It’s Official: October Libras Are Even More Indecisive Than September Libras
Astrologers are convinced.

Sharing a zodiac sign with someone doesn’t automatically make you two peas in a planetary pod. Some people might even feel like September Libras and October Libras might as well exist on two opposite ends of a balancing scale. They have different personality types, ways of navigating relationships, and very different visions of what they want their life to look like— but why might that be?
“For Libras, born between Sept. 23 and Oct. 22, their birth month can have subtle yet insightful impacts on their character,” says astrologer Letao Wang, and the zodiac cusp has a lot to do with it. September Libras are born closer to the sign of Virgo, so they might experience a blend of Virgo’s analytical earth sign nature.
“In contrast, those born in October are closer to the cusp with Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, which could introduce deeper, more intense emotional elements to their personality,” he says. Analytical versus emotional? Nothing could be more different than that!
While all Libras will share a few core qualities — they are fair-minded, social, flirty, clever, and also hopelessly indecisive — some may experience these traits more or less intensely than others. And that’s where decans come into play.
Decoding September Vs. October Libras
Each zodiac sign is divided into three subdivisions called decans. Each of the 12 zodiac signs takes up exactly 30 degrees on the zodiac wheel, so the first 10 degrees of a sign make up the first decan or first 10 days, the second 10 degrees are the second decan, and the final 10 degrees are the third decan.
Decans, to put it simply, help you dive even deeper into the traits associated with a certain zodiac sign, so knowing where you fall is key. Those born between Sept. 23 and Oct. 2 will be in the first decan, people born between Oct. 3 and Oct. 12 the second decan, and those born Oct. 13 to Oct. 22 are in the third decan. Because the sun travels approximately one degree per day, all September Libras are first-decan Libras, while most October Libras fall under either the second or third decan.
All Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, romance, and aesthetics, each decan also has its secondary ruling planet. The first Libra decan is double-ruled by Venus, the second is co-ruled by innovative Uranus, and the third by detail-oriented Mercury. It gets confusing, but these details help explain the various forms a Libra can take.
With that in mind, let’s examine some of the differences between September Libras and October Libras through the lens of decans and cusps.
1. September Libras Are The Most Diplomatic
If you’re looking for a friend who’s always willing to see two sides to any story, find yourself a September Libra. “They often exhibit diplomacy and a strong sense of fairness, embodying the classic Libra scales of balance,” says Wang.
That’s because September Libras are more closely aligned with Venus, the ruling planet that governs beauty, harmony, and social graces, he says. Having a double-Venus ruler enhances a Libra’s natural ability to mediate and ensure everyone gets along, and that means they’re adept at maintaining harmony in their relationships.
2. September Libras Have That Classic Libra Charm
Since September Libras — aka first decan Libras — are solely ruled by the planet of love, it makes sense that they’d be brimming with charming, Venusian energy. They also tend to embody the most textbook Libra traits, including being flirty, friendly, and fun. If a September Libra wants something, they’re going to charm you until they get it.
3. October Libras Are More Intense
While September Libras might be sweet as pie, October Libras tend to give off more in-your-face vibes. “They’re commonly known for their intensity,” says Wang. “These traits are more prominent as they edge closer to the astute and probing energies of Scorpio.”
It’s also why October Libras tend to have big, existential thoughts and a lot of emotional depth. Add in the fact the third decan is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, and it makes sense why a later Libra can talk your ear off.
4. September Libras Are Relationship-Oriented
Libra is the sign of partnerships, so exploring the dynamics of one-on-one interpersonal connections is an important part of life for anyone born under this sign, but September Libras are arguably the most romantic and relationship-oriented of the bunch.
All Libras love to flirt, but September Libras come alive when they get to bask in the glow of a relationship and form a deep, interpersonal bond with a partner. They’re always searching for their one great love — while having plenty of flings in between.
5. October Libras Are More Artistic
While Venus-ruled September Libras might have an eye for design, there’s a good chance an October Libra will be more into the arts when it comes to their career and their hobbies. Being further away from the serious Virgo cusp means they aren’t compelled to think practically when it comes to work, and that frees them up to embrace a more artistic and imaginative worldview. “This can manifest as a passionate drive in creative pursuits,” says Wang.
6. September Libras Are Way More Decisive
While all Libras are notoriously indecisive, October Libras take the crown. As this sign moves further away from pragmatic Virgo, they lose some decision-making ability associated with the earth sign.
Middle and late October Libras are also co-ruled by Uranus and Mercury respectively, so they tend to take their decisions very seriously — which means they often get stuck in limbo as a result. A mid or late October Libra will write 100 lists and call 100 friends before they’ll officially be able to figure out what they want. Classic.
7. October Libras Are Great Conversationalists
As cardinal air signs, Libras are gifted when initiating social connections and thoughtfully bringing relationships together. But for third decan Libras who are co-ruled by communicative planet Mercury — just like chatty Gemini — being social and interacting with the world around them is even more important.
October Libras are extra tactful and eloquent in the expression of their ideas, and they can carry on a meaningful conversation with just about anyone — even if they have totally different views.
8. October Libras Are Into Social Justice
Libras are more than just social butterflies — they’re also deeply invested in making sure things are fair and equitable for those around them. And because second decan Libras have community-oriented Uranus as an additional planetary influence, just like social-minded Aquarius, they tend to be even more passionate about political issues than their September counterparts. October Libras would be more willing to go against the grain and rebel against the status quo, especially if it means bringing a better balance to a situation.
Letao Wang, astrologer, spiritual counselor
Additional reporting by Carolyn Steber
This article was originally published on