
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Make Big Career Moves This Fall

Take a leap of faith.

by Carolyn Steber
These three zodiac signs will make big career changes this fall, according to astrologers.
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Fall is a prime time for fresh starts. It has inspiring back-to-school energy that makes you feel studious and productive. Autumn also sees the hardworking Virgo season quickly followed by abundant and thoughtful Libra, and then transformational Scorpio season. As a result, it can also feel like the right time to make some big career moves, especially if powerful planetary movements are going on in the sky.

According to astrologer Helena Woods, the appearance of certain planets in a zodiac sign — like disciplined Saturn and action-oriented Mars — can inspire folks with that sun sign to snag a new job, take on a refreshing new role, or forsake it all for a fun side hustle that’s a little less stable.

If it feels like you’ve been working towards a big move in the past few months, a certain planetary transit may explain why. Or if you wake up one morning and decide you officially need to quit a mood-ruining profession, it could be thanks to the entrance of a certain celestial body — among other factors, of course.

To find out which zodiac signs will make big career moves this fall, Woods considered the planetary movements for the coming months to see what’s in store, and she narrowed it down to three signs that are about to experience the biggest changes. Keep reading below to find out which signs they are and how the changes will unfold.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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With a full moon in Aries on Oct. 17, Woods says it’ll shine a blindingly bright light on all the things Aries suns want to change within their careers. As the full moon approaches, and in the days afterward, you might finally decide to start a new project, ask for a raise or new responsibilities, or officially let go of a job that isn’t quite right for you.

“The Aries full moon is a culmination point of the last year and a half,” says Woods, so think about what you’ve been working on, worrying about, or hoping to change within that timeframe. “With [...] an emphasis in Aries, this end of October is a final marker in a story in what you’re completing and finishing up,” she says.

While full moons are dramatic and illuminating for all of the zodiac signs, this one is not only in your sign, but it’s also “squaring” or at odds with Mars, Aries’ ruling planet, which means you could feel extra frustrated by colleagues or an ongoing issue at work — and it could reach a tipping point. “Not to mention the Mars-Pluto opposition this November will be squaring Aries suns, which can bring a sudden reckoning or realization,” says Woods.

It’s why you’ll need to brace yourself for a moment when you realize it’s time to make a big, bold move, like leaving a position or starting fresh with a new career. Just make sure you think it through and form a plan before leaping. As a fire sign represented by the flighty ram, you tend to be impulsive, after all. In order to make sure you don’t end up without a job, avoid doing anything in the heat of the moment.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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Cancer suns are about to enter a point of no return,” says Woods. “When it comes to ambition, goals, and drive, the upcoming Mars-Pluto opposition happening now this fall and into the early winter will show a critical turning point.” This planetary position often makes people feel courageous, and it’ll have the biggest effect on this water sign.

The planet Mars represents action, decisions, and forward movement while Pluto brings about change, transformation, and a sense of authenticity. “With the two planets opposing each other directly in a face-off the first week of November, Cancer suns can put their tremendous willpower, ambition, and energy levels into tackling their important goals.”

Mars-Pluto oppositions — aka, two planets exactly 180 degrees apart in the sky — are always provocative, powerful, and even slightly antagonistic, says Woods, which is why some Cancer suns might go so far as to completely throw in the towel at work, while others might leave a stable job to do something more authentic and truthful to themselves, even if it isn’t as lucrative.

If you’ve been meaning to start a side hustle or quit a soulless job for something more meaningful, the urge could become even stronger this November. “Other Cancers will lock in their plans and go full-steam ahead,” she says. It isn’t like a homebody, security-loving Cancer to do something risky, so lean into the energy and see where it takes you.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

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Saturn, the planet of work, responsibility, and maturity, will begin to move direct on November 15th in Pisces,” says Woods. “For Pisces suns, this will be a profound shift around one’s goals, achievements, and ultimate becoming. A ‘clicking’ into place, so to speak.”

As the ringed planet appears to move normally across the sky again — as opposed to backward or retrograde, which began for Saturn back in June — it’ll inspire you to start fresh in all things work-related. “There may have been a slowdown in how to best move forward or a lack of certainty about what to do next,” says Woods, “but more clarity will be felt now as Saturn moves direct once again.”

For Pisces suns, Saturn’s movements might impact how you tackle a new set of duties. If you felt overwhelmed by a new job, you might also finally notice that you feel “at one” with your position — like you officially get it and have everything under control.

“This fall can also be an easier time for attaining leadership positions and a more authoritative role in one’s work,” she says. “However, keep in mind with Saturn transiting through Pisces, this is a long-term story that has been developing since March of 2023.” Your sign also recently had an eclipse in September, which may have foreshadowed what you’ll focus on at work for the next year and a half.

Eclipses bring sudden new beginnings or endings,” says Woods, so think about what projects or ideas came your way in September for a hint about what to focus on. “With the first Pisces eclipse happening recently, a new doorway has been opened for Pisces,” she says. “Eclipses are big deals and major accelerations of fate.”


Helena Woods, astrologer