February’s Full Snow Moon Means Drama For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Look out for curveballs.

This month’s lunar climax is stirring up a buzz in the cosmic atmosphere just before Valentine’s Day, as the full moon peaks on Feb. 12 in the fierce and fiery sign of Leo. February’s brightest lunation is traditionally dubbed the Snow Moon, but this year, its vibes are red-hot — and thanks to some intense planetary action that’ll be activating the luminaries, all signs are bound to feel the heat. Of course, a few zodiac signs are likely to find themselves caught up in the full moon drama a little more directly than others.
It’s Aquarius season, and with the sun in this rebellious fixed sign’s realm, there’s a revolutionary vibe in the air, inspiring all zodiac signs to redefine their personal rulebook and stop letting society’s idea of “normal” dictate how they live their lives. Aquarius zodiac energy allows people to step out of the status quo’s paradigm and embrace a more objective and collectivist way of thinking. However, February’s full moon is rising directly across the zodiac in fiery Leo — a fellow fixed sign equally invested in authenticity and creative expression, but through a much more self-focused and passion-fueled lens. Confidence is key when working with a full moon in Leo, so no matter how much drama unfolds, it’s important to trust your talents and take pride in your accomplishments. If you want to win, believing in yourself is half the battle.
Mental planet Mercury will be sitting alongside the sun in Aquarius at the time of the full moon, allowing fresh information and forward-focused ideas to surface amid all the lunar emotions. Meanwhile, all three planets will be locked in a tense T-square with eccentric and unpredictable Uranus in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. This buzzy planetary vibe infuses the entire lunation with an electric sense of chaos and change, so you’ll have to get innovative and think outside the box to move past the full moon drama that this challenging planetary aspect stirs up.
Under the rays of this powerful full moon, there’s a lot of cosmic activity hitting the axes of the zodiac ruled by the fixed signs — so the individuals born under these signs are likely to feel its influence more tangibly. Read on to find out who will be most affected by the Feb. 12 full moon.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This month’s Leo-ruled full moon promises lots of drama — as is to be expected from this bold and attention-loving fire sign energy — but you might find that the things that come up now are hitting especially close to home. At the time of this lunation, the sun, moon, and Mercury will be squaring off with innovative planet Uranus in your sign, forcing you out of your emotional comfort zone and challenging you to think differently about how you show up in the world. Creating a solid launching pad for your visionary dreams and long-term goals requires some deep inner work, but you’ll have to be willing to evolve and embrace your current truth to make that happen.
Change is an inevitable part of life, but it still takes a lot of courage to say goodbye to the past and charge ahead into the future. Under this full moon, you’ll have to work under pressure — but if you summon up all your confidence and bravery, you can slay every dragon that comes your way.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Happy full moon in your sign, Leo! This month’s brightest lunation highlights all your goals, wishes, and ambitions — but it’s also here to remind you that the path to success is often paved with roadblocks and detours. Whether it’s pressure from other people in your life, unexpected shake-ups in your career, or emotional baggage you’re still carrying, you’ll find that asserting your will in the world is easier said than done now. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
The full moon energy is illuminating your unshakeable sense of confidence and courageousness, allowing you to access your abundant sense of authenticity. When you stay true to yourself and refuse to let outside expectations affect your vision of the future, you’ll rise above the drama and keep your eyes on the prize. Allow all the fluff to fall away and follow the yellow brick road to your dreams.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Aquarius season is all about you, but this Leo-ruled lunation is rising in your chart’s house of partnerships — highlighting all the major relationships in your life that shape how you interact with the world. As an objective-minded Aquarius, it can be easy to look at your life from a bird’s-eye view and detach yourself from the emotional complications that naturally arise when you build interpersonal bonds with others. But under this lunation, it’s time to pull your attention back into your space and examine all the feelings getting triggered by your closest connections.
Sentimental memories and sensitivities may arise unexpectedly, disrupting your ability to fully protect your heart. Letting people get closer to you can be scary, but the most courageous and inspiring thing you can do in response to these feelings is to let yourself be vulnerable. Have enough confidence to know that no one can take away your truth and authenticity, no matter how much you soften your harder edges.