How To Navigate February's Confusing Full Snow Moon In Virgo
Missteps are bound to happen. Here's how to prepare yourself.

The full Snow Moon arrives on Feb. 24, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. ET (4:30 a.m. PT) in altruistic Virgo. This lunation is ripe with go-getter energy, but before things come into focus, expect the Universe to throw a few hard-hitting lessons your way.
Despite la Luna being in the organized sign of Virgo, the maiden’s ruling planet, Mercury, is in Pisces, “which can be a bit of a confusing energy,” says astrologer Erin River Sunday. That said, communication may be a little fuzzy, and at the same time, our imagination can get out of hand if it isn’t checked. “Rather than speaking directly, it’s about reading between the lines, dream interpretation, and emoji translation!”
Missteps are bound to happen during this full moon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared. Get ahead of the game with these dos and don’ts for the full Snow Moon on Feb. 24.
DO: Get Real
With Saturn and the sun meeting up in Pisces, this lunation carries a stern attitude. This water sign has a head full of abstract ideas and tends to be spacey, but because Saturn is the planet of responsibility and longevity, this is a good time to crack down on a game plan for manifesting your goals — especially since the moon is stationed in practical Virgo.
Sunday says, “Think about how you want to feel long-term. Trust that anything falling away around this date isn’t meant for you in the long run.”
DON’T: Expect Life To Go As Planned
You know what they say about the best-laid plans. It’s unlikely that things will unfold in a linear fashion. “Virgo energy loves a plan, but the ruler of this moon is in Pisces, which is quite literally the opposite,” Sunday says. It’s a good idea to have a backup in case of curveballs.
DO: Read Between the Lines
Whenever the full moon moves into Virgo, the devil’s in the details. “Notice what isn’t being said at this time and trust that it means something,” she says.
With Mercury currently in Pisces, pay attention to body language. Ask plenty of questions until you reach a comfortable point of clarity.
DON’T: Commit Too Hard
“Both Virgo and Pisces are mutable energies, which means they’re able to change their minds and go with the flow rather than staying in one position,” says Sunday.
Something will come into view to shift your perspective. Let yourself be swayed, and don’t fault others for doing the same thing. “Being stubborn won’t serve anyone during this full moon,” she says.
DO: Listen To Your Gut
Virgo rules over the stomach and Pisces season tunes you into the supernatural realm. “Notice what your gut instincts are saying. This lunation is all about the magical within the mundane, so trust yourself when you feel something is right — or wrong,” says Sunday.
If you get an unsettling feeling when meeting someone new, don’t write that off. Alternatively, if a tantalizing opportunity comes your way, don’t hesitate to pursue it.
DON’T: Hang Onto The Past
February’s Snow Moon is the last full moon of the zodiac cycle, marking a major culmination point of everything you’ve learned since the sun entered Aries last March. “While the moon is always about the past in some ways, the full moon is a time for release and we will all be best served by letting go of what no longer is supporting us,” Sunday says.
This is your moment to say goodbye to burdensome people and situations, and look toward a bright future.
DO: Dream Big
During this full moon, Mercury in Pisces forms an auspicious trine with expansive Jupiter, providing a sense of optimism. “There can be both hope for the future and a serious tone about what’s needed to get there to make it a reality,” Sunday says.
Set sustainable goals, then chase them.
Erin River Sunday, astrologer