December 2020 Horoscopes: Scorpio Zodiac Signs
Do things to deepen your appreciation of yourself.

Here's Your December 2020 Horoscope For Scorpio
Scorpio, it’s hard not to assume the worst, especially if planning for “what if” is your method of protecting yourself. Sometimes exploring the worst possible scenario is how individuals cope with the things they can not control. This coping mechanism may subjectively work for you. But, how is it impacting your health and wellness? With the wounded healer Chiron retrograde in Aries during December, you’re being called to reflect on your mental health. Don’t be alarmed. The objective is for you to be aware of yourself and how you present yourself to the world. Are you maintaining a daily skincare routine? Have you gone for a walk or exercised during quarantine? While there’s no need to jump to extremes, Mars being direct in the sign Aries is providing you a little extra energy to advocate for your health and wellness.
What December 2020 Has In Store For Scorpio’s Relationships
With Venus, the planet of love and beauty, in Scorpio, it’s important that you do things to deepen your appreciation of yourself. You have an intrinsic craving for significant soul connections, tending to disregard interactions that are seemingly shallow. Keep it up this month, even if it leaves you feeling like a bit of a hermit. With Mercury, the planet of communication, and the Sun in Sagittarius for most of December, you’ll find that the more honest you are with yourself regarding your values, the easier it is for your joy to come forth. When Venus enters Sagittarius on December 16, your partnerships will begin to take on a light-hearted and expansive nature. Be careful though, as the Venus and South Node conjunction on New Year's Eve could lead to dysfunction if you don’t manage your fun.
Tarot Card Of The Month For Scorpio
Nine of Cups: You are feeling emotionally whole; let yourself enjoy contentment.