Sex & Relationships
How To Plan The Perfect First Date, Based On Someone’s Zodiac Sign
The fifth house comes in handy here.

Planning the perfect first date can be really stressful. Even if you’ve known the person for a while, or you’ve been texting and FaceTiming every day for the past couple of weeks, it’s normal to worry about whether they’ll enjoy the date idea you came up with. While you can go with the basic chat over drinks or coffee, planning something more active can lessen the anxiety of a first date and help bring out your personalities. Thanks to astrology, knowing someone’s zodiac sign can help you pick a date activity they’re guaranteed to love.
There are a couple of different ways you can use someone’s birthday to discover what kind of activity they may enjoy. For one, you can look at the fifth house. “The fifth house ruled by Leo is the house of play and pleasure, and represents how you like to spend your non-working time,” Stina Garbis, professional psychic and @psychicstina on TikTok, tells Bustle. This house includes someone’s hobbies and the ways they like to be romanced. “Look here for inspiration on how to spend your leisure time and for ways to relax and open up to new lovers,” she says. “It’s a perfect house for planning first dates.”
In addition to the fifth house, your Sun sign can also reveal quite a bit. According to astrologer Lauren Donelson, the Sun sign signifies your identity, soul, and mind. “It's your basic nature,” she says. If you need help planning a date, someone’s sun sign can clue you into their likes and dislikes, whether they prefer being around large groups of people or prefer something more low-key, the types of environments they’re more comfortable in, and the activities that will allow their personality to shine.
So here’s the best first date activities for each zodiac sign, according to astrologers.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
For an Aries, do something physically active, Donelson says. This could be as simple as going on a hike or taking a yoga class together. “Aries are hot and fiery by nature, and they usually enjoy burning off some energy,” Donelson says. You’ll really get a chance to see who they are if you do something that gets the blood flowing.
Since Aries is ruled by Mars, which is very ambitious and competitive, attending a sports game is another great idea — you could even up the stakes and place bets on who will win, or opt for a competitive activity like mini golf, Garbis says.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus feel most comfortable when they’re in environments that are warm, inviting or familiar. Because of this, Donelson suggests taking them to a quiet restaurant with a cozy vibe. “Taurus loves all things sensual — especially food,” she says. “Making sure your Taurus date is well fed and comfortable will help them to open up.”
Venus-ruled Taurus has a deep appreciation for anything luxe. Astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology, tells Bustle, “Go somewhere you can do a wine tasting or bourbon flight. These are sensual people, feed their senses.” Bonus points if you take them somewhere they can brag about to friends the next day.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Geminis thrive when they’re surrounded by a lot of people. So try taking them to a bar during trivia night. According to Donelson, Geminis are known for having a very active mind. “Talking, sharing information, and even being a little competitive is perfect for your Gemini date,” she says.
The zodiac’s brainy twins would also enjoy going places that stimulate the mind. According to Gabis, you could go to old bookstores, vintage shops, or local museums. They’re very curious by nature and love learning new things. Plus, you’ll have a lot to talk about throughout your date.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer the crab rules over the home, and they love taking care of others. For date night, suggest cooking dinner together. “Cooking and sharing food is a great way to connect with them,” Donelson says.
Water signs also tend to feel most comfortable when they’re around water. For Cancer, in particular, it can make them feel relaxed and at peace, according to Garbis. So if there’s a beach or a lake nearby, try planning a walking date.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
When it comes to the zodiac’s superstar lion, pick something that will give them a chance to shine. “Leos are famous for wanting to take the stage,” Donelson says. “Your Leo date will feel seen and appreciated if they are able to show off their talents.” A nice karaoke bar would allow them to do that.
If you really want to impress, take them to the hip new bar or restaurant in town, or someplace where they where can get dressed up, like an opera or a fancy fundraising event. “Keep in mind that Leo likes it big and beautiful,” Loftis adds. “They want to see and be seen!”
