How To Get Through December's Chaotic, Exciting New Moon
It'll be a thrilling time... as long as you avoid getting sucked into the past.

The last new moon of the year arrives on Dec. 12, 2023 at 6:32 a.m. ET (3:32 a.m. PT) as it rises in thrill-seeking Sagittarius. The bittersweet lunation makes for the perfect moment to reflect on the past 12 months and lean into optimism for the future. But like most things in life, it’s not always that simple.
That’s because the December new moon falls alongside the year’s final Mercury retrograde (Dec. 13 - Jan. 1), forcing us to revisit the past. You might get stuck ruminating on difficult memories or see the return of an ex. Not to fear! Sagittarius is all about charging full throttle toward what you want, so this new moon is still a great time to focus on attracting good vibes.
“Sagittarius energy brings with it excitement, possibility, and a daringness to expand and soak up new knowledge,” says astrologer Imani Quinn. “As the year is coming to an end, the celestial system is giving us a dose of energy to propel us forward.”
With Sagittarius driving our curious minds and hearts, there’s plenty to learn during this lunation. Keep your wits about you by following these dos and don’ts for the Dec. 12 new moon.
DO: Listen To Your Gut
Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, will be making a square to the sun and the moon, which can cause challenges between our perception of a situation and what our intuition is telling us. That coupled with Mercury retrograde, “will be testing your ability to know the difference between hasty impulse and intuition,” says Quinn.
This new moon makes for the best time to clear your head and lean into the universe’s cues.
DON’T: Push Your Luck
Jupiter is in the final stages of its retrograde period, which can blossom unexpected opportunities — but it might not be a great idea to raise the stakes higher than they already are while Mercury's retrograde is looming. Instead, sit tight and consider how far you’ve come.
“This may be teaching you some final lessons on how you are blocking your blessings and abundance so that when Mercury goes direct, the manifestations you are working on during the new moon can shift forward in the new year,” Quinn says.
DO: Take Things Slowly
New moons are naturally a time to rest and recharge, and with Mercury retrograde throwing us for a loop during this lunation, there’s never been a better time to take it easy.
“Be mindful and proactive when it comes to travel delays, miscommunication, and clarity when creating new contracts, maybe wait till after the holidays to sign anything,” says Quinn.
Jupiter’s presence creates plenty of opportunities, but don’t rush — trust the process!
DON’T: Make Hasty Decisions
One of Sagittarius’s strengths is their devotion to pursuing their goals and dreams — but the flip side of that is jumping into things too soon, often without weighing all the options.
“Impulse could lead to more challenges,” says Quinn. One of those difficulties could be getting stuck with a commitment you can’t break free from.
DO: Look For A Silver Lining
Sure, miscommunications may arise for the next few weeks (thanks, Mercury retrograde), and inevitable blunders might crop up at work. But Sagittarius is very much a c’est la vie type of problem-solver, even in the face of adversity.
“The new moon is a promise that there is hope for our visions,” Quinn says. By staying positive, you might find luck on your side.
DON’T: Overcommit To Things
Noncommittal Sagittarius isn’t likely to make promises they can’t keep; they see the beauty in saying “no” to invitations or responsibilities they don’t have enough energy to afford. That said, focus extra attention on the things you are interested in taking on, whether that’s a project at work, a volunteering gig, or a creative endeavor.
“Write down action steps to hold yourself accountable on how you will be actively working towards your intentions,” Quinn says. “These steps are going to be important to set the groundwork for shifting the energy forward.”
DO: Plan Your Ideal 2024
Looking to the future is apropos for this new moon, which reminds us not to waste our inner potential. Channel Saggitarius’s confidence, create vision boards, and dream big without limitations.
“Think of your intentions as holiday wishes,” Quinn says. “Write them down and recite them out loud as you burn a candle.”
Imani Quinn, astrologer and co-author of Astrology SOS