2025 is kicking into high gear, so it’s time to start getting serious about your financial goals for the year ahead. The astrology of 2025 brings lots of auspicious alignments that can be great for manifesting career success or boosting your bank account — but every zodiac sign will also have some especially lucky days to look forward when it comes to making money magic.
When it comes to the astrology of money, there are a few different planets that can play a role. Mercury is the planet of all things intellectual, so it governs mental matters, number-crunching, decision-making, and lots of other logistical factors that can impact finances. Venus is the planet that rules value, so this luxurious and opulent celestial body can also be a beneficial force in the financial realm. Additionally, Jupiter is the cosmic ruler of abundance and luck, so it can bring prosperity, fortune, and big opportunities around money. too.
Knowing which planets are the major players in finance is key if you’re looking for lucrative moments to capitalize on this year, but if you want to know what’ll affect your chart most, it’s also important to know the houses of the zodiac. The second house of income and resources is the part of a birth chart most directly linked with money, so when planets activate this cosmic region, you can expect to see some tangible effects on your bank account. The ambitious tenth house is associated with career, which can also impact your income, while the eighth house rules over matters of taxes, loans, and financial gifts from other people.
Ready to manifest some major profits and prosperity in the year ahead? Read on to find out the best money day of 2025, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Best Money Day: July 24, 2025
New moons are generally auspicious times to start new things or put some manifestations in motion, and the July new moon is one of the most lucrative moments of the year for you. This lunation is rising in fellow fire sign Leo, and it’s activating your creative and excitement-fueled fifth house — making it the perfect time to launch a passion project off the ground or take steps to monetize a hobby.
At the time of the new moon, clever planet Mercury will be in this part of your chart too, bringing lots of fresh business ideas and greater mental confidence in your plans. The sun and moon will also be positively connecting to hardworking Saturn in your sign, giving you the discipline and commitment necessary to see those new ideas through.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Best Money Day: Feb. 3, 2025
You’ve got tons of opportunities to manifest some cash or dream up some million-dollar ideas in early February, as both the sun and clever Mercury will be in your career zone making a lucky trine aspect to abundant planet Jupiter in your money sector.
This is a great time to have a conversation about a raise at work or start planning a clear path toward professional and financial growth. You’ll find that money should flow more easily right now, and it’ll likely feel like you have lots of promising career opportunities that could increase your income.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Best Money Day: June 25, 2025
New moons are usually seen as auspicious cosmic events for starting new things, and the summer’s first major lunation has the potential to be one of the most lucrative moments of the year for you. June’s new moon finds the sun, moon, and fortune-filled Jupiter all clustered together in your chart’s money sector — meaning you can turn over a lucky new leaf in your finances.
This is a great time to do a money manifestation to bring in more cash, as Jupiter’s Midas touch will be infusing this new beginning with loads of abundance and opportunity. This trio of planets will also be blowing a kiss to motivating Mars, giving you extra stamina to successfully chase your goals.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Best Money Day: Aug. 11, 2025
Value-oriented Venus and fortune-filled Jupiter are considered astrology’s two “benefic” planets — which means they bring loads of blessings wherever they go in a chart. And on Aug. 11, these two advantageous cosmic forces will come together in your sign, making you a magnet for abundance and indulgence.
This rare alignment in your sign puts your manifestation powers on overdrive, so it’s an ideal time to follow your heart and take a leap of faith when it comes to chasing your money goals and increasing your cash flow. Opportunities to boost your bank account will be coming your way, so be ready to capitalize on this lucrative streak of luck.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Best Money Day: Sept. 13, 2025
Mercury is the clever planet of planning and logistics, and on Sept. 13, it’ll join forces with your cosmic ruler, the sun, in your finance-oriented second house — forming a special conjunction known as a Mercury cazimi. This auspicious alignment can trigger some major lightbulb moments for your financial situation, bringing some lucrative new ideas or catalyzing some important conversations about your cash flow.
