December’s Full Cold Moon Will Be Smooth Sailing For These 2 Zodiac Signs
They can chill.

The first official day of winter is fast approaching. Still, you may already be feeling the chill thanks to the full Cold Moon that’s rising on Dec. 15. This month’s lunar climax gets its traditional nickname due to the icy temperatures in North America during this time of year. It’s extra special given that it’s the last full moon of 2024. While some signs might have a hard time staying warm under this lunation, there are a couple of members of the zodiac who will likely fare just fine, even if the cosmic weather gets a little nippy.
December’s full moon is taking place in the airy and effervescent sign of Gemini, which activates mental matters and communication. It’ll shift your focus onto occupying your mind with interesting thoughts and creating stronger social connections in your life — two important endeavors for everyone to commit to as the darker, colder winter months draw near. The full moon peaks across the zodiac from the sun and Mercury retrograde in fiery Sagittarius, so Gemini’s detail-oriented sense of curiosity also brings a beautiful balance to the broad-strokes way of thinking that’s dominated Sagittarius season thus far.
Less than twelve hours after the full moon peaks, Mercury retrograde will end, clearing your path of the mental roadblocks, delays, and miscommunications that made starting new things so difficult over the past few weeks. Although the sun and moon will be squaring off with hazy Neptune, causing a lingering feeling of brain fog, the energy is still ripe for connecting with the recent lessons you’ve learned and letting go of outdated ideas that might be holding you back.
Everyone will feel the crisp winds of change under December’s Cold Moon, but these two cardinal zodiac signs aren’t likely to get blown off course. Read on to find out if you’re one of the signs least affected by the full moon on Dec. 15.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The moon is your ruling planet, so your watery tides will always ebb and flow with the lunar energy. However, this full moon is rising in one of the quietest and most private portions of your chart, so you may not viscerally feel the vibes. Most of the processing that’s taking place right now will be on a more subconscious level, so you may not even fully realize what’s coming up or being released until it’s already done. Emotions might be running high, but you may not be able to pinpoint exactly what’s stirring up your feelings. That’s OK — sometimes your mind doesn’t need to understand all the ways that your spirit is evolving.
You may be tempted to distract yourself from the full moon intensity by pouring yourself into work or trying to be of service to others, but the best way to handle things is to take some time out for yourself. Write in your journal, allow yourself to daydream, or take a long bath to tune out the mental chatter.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
The past weeks have had you feeling a little more introspective and solitary, but with Mercury retrograde ending just as the full moon rises in your house of daily responsibilities, this lunar energy will have you jumping into a more productive headspace. You’ll find that it’s much easier to work your way down your to-do list now, but it’s also a great time to clear space in your schedule for some non-negotiable self-care time. If there’s one thing this full moon is here to show you, it’s that the little habits in your day add up to a lifetime of behaviors — so make sure yours honor your spiritual wellness as much as they reflect your worldly ambitions.
You may have more mental energy to tap into your daily tasks under this full moon, but there’s no need to go from zero to sixty. Take things slow and ease back into your grind. There’s no reason to try to do a million things at once.