Here's Your Horoscope For Today: March 26, 2021
We’ll have to be mindful of spreading ourselves too thin.

In this daily horoscope for March 26, Bustle's resident astrologer Mecca Woods, founder of My Life Created, shares the astrological events happening today that will affect every zodiac sign. Below, here's a look at how astrology will affect our lives today.
The moon is in detailed-oriented and hardworking Virgo today, putting the focus on our to-do list, as well as efficiency. At the same time, the confident Sun teams up with love planet Venus in the early morning, emphasizing the value of independence, ambition, and breaking new ground. Under this mashup of planets in Virgo and Aries, we can expect today to be a busy one. Though with Mars (the planetary ruler of Aries) currently in curious and quick-witted Gemini, we’ll have to be mindful of spreading ourselves too thin.
By the afternoon, the Virgo moon teams up with innovative Uranus in Taurus, which can help us with coming up with fresh or creative solutions to tough problems. Since Uranus is a planet that helps us with remaining cool and objective when needed, we’ll need to lean into this energy come late tonight when the moon faces off with Mars in Gemini. The best way to handle this Moon-Mars combo is by picking and choosing our battles.
Read below to see what the stars mean for your zodiac sign today, and make sure to check out your March 2021 monthly horoscope.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)
You're focused on taking care of pending tasks, making it quite a busy day ahead. Don't get sucked into petty dramas or wasting time on things you cannot control.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You're in the mood for fun, but you'll have to take care that you're not breaking the bank to do it. Let your creativity guide you when it comes to having a good time.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You may be feeling the pull to cocoon yourself away from the world and wanting to be the center of attention. You're encouraged to be super selective with your time and energy.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You might be feeling apprehensive in making an important decision or a move toward something you want. Trust in your vision and yourself. It’s time to be the trailblazer that you are.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
You're focused on your goals and finances today, and you could be itching to make a decision. Don't feel like you have to rush. You have time.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
How you're feeling is the focus for the day. You're encouraged to do things that make you feel good and worry less about others today. Free yourself of unnecessary responsibility.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
There may be something that you're a bit foggy or confused about, which is a good reminder to trust your intuition. It might be best to step back for now and wait for more information.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Your friends could be a source of support for you today, so don't be afraid to let them in. The insight or feedback you glean from them could be just what you need.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You're focused on your aspirations now — and it could be time to walk away from an unproductive business relationship or environment. Go where your heart is calling you.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You might have some big plans on your plate for today, but you can easily overwhelm yourself as result. In what ways can you give yourself more room to just chill?
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
A love interest might not be offering you the depth you crave, making it important to pay attention to what you're feeling. Meanwhile, following through with a creative idea can take you far.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
A family member or someone you live with could do something that upsets you today. Though instead of avoiding the conflict, it's important that you speak your mind.