Your Daily Pull
Your Daily Tarot Card For Friday, February 7
Kick anxiety to the curb.

Today’s tarot card is Temperance, which shows an angelic figure pouring water from one golden cup to another. It represents balance, peace, harmony, flow, and moderation, and it’s a great one to see as you head into the weekend.
If you typically feel pulled in a million directions on Fridays, then this is your sign to slow down. The weekend brings with it a lot of pressure to go out and have fun, as well as the desire to stay in, watch garbage TV, and get your life in order. Two equally great options, but polar opposites in terms of energy.
The appearance of this major arcana card suggests you should do a little bit of both, if that feels right. Maybe you say no to dinner plans tonight in favor of relaxing after work, but agree to see friends for brunch on Sunday. Maybe you go on a date this evening so that you feel better about staying in tomorrow. You get the idea.
Instead of choosing between doing everything or nothing, land somewhere in the middle. As you go about your day, think about what would make you feel good — and then make sure you do it.
In a tarot reading, Temperance reminds you not to go overboard with anything, so you might also want to take a social media break, skip your doom-scrolling sesh, or bow out of your busy group chat. The name of the game is to focus on feeling centered today.
This card also has a patient energy to it. If you’ve been waiting for a big change, an answer, or a major shift in your life, it suggests you need to hang tight a little longer. To squash the anxiety, try to stop thinking about the past or worrying about the future.
Instead of fretting, find ways to be present today by meditating, journaling, or going on a color walk, aka TikTok’s latest mindfulness activity. Today should feel peaceful and calm, especially in comparison to yesterday, so take a deep breath and enjoy.