Here's How The Fall Equinox Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
According to the experts.

The 2022 fall equinox arrives on Thursday, Sept. 22 at 9:04 p.m. ET, commencing the first day of autumn for those in the Northern Hemisphere. This seasonal shift happens when the sun moves across the celestial equator, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. Fun fact: the fall equinox always kicks off Libra season, which is all about fostering our relationships and inspires us to bring harmony into our lives. This fusion of energy prompts the collective to ring in a new chapter, so it totally makes sense if you want to know how the 2022 fall equinox affects your zodiac sign. Bustle spoke with astrologers to give you the scoop on the fresh vibes, plus how you can better prepare for the changes ahead.
Cooler nights and shorter days are the physical tells of the autumnal transition, but it’ll manifest in other ways, too. For example, unlike the winter solstice, where it stations in independent Capricorn and signals a time of solitude and introspection, the fall equinox is exalted in socialite Libra. “Libra is the sign of relationships, and we rely on each other to make it through these ‘darker’ times,” astrologer Ryan Marquardt tells Bustle. “The fall equinox — and Libra season in general — remind us that there's power and beauty when we form community, create camaraderie, and establish bonds with others.”
Libra’s schtick is restoring equilibrium, but since Mercury is retrograde until Oct. 2, imbalances and tension between friends may come into view. Expect this autumnal transition to help you revisit old flames and karmic lessons. “This may have a lot of people looking backwards toward past relationships,” explains Marquardt. “One-on-one relationships of all kinds can come to mind, and you'll probably look back on people from your past in ways that feel nostalgic and special.”
Despite Mercury’s backsliding, autumn’s cycle marks a great moment for community and connecting with those closest to us. Keep reading to find out how the 2022 fall equinox affects your zodiac sign.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Burying the hatchet doesn’t always mean you’ve fully moved on or healed, Aries. The fall equinox is unveiling repressed emotions of a past relationship. Follow the feeling and take the stillness of the equinox to reflect on your relationship needs and address the changes that need to come about in order to move forward.
“If Aries is single, this can be a time to remedy a situation that went stale with an ex-lover,” Marquardt says. “If they’re in a relationship, there's a chance the couple will form a deeper bond and appreciation for one another, making pacts that will help carry them through the next two seasons as the weather gets colder and the nights get longer.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The free-flowing energy of Libra is inspiring you to get creative with your daily rituals, Taurus. Leaning on those in your social network may prove useful as it helps elevate your routine and inspires you to focus on your physical and mental health.
“Taurus is gaining a deeper appreciation for the finer details in life, and the people in their day-to-day life who make life worth living,” Marquardt explains. “With Venus in Taurus' fifth house of creative self-expression, it's possible that an unlikely person they see often will inspire them to be more playful with their schedule, perhaps starting a new hobby, which would ultimately bring Taurus a lot of joy as the season unfolds.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Indulge in the simple pleasures during the fall equinox, Gemini. This feel-good energy is inspiring your inner artist, so follow it! Maybe you’re revisiting old art projects or have bumped into an old lover. Take advantage of this moment to really revel in what makes you feel good right now.
“Gemini will be feeling extra social, especially with that Jupiter opposition in the 11th house of friends,” says Marquardt. “It's likely that Gemini will be reconnecting with an old group of friends, or even a Tinder date that never followed up.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This quiet time is a fabulous moment to reconnect to your roots, Cancer. Maybe you’re feeling extra sentimental or reminiscing on old familial memories as you sift through photo albums and memory boxes. Whatever the case, the fall equinox is a great time to spend indoors tidying up, doing chores, or whipping up your favorite dish.
“This should be really supportive for any Cancers who want to bring peace to past family dynamics if there's some lingering tension,” says Marquardt. “Whether they're canning a bunch of leftover tomatoes or finally putting boxed-up home decor to use, they'll feel more rooted as they work to establish more organization around the home.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
The transition into a new season may be sparking your need for novelty, but the fall equinox is pushing you to revisit some of the lessons you’ve learned this year. Your growth is inspiring you to pursue new knowledge, so be open to opportunities to sharpen your skill set. With Mercury retrograding in your house of communication, be on the lookout for any miscommunications.
“If Leo has been chewing on the idea of going back to school or deepening their knowledge in a certain area of life, now is the time to figure out those plans,” says Marquardt. “Starting a new class or certification process is also supportive, because Jupiter is in their ninth house opposing the Sun in Libra.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
On one hand, the fall equinox is firing up your inner CEO. On the other, it’s asking you to dig more abstract than that and consider what your values are and how you’re showing up in terms of those values. With Libra holding a magnifying glass to your social sector, you may feel compelled to compare and contrast your financial status with others. Remember — material wealth is only a fraction of what you see on the surface.
