December 2020 Horoscopes: Taurus Zodiac Signs
Don’t be scared to look back at how far you’ve come.

Here's Your December 2020 Horoscope For Taurus
Life comes at you fast, Taurus. Being a fixed sign during a tumultuous time can feel like a major strain — the world is chaotic and it’s in your astrological nature to take your time during moments like this. Don’t question your instincts, Taurus, even if there are naysayers. It’s easy for people to have opinions on how you conduct your life, however, only you know what’s best for you. Don’t be scared to look back at how far you’ve come and reflect on all the mishaps and right steps that led you toward success. Be careful on Dec. 11, as the Sun in Sagittarius will conjunct the South Node of fate within your house of intimacy and death. Sagittarius loves a party and even more, being the life of the party. With Mercury also in Sagittarius during this time, it’s best that you also watch your mouth. There’s a lot of fun and laughter waiting for you during the month of December — try not to over do it!
What December 2020 Has In Store For Taurean’s Relationships
Have you learned something new over the past four months? After a retrograde that felt like it would last forever, Mars, the planet of ambition and drive, is finally direct in Aries. While retrograde, you may have experienced brain fog and it’s possible that you spent a lot of time recounting past relationships. If you’ve taken time to reflect over your relationships, the next few months will help you recognize how to best go forward. Mars, ruling your house of relationships, can give you a constant desire to move or participate in something. But allowing for December to be your period of hibernation will help you in the long run. You’re a fiery personality when it comes to the people you believe in, but try to dim that fire so you can rest. Winter can bring difficult feelings, so try to offset that by dreaming about what feels good.
Tarot Card of the Month For Taurus
Four of Cups: Learn to accept when life is trying to offer you a blessing. A break doesn’t necessarily lead to a break-up.
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