Your Daily Pull
Here's Your Daily Tarot Card For Friday, December 6, 2024
Go have fun.

Today’s tarot card is the Eight of Wands, which means new ideas and opportunities are quickly sailing your way. Even if you’re usually tired by Friday night and ready to spend the evening in, you’ll feel like you threw back three espresso shots — and you’ll be ready to keep going at full speed.
The suit of wands represents new beginnings, optimism, initiative, and forward momentum, so don’t be surprised if you race through the day, get a ton of work done, and then have energy to spare once you clock out. To lean into this extra dose of pep, text your group chat and see what everyone’s up to tonight. Is anyone down for drinks? A showing of Wicked? An impromptu get-together?
It’s also possible that you’ll get the most exciting invite from a partner or someone you’ve been talking to on a dating app. In a tarot reading, the Eight of Wands often indicates that your love life will have a few sudden but thrilling twists and turns. A partner might whisk you away for a romantic dinner or suggest a random weekend trip. It could happen fast but don’t overthink it.
The Eight of Wands is all about making decisions in the heat of the moment. Sometimes it’s fun to do so — and sometimes it’s necessary. Even if it’s usually your go-to MO to make lengthy pro/con lists, this card reminds you that oftentimes the best decision is the one that’s already made. In other words? Go with the flow.
With the appearance of the Eight of Wands, it might also feel like everything is finally falling into place for you today. Conversations will be easy, travel will be a breeze, and the questions or concerns that have been lingering in your mind will finally have some answers.
At the same time, it might feel like projects and events are piling up — but in a good way. After a social dry spell, you could have more invites than you know what to do with. After a few mundane weeks at work, a jam-packed inbox could actually feel exciting. Your brain might also be whirring with ideas for the future, like places you want to visit and people you want to see.
It’s a good day for manifesting, so light some candles, pull out your journal, and outline what you want your future self to experience in the new year.