“Virgos might feel a competitive energy around finances, with the fall equinox affecting their second house of money and material wellbeing,” Marquardt explains. “It's a Keeping Up with the Joneses kind of vibe, given that Libra is all about other people, and Jupiter is opposing all of this energy in their eighth house of other people's resources.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Got major déjà vu, Libra? Well, the fall equinox is reintroducing karmic cycles which may manifest in your relationships or personal self-discovery. Pay attention to any revelations you have right now and consider how well you’re balancing your social life and need for independence.
“Libras will be looking at the patterns that have popped up in their most important relationships,” Marquardt says. “Self-preservation may be a big theme, with some Libras choosing to stop over-compromising their own needs for the sake of someone else's.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
The fall equinox is a great time to slow down and reflect, Scorpio. That’s especially the case if you’ve felt your social batteries are running low. You may want to look inward and assess your needs when it comes to friendship. Things may feel lonely during autumn’s transition, but don’t be afraid to lean on some of your confidants right now.
“Scorpio is in a serious recharge moment. They're doing their best to preserve their sanity by unplugging from the world, especially because life has been extra busy lately with Jupiter in Aries in their sixth house,” explains Marquardt. Scorpio can't escape reality too much though, because they'll still have daily obligations to fulfill.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Bubbly Libra is helping you come out of your workaholic era as it lights up your social life, Sagittarius. It’s a great time to network, so if a mixer or social gathering opportunities arise, it’s a sign to take it. But be cautious of old friendships making a reentry as Mercury retrograde targets this area as well — some may not be as sincere as they appear.
“Sagittarius is likely to bond with a past group of friends, maybe by attending a reunion of some kind or starting a group chat with people they haven't talked to in a while,” explains Marquardt. “Sagittarius is developing a greater appreciation for their current social status because of the many people who bonded with them in the past and taught them the power of relating.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Feeling a little exposed right now, Capricorn? That’s because the autumnal equinox is firing up your area of public image — so things like work, reputation, and aspirations are in the spotlight right now. Socially energetic Libra is motivating you to put yourself out there and rub elbows with new friends in high places.
“This is a time when Capricorn is going to realize that their work relationships are vital,” explains Marquardt. “‘Capricorn is learning it's OK to ask for help and graciously accept it when help shows up.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You’re feeling compelled to grow in massive ways during the fall equinox, Aquarius. Fellow air sign Libra is inspiring you to seek a deeper truth as you prioritize your spiritual health. While you embark on your next adventure, be sure to honor the legends that came before you.
“It's an excellent time for Aquarius to finally plan that dream vacation they've been talking about for years with an old friend,” says Marquardt. “Aquarius is also feeling appreciation for the mentors and role models they've had throughout their life, and realizing the many ways in which other people have shaped the way Aquarius views the world.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
The coming of fall is prompting you to release your grievances, Pisces. This season is all about restoring harmony in situations that you may have fallen short. Perhaps you’ve been experiencing relationship hiccups — now is a great moment to address those injustices head on.
“Pisces will be considering the give-and-take that occurs in relationships and taking a deep look at the ways in which they might not have upheld their end of a bargain,” explains Marquardt. “Whether Pisces broke a promise or pulled out of an important commitment to someone else, the fall equinox might compel them to smooth over that situation.”
Astrologically speaking, we'll be dealing with the combination of the arrival of Libra season and the spiritual profundity of an equinox. Here, astrologers talk about how they predict those changes to manifest during the fall equinox:
Lisa Stardust
"I think the equinox affects us because it’s the start of Libra season and with that comes a shift of perspective. We will all look at our lives and want to balance out all energies at play. No more overworking and neglecting matters. We are going to give equal time to everything that’s important to us. The equinox is the equatic shift that creates equal day and night. It’s a time of rest and honoring the body. We will feel this energy in ourselves—which will stimulate us to be extra energetic or sleepy. Either way, we will feel the seasonal change within."
Kyle Thomas
"Patterns of birth, life, harvest, death, and rebirth are written into the Earth and our lives, and we watch as these cycles endure without end. As we begin Libra season, we also note that what we were building on our own, we now must unite with others to experience true growth in our lives. Libra is a sign of partnership, union, and marriage, which is where we realize that our personal views and path must align with another’s to reach fulfillment. Like the yin and the yang, the night and the day, we must find balance in our lives to attain our greatest purpose. We have faced our light, now we must venture into our shadows to complete the journey before, like a phoenix next year, we are reborn once again. Embracing the fullness of life is the only way we can appreciate both the light and the dark."
Linda Furiate
"Just as in any astronomical alignment, the fall equinox may have a bearing on human nature. When the sun enters Libra, the day and night will become equal. It doesn’t matter if one lives in the northern or southern hemisphere, we may seek the balance and beauty of life that allows us to live in harmony in the world. As the sun crosses the equator and moves into Libra, our focus shifts outwardly toward the other. We become more objective in our reality and with those we relate to."
Ryan Marquardt, astrologer
Lisa Stardust, astrologer
Kyle Thomas, pop culture astrologer for the New York Post & Page Six
Linda Furiate, celebrity astrologer
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