Your December 2021 Horoscope
This month is all about rethinking norms.

In this December 2021 monthly horoscope, astrologer Alexandria Lettman shares the astrological events happening this month that will affect every zodiac sign.
This December, you will feel the discomfort of all the overwhelming transitions you’ve been through this year. Neptune will end its retrograde on Dec. 1, restoring the faith, optimism, and creativity that you may have lost during the year. On Dec. 4, a karmic solar eclipse will align in Sagittarius, bringing dramatic opportunities to grow on physical, intellectual, and spiritual levels. This lunation asks you to use the final moments of the season to commit to being honest with yourself and others. Focusing on your goals and asserting yourself as independent will be easier once Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec. 13. You will feel compelled to step outside of your comfort zone thanks to this energy. However, being stubborn or self-righteous could lead to arguments.
The full moon in Gemini on Dec. 18 will be the final major lunation of the year, bringing rapid endings that teach you the importance of listening, flexibility, and opening your mind to new possibilities. Once Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn on Dec. 19, you will be more cautious when doling out your affections and start to reconsider the material, financial, and superficial values that you were once certain of. A new, earthy dynamic will unfold once the sun enters Capricorn on Dec. 21. The introduction of Capricorn season will turn your focus to resilience, enforcing boundaries, and seeking external fulfillment.
Massive global transitions will unfold once the north node enters Taurus and the polarizing south node moves into Scorpio. This transit will stir up conversations on the norms surrounding working habits, how finances and materials are shared, and how we have used Earth’s natural resources. Luckily, as the year draws to a close, Jupiter will enter its traditional home in Pisces, allowing you to hold onto your faith and use your ambition to achieve new heights.
Happy birthday, Capricorn!
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)
You’ll be on an upward climb this month that could see you reaching new career heights and asserting yourself as a force to be reckoned with. Working independently will allow you to progress without having to wait or sustain other people, but you must prove to yourself that you can stay motivated and inspired for long enough to complete a project. The greatest challenge for you this month will be to address values and limiting self-beliefs that are blocking your growth. It’s time to get honest with yourself.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Opening yourself up to new beliefs and the prospect of having your mind changed could be difficult this month. Recognize when you are being too stubborn or rigid with your perspective, and instead appreciate new learning opportunities that come through others’ guidance and input. Practice being a student again and seek out new information on subjects that intrigue and excite you. You’ll find that mental and spiritual growth will take place when you realize that more than one idea can coexist in the same space and that you can fluctuate between ideas as much as you want, before and after making a definitive stance.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)
A renewal of optimism and excitement will unfold as you find a balance between being supported without feeling caged in in your partnerships. Make sure that you are honest about your feelings to avoid feeling like you’ve lost your ability to grow as an individual. Making serious commitments doesn’t have to look the same for you as it does to everyone else. Make sure that you’re ready, rather than making decisions based on any arising fears of growing up too fast, missing out, or running out of time.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Your partnerships will experience a major upheaval this month as your relationship values are transformed. What was once important to you may no longer resonate, meaning you must be open about these changes with the people you share close relationships with. Explore how your relationships are influenced by societal standards, pressures, and what you see on social media, and work toward being less influenced by the world around you.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
You’ll find yourself reconsidering what matters most to you this month and how the allocation of your time and energy reflects these priorities. When you find that you are resistant to working hard or lack the motivation to complete a task, see this as your body signaling to you that your heart isn’t invested in doing the work. Find new ways of doing things that spark your inner fire and commit to bringing more joy into your life by saying no and setting boundaries.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Your perspective on love and self-expression will change this month, leading to relationship transformations and the sudden completion or breakdown of creative projects. To express yourself authentically, you must feel free without the influence or judgment of the outside world. Consider whether you feel comfortable enough to be yourself around the people in your life. You may need to lower your guard and give people a chance to get to know all of your dimensions. Take some alone time to release internal blockages, fears, and mindsets that prohibit you from exploring dating and creativity in ways that feel right to you.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Chapters will come to an end this month, bringing closure to difficult conversations and the opportunity for you to debate and agree to disagree in ways that are more authentic to you. As the month progresses, you’ll experience massive life transformations when you work through your inner-child wounds, let go of your attachments to home and family, and allow yourself to grow in new physical and mental spaces. Ease up on self-criticism and give yourself credit for trying to release difficult memories and belongings with sentimental value.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
It’s time to separate your memories from your feelings in the present to ease your mental tensions. Old grudges, resentments, and limiting beliefs may be contributing to your pessimism and serious mind. Get into a habit of exploring the workings of your mind and the intention behind your thoughts. You’ll begin to notice the signs that you haven’t thoroughly healed from past experiences like you thought you had, bringing new opportunities to engage in shadow work. Set yourself free by soothing the harshness of your mind.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Your attitude toward yourself and your finances will change this month, allowing you to set new goals that aren’t rooted in materialism or seeking an identity outside of yourself. Consider whether you are harboring unhealthy beliefs or behaviors around spending and saving. Reassessing your working habits this month will allow you to get to the bottom of what and who influenced their creation. Make sure that your beliefs were made freely, without external pressures. Consider how society’s idea of traditional working habits has kept you from forging your own path.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
This season is all about you! It’s time to get serious about your personal growth rather than focusing on what you have achieved in the external world. This month could leave you confused about your identity, values, and beliefs, especially after such a transformative year. Reconnect to your inner voice through journaling and explore how your beliefs and sense of self have changed this year. You are encouraged to adopt a new mindset and work toward becoming the best version of yourself.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Tending to your inner world will allow you to check in with yourself and reflect on how this year’s events have impacted you below the surface. Open up to the people around you about how your confidence, certainty, and optimism have fluctuated this year. You’ll find that many of your experiences are relatable to others and that it’s easier to drop your guard when you know that you aren’t alone. Set new goals and create a plan for how you can make changes to your outer world to reflect the internal growth that you’ve undergone.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Instead of dwelling on your manifestations that did not actualize this year, shift your mindset to focus on what you gained unexpectedly and remind yourself that everything destined will unfold in divine timing. You will have to work harder to sustain your optimism and faith this month, especially as your friendships, dreams, and ambitions undergo major transformations and renewals. Make a list of the things you are calling into your life next year and reflect on whether these wants and needs come from your heart or the need to accumulate and prove something about yourself.
This article was originally published on