Here's Your Horoscope For Today: January 27, 2021
Tenderness and patience will be our superpowers.

In this daily horoscope for Jan. 27, Bustle's resident astrologer Mecca Woods, founder of My Life Created, shares the astrological events happening today that will affect every zodiac sign. Below, here's a look at how astrology will affect our lives today.
We ease into the day with the moon in tenderhearted Cancer coming fresh off a meeting with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. As such, tenderness and patience will be our superpowers for the day. This will be especially true by the late morning when the Cancer moon opposes love planet Venus in stern Capricorn. On the bright side, this Moon-Venus match-up encourages us to nurture the people and things that nurture and support us. However, we'll need to be careful that we don't let our hearts get too much in the way of our heads (or vice versa), especially as the moon opposes power-hungry Pluto in Capricorn in the afternoon. The result of this combo could dredge up our fears and insecurities.
Luckily, the mood lightens a little as the moon moves into warm and playful Leo by late tonight. Though with the Leo moon coming up on an opposition with tough Saturn in Aquarius come morning, we'll have to be diligent in finding or reflecting the light we want to see.
Read below to see what the stars mean for your zodiac sign today, and make sure to check out your January 2021 monthly horoscope.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)
Now's not the time for charging ahead. Take time to nourish your heart space and constructive professional relationships. Solidify a foundation for yourself that you can build from.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)
It might be challenging for you to see a different perspective today if you're too invested in something you believe or concerned with the past. Be open to learning something new.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Money is on your mind today. Try not to let FOMO stop you in your tracks. You're being asked to reaffirm what you want while recognizing how much you have.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You might want to retreat into your shell today but make sure that you're not shutting out the people that love and support you. Meanwhile, whatever you idealize in others, you possess too.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
You might be feeling a bit anxious today, but you're called to take it easy and not sweat the small stuff. Try to let things work themselves out. If you're feeling rundown, practice self-care.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You're pushed to step outside of your comfort zone and lean on others as the people around you can help you bring a creative vision to life. With romance, let things develop organically.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You're feeling ambitious today, but a home- or family-related issue could be distracting you. Being honest about what you feel with others can improve your relationships and your day.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You're challenged to be as optimistic as you can today. Find the joy or inspiration wherever you can. Give your attention to good things and watch the energy, in and around you, shift.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Try to be intentional with how you manage your finances and resources. Don't be so quick to invest in something or take on an opportunity out of fear or desperation. More will come.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Go easy on yourself today. Now's not the time for keeping up appearances. It's a time for self-love and healing. Your vulnerability is your power now — own it. People will come through for you.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
If you find your worries hard to ignore today, try to focus on the things that you can control and invest in a spiritual practice. Have faith that good things are happening — they are.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Be mindful of comparing yourself to others today. You're reminded that no one else can do things quite the way you can. That said, honor what makes you unique and others will do the same.