
The Spiritual Meaning Of August’s Full Sturgeon Moon

Ready or not, change is coming.

by Nina Kahn
The spiritual meaning of the August full moon.
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If you’ve felt some chaotic energy in the ether lately, you can blame it on the astrology of August, because this month’s planetary clashes are inarguably intense. All the pent-up energy climaxes during the full moon on Aug. 19, also dubbed the Sturgeon Moon. This lunation also happens to be the year’s first supermoon, meaning it peaks at a closer-than-usual proximity to the earth and appears larger in the sky because of it. And while the moon may look big, the changes all zodiac signs are undergoing look even bigger, so understanding the spiritual meaning of August’s full moon can help you stay grounded through the shake-ups.

Full moons happen whenever the two luminaries face off with each other in the heavens, allowing the sun to illuminate the face of the moon in its entirety. Symbolically, the tension between these opposing celestial bodies can bring people’s emotions to a boil and push situations to their climax or breaking point. Because the full moon is taking place in the status-quo-shucking sign of Aquarius, you’re being asked to embrace your true and one-of-a-kind self, even if that doesn’t align with other people’s expectations of you. You may have to overcome some personal challenges before you can feel fully confident in your skin, but under this full moon, your work will pay off.

There are a lot of hard-hitting planetary aspects involved with this lunation, so its spiritual meaning is infused with the spirit of change and personal revolution. Here’s everything you should know about this full moon’s energy and how to work with it.

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What’s The Spiritual Meaning Of August’s Sturgeon Moon?

According to Farmer’s Almanac, the annual full moon of August is nicknamed the Sturgeon Moon, and it’s called such due to the plethora of sturgeon fish that fill North American lakes during this stretch of the summer. The abundance of giant sturgeon provided a plentiful and hearty food source for the people living nearby — a reminder that there are enough resources and opportunities to go around for everyone, and that there’s no reason to limit yourself or minimize what you’re capable of. Being a big fish in a small pond can make it feel like you’re on top, but you’ll only fully grow into your power if you allow yourself to swim out into the open sea and challenge yourself to explore new territory.

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The full moon is in free-thinking Aquarius, and it’s sitting across from the regal and powerful sun in Leo, encouraging everyone to let their freak flags fly and embrace their revolutionary inner truth. However, alongside the sun is Mercury retrograde, dragging thoughts and conversations from the past into the current emotional landscape. These planets are collectively in a T-square with chaos-wielding Uranus — Aquarius’ cosmic ruler — so some unpredictable twists and challenges are in store. There’s yet another frustrating T-square alignment involving Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, so all zodiac signs are challenged to step up to their true callings. But with so many tough and touchy squares happening in the skies, you’ll have to be patient and overcome some personal hurdles in your quest to get there.

How To Work With The Sturgeon Moon Energy

Because August’s Sturgeon Moon is in the rule-breaking air sign of Aquarius and it’s squaring off with innovative Uranus, pushing the limits of your comfort zone is one of the major themes of this lunation. If you notice yourself feeling like you “can’t” do something you want to do, ask yourself why. Is it because doing so would require you to make some radical moves that scare you? Is it because it would be “out of character,” or that you fear the people in your life might judge you? The bravery of the sun in Leo combined with the non-conformist vibe of the moon in Aquarius wants you to forget about what’s “normal” and start living your life like you’re the main character — because you are.

Of course, doing so is easier said than done, but the cosmic chaos surrounding this lunar moment reminds you that change is one of life’s non-negotiables. If you want to level up and evolve into more authentic and powerful versions of yourself, your circumstances probably need to shift. There may be burdensome situations that you need to let go of, or perhaps larger responsibilities that require you to step up your game and get real. There may also be changes on the horizon that are beyond your control — but it’s still up to you to decide how you’ll respond to them. When life gives you lemons, choose to make lemonade instead of feeling sour. Doing so is an important part of embracing the spiritual meaning of this Sturgeon Moon.