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Mercury-ruled Virgo has a tendency to overthink. If you want to bring out the best in them, plan an activity that will allow them to be in the moment. A date night in playing a strategy board game like Catan can be fun for them. “Virgos are known for being practical and organized, so the structured fun of a game can help your date to relax and let go,” Donelson says.
Virgo also rules over the Sixth House of Health and Service, so taking a workout class together and then grabbing smoothies or brunch after could be a fun idea. “They love all the options because they can be healthy and indulge at the same meal,” Loftis says.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libras are one of the most social signs in the zodiac, so they enjoy being where people are. According to Donelson, a trendy cocktail spot with a vibrant atmosphere will make Libras feel right at home. They’re ruled by Venus, so they love being in place that are beautiful, elegant and sophisticated.
This Air sign would also enjoy anything artsy or creative, like a pop-up art gallery, a musical, or a poetry reading. Pay attention, too, because they’re going to want to hear your opinion afterwards. Libras are super romantic, so if the date is going well, keep it going as long as possible. “Offer to make the decisions on where to go and what to do,” Loftis says. “They struggle to be decisive, often weighing everyone else’s opinion.” They may find themselves falling for you after one date.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios are very interesting because they don’t typically enjoy the kind of small talk usually inherent in first date conversations. According to Donelson, they’d enjoy staying in, getting Postmates, and diving into a deck of getting-to-know-you cards. “This can help you and your Scorpio date get to know each other on a deeper level right away,” Donelson says.
The zodiac’s scorpion also enjoys things that are mysterious, thanks to their ruling planet Pluto. Garbis suggests taking them on a haunted hotel tour or getting your palms read at a local street fair.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
For Sagittarius, visit a part of town they’ve never been to before. “Sagittarius love to explore,” Donelson says. “Pick a neighborhood that neither of you are familiar with and have an adventure. Your Sag date will love the thrill of a new place.”
Sagittarius is another sign that loves meeting new people. “Invite them to a party or hit up a venue with a rooftop bar or pool, or something that makes the scene feel like a party,” Loftis says. You’ll really get to see their personality shine.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
The highly ambitious Capricorn is constantly working, so pick and activity that allows them to relax and be in the moment. Because they’re earth signs, Garbis suggests going on a casual hike or nature walk. Bonus points if you take them somewhere with an amazing view — they’re a sign that can truly appreciate the beauty of nature.
If you really want to impress, book a table at a spot in town where reservations are hard to come by. They’re into anything that’s luxe or screams status. “Show up on time, be dressed neatly, and order the best of things,” Loftis says. Only the best for the zodiac’s sea goat.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius is known for being the zodiac’s humanitarian, so naturally, volunteer work would be a great first date activity. According to Donelson, “Aquarians have a heart for helping the collective. Walking dogs or helping out at a soup kitchen will feel meaningful for your date.” They’ll appreciate being around someone who’s just as into a cause as they are.
Since they’re air signs, they also enjoy participating in things that mentally stimulate them. So go to a book launch or a talk on technology. If you want something that can help you get to know them better, start with a coffee shop meet-up or something equally informal, Loftis says. Don’t expect a ton of romance during the first few dates. For Aquarius, building a friendship first is much more important.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Like Cancer, Pisces is a water sign who feels the most at peace around water. Because of this, Donelson suggests planning a picnic near the lake or at the beach. “Pisces love romance and feel calm near water,” she says. “Skip the crowds and spend some time getting to know each other in a quiet, secluded spot.” They’re highly sensitive and very in tune to those around them, which can be a bit distracting or overwhelming. Be sure to pick a place where the focus can be on just the two of you.
A nice long walk around a park is another good date activity for Pisces. According to Loftis, you can to pick an activity that allows for gaps of silence and thoughtfulness. “Nothing strenuous,” she says. “Give them a chance to exit quickly, and don’t take it personally. Due to their sensitivity, they have to monitor their environment and feel safe.” If all goes well, Pisces may invite you to come over so you can talk and get to know each other a little more.
Lauren Donelson, astrologer
Stina Garbis, professional psychic
Jill Loftis, astrologer with Nuit Astrology