
Your Fall Tarot Reading For Love

Passion lies ahead.

by Nina Kahn
Your fall 2024 love tarot reading.

Whether you’re going full cuffing season by planning some cute seasonal dates or simply embracing the freedom of single girl fall, the autumnal months are a good time to check in on your love life and check you’re not carrying any unnecessary baggage into the last stretch of the year. This year, fall officially began on Sept. 22 and it’ll wrap up with the winter solstice on Dec. 21, and a lot could unfold during that time.

If you’d like some mystical insight into what’s happening in love, relationships, and dating throughout the current season, I pulled a few tarot cards to help you navigate the romantic energies at play. Autumn promises to be packed with passion, as all three of the cards that showed up this time are in the suit of wands — which symbolizes the element of fire and all of the burning desires that come along with it.

Here’s your love tarot reading for fall 2024.

Card 1: What do you need to know about dating and relationships this fall?

This fall is a time to broaden your horizons. Because just like the person on the Two Of Wands card, you’ve got the whole world in the palm of your hands — but what you do with all of this potential is up to you. If you’re in a relationship, you may want to step back and consider your individual and couple goals. Where do you see yourselves a year from now? Do you feel like you have a healthy perspective on your partnership? Don’t limit yourself when it comes to love. Life is full of opportunities for growth and connection that you couldn’t even imagine, so keep an open mind.

If you’re single and looking for love, the Two Of Wands suggests that you may want to consider casting a wider net. Experiment with new ways of meeting people, like by taking up some hobbies instead of relying on apps, or giving someone a chance who may not be your usual type. Expanding your idea of what dating should look like can open up a new world of options for you this season.

Card 2: How can you attract more love this season?

Like attracts like, so if you’re looking to manifest love throughout the fall, the first thing you should focus on is having an unshakable sense of confidence in yourself. No card symbolizes this magnetic and abundant energy quite like the King Of Wands. This tarot royal is a total powerhouse who is used to getting what he wants, so this season is a time to treat yourself like the regal icon that you are. If you fully embody your desires, you’ll be irresistible, and, in turn, it will be easy to draw more love into your life or pull more passion into your relationships.

The King Of Wands also carries a very authoritative energy, meaning that leadership qualities may be especially alluring to others. Step into the most powerful version of yourself and don’t be afraid to take charge, whether you’re linked up or playing the field.

Card 3: How does your significant other feel about you right now?

As the very first card in the passionate suit of wands, the Ace Of Wands is a beautiful sign from the universe that the object of your affection almost certainly reciprocates your feelings, and very enthusiastically so! This card is like a burst of inspiration, symbolizing a fresh or renewed sense of excitement and sexual energy. There’s likely a lot of red-hot desire involved in your significant other’s feelings toward you, so they may have a hard time taking things slow and find themselves getting caught up in the heat of the moment more than they usually would — in the bedroom and beyond.

With the Ace Of Wands at play, your lover may also be so inspired to take action on their feelings for you that they try to rush into decisions and move into a new phase of the relationship quickly. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing! Acting rashly isn’t usually a good idea, but if you’re both feeling the chemistry and momentum, allow yourselves to turn over a new leaf and follow your passion.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.