How To Navigate August's Emotional New Moon In Leo
The 16th will be one spicy, moody night...

The August new moon enters party animal Leo on Aug. 16, 2023 at 5:38 a.m. ET, inspiring creativity and optimism for us all. This fire sign energy reminds us that it's OK to be a little greedy with our time as we prioritize our simple pleasures. To channel this lunation’s hedonistic spirit, consider these dos and don’ts.
DO: Break Out Of Your Shell
Feisty Leo loves to spice things up. New moons are all about beginnings, making this the perfect time to experiment. Whether you're interested in learning something new or finally trying your hand at a certain creative skill, this thrill-seeking lunation encourages novelty.
DON’T: Dodge Responsibility
Although Leo flocks toward fun, new moons are meant for planning and order. That's especially the case as we enter retrograde season, which can throw a wrench in our daily routine. Keep yourself as organized as possible, and prioritize your commitments ahead of your social life and hobbies.
DO: Take Creative Risks
Ruling all things creative, Leo inspires our inner artists — not just by energizing your imagination and talents, but also by giving you that fire-sign confidence to pursue challenges. The time is ripe to finally launch your newsletter or sketch out a new painting.
DON’T: Lose Touch With Your Inner Child
Leo is associated with children, and often it relates to our own inner child. This nostalgic lunation is a fruitful moment for indulging in activities you loved as a kid and learning from the children in your life.
DO: Plan Diligently
With Mars in Virgo now making a trine to Uranus in Taurus, we're prompted to get ahead of all the changes that rebellious Uranus might bring. There's a stubbornness to this transit, so it's a good idea to prepare some backup plans in case any challenges flare up.
DON’T: Be Blindsided By Change
The new moon in Leo squares off with Uranus in Taurus, causing us to feel sensitive and moody. Emotional revelations may show up, like a change of heart or new perspective on a difficult situation.
DO: Reflect On Your Personal Growth
New moons are a great time to pause and look inward. That's especially needed when la luna is in grandiose Leo. This moon can be restless, so reflection is a priority under this lunationf. Take a moment to revel in your growth and achievements.