The Spiritual Explanation Behind TikTok's "Broken Jewelry Theory"
It could explain why you lost that necklace from your ex.
When your necklace falls off it usually means the clasp is old or the chain is snapped, but according to TikTok’s “broken jewelry theory” this everyday mishap could occasionally have a deeper meaning, especially as it connects to your relationships.
On the app, creator @woodandwaterapothecary said her abalone shell earring recently fell out and cracked. “That means it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing,” she said in a video. Creator @cyracrystals pointed out that a moonstone necklace might fall off after a bad date, while others said a gift from a partner might snap after a breakup.
There’s quite a bit of lore surrounding the broken jewelry theory, but creator @sisusan helped explain by saying it’s thought to be a sign your jewelry protected you from something. That’s why, according to intuitive astrologer Patty Kamson, it’s always worth taking a closer look.
“When jewelry breaks, slips off, or disappears, it often serves as a gentle nudge from the universe,” she tells Bustle. “As an astrologer and crystal worker, I firmly believe everything is energy — and jewelry can hold onto that energy, too. If a piece suddenly falls away, it might be a synchronistic sign prompting you to pay attention.”
Jewelry Holds Energy
It’s always strange — and sometimes really sad — when an earring falls out, a beloved ring goes missing, or a bracelet you’ve worn for years suddenly decides to crack and break. While it might just be a sign of wear and tear, many people believe jewelry is supposed to fall away.
This is especially true for crystal jewelry. “Crystals have been revered for their protective and energetic roles across countless cultures,” says Kamson. Some are said to absorb or transmute low vibrations while others are said to mirror energy, support your growth, or protect you.
“The common thread is that crystals help stabilize or safeguard our energetic fields,” she says. “In many spiritual traditions, if a crystal is working especially hard, whether by reflecting, transmuting, or otherwise managing heavy or negative energy, it can break, crack, or detach — much like a shield that has taken an impact.”
“When they reach their breaking point, take it as a moment of gratitude...”
When that happens, it’s almost like the crystal’s work is done, it’s fulfilled its purpose in your life, and now it needs to go. “Protective stones such as black tourmaline, obsidian, clear quartz, and rose quartz are most often noted for this phenomenon,” she says. “When they reach their breaking point, take it as a moment of gratitude — they served you well and have completed their mission.”
It’s a sign they’ve been working overtime, adds Inbaal Honigman, a psychic and astrologer. “Hematite rings for example are notorious for this, “she says. “Their whole role is to absorb negativity; when they crack, it's time for a new one.”
While crystals are notorious for breaking, metal jewelry can also snap or get lost for many of the same reasons, says Honigman. While crystals have their own energy, she says metal holds onto energy, which might explain why that silver necklace from your boyfriend snapped and fell off the minute you broke up.
When Your Jewelry Breaks
Did your necklace just fall off? If so, “maybe there’s an emotional situation bubbling under the surface or a person in your life whose energy isn’t aligning with yours,” says Kamson. “The broken jewelry is like a little cosmic burst, letting you know something in your life could use a closer look.”
Consider how you’ve been feeling or how others have been treating you, especially if the jewelry was a gift. “Your body’s intuition is a powerful tool,” she says. “The more you learn to trust your own instincts, whether it's a sudden ‘a ha’ when a bracelet slips off or a sense of relief when a crystal cracks, the more aligned you become with the messages the universe is sending.”
To dig deeper, she recommends journaling to unpack more connections. If you’ve been wearing black tourmaline for protection, you might realize it fell off the day you hung out with a toxic friend. You can also consider what the crystal is for. Love? Protection? Creativity? If one of those areas in your life has shifted, maybe the crystal’s job is done.
In some cases, broken jewelry could also point to strained energy in a relationship — though it doesn’t automatically spell doom and gloom. “The jewelry snapping apart might be giving you a heads up,” says Kamson. “Sometimes, all it takes is an honest conversation or intentional energy clearing to recalibrate the relationship.”
What To Do When It Breaks
While you can try to fix it and put it back on, note if your jewelry continues falling off or getting lost. “The universe tends to get louder if we don’t listen the first time,” says Kamson. If it’s recently protected you, it might need to be cleansed or reset.
“Lightly smudge it, place it under a full moon, or put it on a selenite charging plate to clear residual energy,” she says. And if that doesn’t change anything, consider retiring the piece for now. “Letting it go doesn’t have to mean throwing it out; it could just mean giving it some rest until the energy around it or the situation in your life shifts,” she says.
If you want to honor your jewelry or ditch it completely, Kamson suggests burying it to return it to the earth. This could be especially helpful if the jewelry came from an ex or if it’s full of bad memories. What you decide to do with your jewelry is all based on intuition, so do whatever feels right.
Patty Kamson, intuitive astrologer
Inbaal Honigman, psychic, astrologer