Full moons are the most powerful lunar phase when it comes to either bringing a manifestation to life or releasing something that isn’t serving you anymore — and you’ve got one last opportunity to do so before the year is up. The next full moon is traditionally called the Cold Moon, and it’s rising on Dec. 15 in the mutable air sign of Gemini. This happens to be the the final full moon of the year, so as you tie up your loose ends in 2024 and prepare for a new beginning, you can work with this energy to ditch your limiting beliefs and step into some brand-new timelines.
December’s Cold Moon rises in clever and communicative Gemini, and this air sign puts you in touch with your mental powers, allowing you to connect the dots and make important realizations about what you want. This vibe becomes extra potent a few hours after the full moon peaks, as Mercury retrograde ends later the same day, giving your ideas more clarity and momentum. However, remember that the action planet Mars is still retrograde — so even with Mercury direct, you may feel a little unmotivated or less passionate about chasing your goals. If that’s the case, focusing your December full moon manifestation practices on reflection and release can be even more useful than trying to pull new things into your orbit.
Of course, traditional manifestations can still be very effective now, retrograde activity or not. Putting your intentions into words is an ideal way to work with this Gemini-ruled lunation, so try writing down a list of what you’d like to let go of or speak some affirmation-style manifestations out loud in front of the mirror. Your thoughts create reality, and you can speak your ideas into existence — especially when you pull them out of your mind and push them into the tangible world via a moon ritual.
The Cold Moon is the last full moon of the year, so make it count, and don’t miss out on its magic. Here are a few fun December full moon manifestation ideas to help you use the festive lunar vibes.
Letter-Writing To Your Future Self
Gemini is one of the zodiac’s resident wordsmiths, so having the full moon in this verbose and chatty sign makes it a great time to do a writing-based manifestation. One powerful option involves writing a letter to your future self. All you’ll need is paper, a pen, an envelope, and your imagination.
On the night of the full moon, set a relaxing and private ambiance for yourself and start writing a letter from your current self to whatever version of you might exist in one year. In the letter, let your future self know all the things you’re committing to doing under this lunation — what narratives you’re letting go of, how you’ll feel once you free yourself from self-imposed limitations, what you’re creating space for, etc.
Explain how you’re laying out the foundation for all the wonderful things your future self will have accomplished in one year’s time. You might even want to congratulate this version of yourself on meeting your goals, as if your success is guaranteed to come true.
Once you’re finished, seal the letter in an envelope and put it a safe place where it can stay until the next full moon in Gemini on Dec. 4, 2025. Then you can open it! As you move forward under this full moon and beyond, remember the commitment you’ve made to your future self — and allow that to motivate you to stick to your intentions.
Post-Retrograde Full Moon Clarity Ritual
Mercury retrograde wraps up at exactly 3:56 p.m. ET on Dec. 15 — less than twelve hours after the full moon peaks. This direct station is especially significant given that the full moon is rising in Gemini, one of Mercury’s signs of rulership. If you’re still feeling the retro-haze, a post-retrograde clarity ritual is the perfect way to utilize this lunation. Using candle magic is symbolic too, as the retrograde is wrapping up in fire sign Sagittarius. Perform this ritual in the evening, as that’s when the lunar energy will be most potent and Mercury retrograde will have officially ended.
For this manifestation, you’ll need a white candle, a blue candle, paper, and a pen. Start by lighting the white candle, which symbolizes clarity and path-clearing. Gaze into the flame and meditate on your thoughts, allowing yourself to reflect on everything you learned, realized, and worked through during the retrograde. Jot down anything you’d like to get down on paper, whether to remember or simply to release from your brain.
Then light the blue candle, which symbolizes communication, connection, and the expression of ideas — themes pertinent to both Gemini and Mercury energy. As you do so, envision yourself integrating everything that emerged during the retrograde, and imagine the flame burning away any thoughts or narratives that aren’t true to you or your growth. If you feel inspired, jot down some affirmations that support this lunar evolution.
Festive Full Moon Manifesting With Friends
Social connections are what airy Gemini energy is all about — and with communication planet Mercury having just wrapped up its retrograde, this full moon is a wonderful time to gather with friends for a group manifestation session. Invite a trusted crew of confidants to your home or some other cozy place on the night of the full moon, and have everyone bring a journal and pen. If you’d like to make it festive, provide some holiday treats or ask everyone to bring a full moon offering to share.
Here’s the magic of Gemini’s chatty and quizzical energy: Simply conversing and creating connections with your surroundings can be a ritual, as it requires you to be present and can raise the vibrations around you. Share your intentions, goals, ideas, and reflections with your friends as you talk together, and be a supportive and open-minded listener when they share their thoughts with you. Once the vibes feel right, have everyone journal, making a list of what outdated beliefs or narratives they’re releasing under this full moon as well as what new storylines they’re fostering.