Your February 2024 Astrological Forecast
Venus and Mars will spice up Valentine’s Day.

February may be the shortest month of the year, but the astrology of February 2024 still manages to pack a punch — and there’s a lot to be excited about. The week of Valentine’s Day brings a steamy fling between the love and sex planets, and a rare double cazimi wraps up the month with a motivating cosmic power boost. Plus, this month’s new and full moons are helping all zodiac signs level up in a big way. You’ll definitely want to clock the major astrological events going down in February.
The month kicks off with the sun in the airy and forward-thinking sign of Aquarius, which inspires all zodiac signs to be more innovative and embrace their uniqueness — especially during the Aquarius new moon on Feb. 9. Tap into your rebellious side and let your freak flag fly!
Lover Venus and libidinous Mars enter Aquarius hand-in-hand during Valentine’s Day week, shifting the energy in relationships and crystallizing your heart’s true desires. At this point, a whopping five planets will be in Aquarius at once — at least until sensitive and emotional Pisces season begins on Feb. 18. The month wraps up with a powerful full Snow Moon in Virgo, which can help you cleanse your spirit and make space for growth. After all, spring starts next month, so new beginnings lie ahead.
There are so many exciting celestial happenings swirling through the atmosphere this month, so read on for the full scoop on the astrological events of February 2024.
Big Aquarius Season Energy
The first few weeks of February comprise the bulk of Aquarius season 2024, and the rebellious vibe of this fixed air sign inspires all members of the zodiac to march to the beat of their own drum, ditch the status quo, and take the path less traveled. Aquarius zodiac energy wants you to embrace your individuality, but it’s also associated with collaboration and groups — so it’s a fabulous time to gather with friends or immerse yourself in your community in a more meaningful way.
On Feb. 5, communication planet Mercury joins the sun and power-hungry Pluto in Aquarius, amplifying the maverick spirit of the season. Now’s a time to think about things more objectively and charge ahead on your most unconventional ideas. Teamwork is always favored when Mercury is in Aquarius, so group projects, brainstorming meetings, or social events could be especially successful over the next few weeks. This is your excuse to reconnect with a wider network of friends and say yes to some of your colleague’s happy hour invites.
An Innovative New Moon On Feb. 9
Speaking of Aquarius vibes, the February 2024 new moon peaks on Feb. 9, bringing the sun and moon together in this innovative air sign’s territory. Now’s a time to level up, break out of your comfort zone, and step into the most radically authentic version of yourself yet.
The luminaries will be squaring off with unpredictable planet Uranus — Aquarius’ cosmic ruler — so look out for emotional curveballs and some unexpected new moon twists. All zodiac signs are being challenged to think outside the box and rewrite their personal rulebooks under this lunation, so forget about what other people think and follow your weird and wonderful heart into some new and unknown adventures.
A Steamy Valentine’s Week With Venus & Mars
Romantic planet Venus and lustful Mars have been strolling through the zodiac hand-in-hand all month long, brewing up all sorts of steamy energy in the relationship department. But vibes shift once Mars enters Aquarius on Feb. 13, followed by Venus on Feb. 16, collectively inspiring everyone to get a little unconventional in love. Both planets align with enigmatic Pluto on Valentine’s Day, so beware of getting caught up in love games or power struggles. Try channeling that intensity into other passionate activities instead.
The climax of the celestial lovers’ journey occurs on Feb. 22, when Venus and Mars officially lock lips in Aquarius. This is the only Venus-Mars conjunction we’ll have all year, so it signals the kickoff to an important new cycle in the realms of love and sex. It’s time to realign your actions with what’s in your heart and free yourself of stagnant energies in relationships.
Pisces' Energy Starts To Swell
All this airy Aquarius action has had us soaring at high altitude, but once the sun enters Pisces on Feb. 18, it’s time to dive deep and start swimming through our feelings. The dreamy vibes of Pisces season highlight everyone’s emotions, fantasies, and sense of mysticism — so it’s a beautiful time to pour your heart into a creative outlet or tap into your spiritual side
Mental planet Mercury joins the sun in Pisces on Feb. 23, sprinkling its ethereal haze over matters of communication and information. The next few weeks may not be the best time for clear thinking and logistics, but can be a fabulous time for tapping into your intuition, analyzing your dreams, or coming up with enchanting new creative ideas.
A Cleansing Full Snow Moon On Feb. 24
The February 2024 full moon — traditionally nicknamed the Snow Moon — rises in the skies on Feb. 24, shining its magic through the lens of the diligent and detail-oriented sign of Virgo. With this attentive earth sign at the lunar helm, now is the perfect time to focus on the practical ways to turn your dreamiest fantasies into a tangible reality.
Virgo zodiac energy is known for being orderly and organized, so this lunation is also ideal for doing some pre-spring cleaning (of both the literal and emotional sort). Because the full moon forms a gorgeous connection to lucky planet Jupiter, it’ll be easier to clear unnecessary clutter out of your life and conscientiously make more space for all the abundance that’s yet to come.
A Double Cazimi To Wrap Up The Month
On Feb. 28, the sun in Pisces will form two consecutive conjunction aspects — the first with quick-thinking Mercury, and the second with down-to-business Saturn. These special solar connections are known as cazimis, and they can highlight and amplify the strengths of whatever planets are involved.
With a Mercury cazimi and a Saturn cazimi taking place simultaneously, the end of February will be a powerful time to get serious about your future plans and start visualizing your long-term goals. You can also use this galvanizing cazimi energy to start propelling your full moon manifestations into reality. Take advantage of this month’s bonus Leap Day and start mapping out your next moves.