Your Daily Pull
Your Bank Account's Tarot Reading For Friday, February 21
Look at you, feeling abundant.

Today’s card is the Nine of Pentacles. After a long week of being frugal and wise with your wallet, this card suggests you’ll be in a good spot today to live a little. It’s the perfect one to see on a Friday, especially if you’re in the mood to treat yourself.
This card shows a person in a lush, green garden surrounded by gold coins. They look happy, relaxed, and fabulously rich — and that’s the mood to adopt for today. Even if you don’t have a ton of extra cash to spare, the Nine of Pentacles wants to find a way to enjoy yourself.
Maybe you were thrifty all week so you could go out tonight with friends, splurge on a cute ‘fit for a date, or order an abundance of takeout for a Friday night in. Allow yourself those moments without feeling guilty. You’ve earned it.
For some, it’ll dawn on you today just how financially stable you’ve become. You might check your bank account and be surprised by how much you’ve saved in the past month or look around the adorable apartment that you pay for on your own and smile with satisfaction.
That sense of self-sufficiency is what the Nine of Pentacles is all about, so go ahead and revel in it. If that means theatrically floating around your apartment in a satin robe like a rich, eccentric queen, so be it. Bonus points if you pour yourself a glass of something bubbly.
In a tarot reading, the Nine of Pentacles could also point to a weight that’s recently lifted off your shoulders. Did you just pay off a credit card? Or drop $500 to fix your car? If so, you’ll feel light as air knowing that you did a good thing for yourself. It might have been tough in the moment, and it might have made you sweat, but you did it.
For others, the appearance of the Nine of Pentacles suggests there will be a sense of calm and ease that comes with knowing you’re on the right financial track, even if you aren’t swimming in cash just yet.
It could stem from a general trust in the universe, but it could also come from the solid plan you’ve set in place to save money. In any case, the theme for the day will be success, abundance, and a glowing sense of prosperity.
For more, check out your daily horoscope.