace and harmony — you’ll never find a Libra rocking the boat to create drama. They also rule over the seventh house of partnerships, so connecting with others comes naturally to them.
Sagittarius Zodiac Signs (November 22 - December 21)
“Sagittarius doesn’t take things too seriously and in general likes to have a good time,” says Garbis. As a fire sign that’s ruled by lucky Jupiter, Sagittarius is very outgoing, go-with-the-flow, and optimistic. They’re known for having a great sense of humor, and tend to become the life of the party no matter who they’re with. Sagittarius love to travel and explore the world, and a big part of that is meeting new people. They’re very open-minded, so that helps to put people at ease when they first meet.
Stina Garbis, professional astrologer and psychic
Clarisse Monahan, astrologer