This is a great time to book an important meeting about your pay rate, put some new business plans in motion, or otherwise make major money moves. And don’t forget to keep your ear to the ground in case any million-dollar insights happen to pop into your head
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Best Money Day: June 8, 2025
Clever and logistics-minded Mercury is your cosmic ruler, and on June 8, it’ll join forces with the fortune-filled planet Jupiter in your career zone, bringing some exciting and lucrative opportunities. This ultra-lucky alignment has the potential to bring you some auspicious new ideas that can advance your professional standing, or prompt pivotal conversations that could open profitable new doors in your work life.
This could also feel like an exciting turning point for money plans you’ve had brewing over the past year, so trust your instincts if you feel it’s time to pounce. Abundance is yours for the taking, so make the most of it.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Best Money Day: Nov. 26, 2025
Throughout November, your luxury-loving cosmic ruler Venus will be dancing through your chart’s finance zone, making it easy to attract more opulence into your life and boost your income. But on Nov. 26, Venus will make a very lucky trine aspect to fortune-filled Jupiter, making your manifesting powers especially on point when it comes to your material wealth.
During this period, it’ll feel easy to generate abundance in your life, so it’s a great time to do a money ritual. Stay open to opportunities now too, as you may find that someone close to you can hook you up with a lucrative favor.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Best Money Day: Oct. 27, 2025
The sun will be shining in your sign from Oct. 22 through Nov. 21, boosting your confidence and manifesting power. But the first week of Scorpio season is especially empowering financially, as your traditional cosmic ruler Mars — the planet of action, goals, and motivation — will be making an auspicious trine aspect to abundant planet Jupiter in your lucky ninth house.
During this period, expect your ambitions to be set ablaze with passion, and you should take advantage of this energy boost by chasing after your loftiest and most lucrative goals. If you want to make some money moves, especially those that require luck or courage, now’s your time.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Best Money Day: Aug. 11, 2025
Summer could bring some serious financial boons, thanks to your abundant ruling planet Jupiter kicking off its journey through your chart’s house of loans, taxes, and other people’s money. And on Aug. 11, you might find yourself the lucky recipient of a helpful windfall, as Jupiter will join forces with value-oriented Venus, making it easy to attract the attention of those who want to invest in you or shower you with gifts.
If you’re looking for a loan, seeking an investor, or otherwise trying to manifest more money in your life, this fortunate alignment will make it easy to pull in some profitable relationships.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Best Money Day: Jan. 30, 2025
Aquarius season will be lighting up your chart’s finance sector with confidence and energy throughout late January until February, but expect an especially lucky and lucrative burst of productivity to hit around Jan. 30. That’s because the sun will be making an auspicious trine aspect to abundant planet Jupiter in your work zone, giving you an influx of ideas and motivation that’ll help you push forward on any money-related goals or plans to boost your income.
This gorgeous alignment kicks off two weeks of major financial luck, so capitalize on this Midas-touch-like vibe throughout the whole first half of February and make some profitable moves.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Best Money Day: April 6, 2025
Value-oriented Venus will be joining forces with your hardworking cosmic ruler Saturn in your money sector throughout the first week of April. This makes it a great time to get clear on which financial endeavors are worth your time and focus and also brings you the discipline necessary to see your lucrative visions through.
You’ll find that you’ll be especially ambitious and productive around money come April 6, as luxe Venus and committed Saturn will collectively form a lucky trine aspect to action-oriented Mars in your chart’s work zone. Now’s a time to chase your financial goals with zeal and motivation.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Best Money Day: Feb. 1, 2025
You’re doing a lot of leveling up this year, spiritually, financially, and beyond — and that’s because the North Node of Destiny will enter your sign on Jan. 11 for the first time in nearly two decades. On Feb. 1, the luxurious planet Venus will join forces with the growth-oriented North Node, bringing you tons of inner clarity and awareness about what’s truly valuable and worth working toward when it comes to your money goals.
Throughout the beginning of February, you may be challenged to step outside of your comfort zone, but you’ll find that doing so will likely come with some lucrative rewards. Do some manifesting, and also trust the universe to provide abundance.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.