
Dos & Don’ts For The August New Moon In Leo

Make some magic before Mercury retrograde starts.

by Nina Kahn
Group of people having fun at music concert
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The heart of Leo season is here! Right in the middle of the sun’s journey through the cosmic lion’s den, the beautiful new moon on Aug. 4 will bring all zodiac signs an exciting opportunity to tap into their creativity before Mercury retrograde swoops in with all of its classic cosmic confusion. There’s a lot happening on the planetary front this month, so it’s especially important to know the do’s and don’ts of August’s new moon, as you’ll want to take advantage of this cosmic bright spot before you get caught in some summer storms.

Leo is a flashy and vivacious fire sign symbolized by the powerful and prideful lion, and its majestic energy is a reminder to have total confidence in yourself and be the king (or queen) of your own jungle. This lunation is supported by energizing Mars and optimistic Jupiter, giving your new moon goals an extra jolt of magic, motivation, and luck. It’s the perfect time to fire up your creative juices and go after your goals with gusto.

Additionally, August’s new moon peaks mere hours ahead of some important astrological shifts: Love planet Venus leaves behind Leo soon after this lunation, as it shifts into the earthy realm of Virgo — and communication planet Mercury will station retrograde just past midnight Eastern time on the same night. This means that the new moon is especially primed for manifestation since it’s everyone’s last chance to start something new before the mental mix-ups of Mercury retrograde swoop in a few hours later.

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If you want to make the most of this lucky lunation, here are a few tips on what to do and avoid during the August 2024 new moon.

DO: Take Pride In Yourself

Confidence isn’t the same thing as cockiness, and under the rays of the Leo new moon, it’s time to get comfortable with the fact that you’re allowed to toot your own horn and be shameless about going after your goals. Take pride in your accomplishments and share that enthusiasm with others. This helps build your momentum toward future success and inspires other people to think more positively about their own wins — making it easier to believe in their ability to succeed again.

DON’T: Play Small

Leo is the sign ruled by the sun, and the sun’s biggest flex is that it shines brighter than anything else in the solar system. So with the two luminaries linking up in this flashy fire sign for August’s new moon, it’s important to channel that leonine sunshine and let yourself sparkle.

Don’t play small to avoid catching other people’s attention or doubt how deserving you are of taking up space — especially with the expansive and prosperous planet Jupiter harmonizing with the new moon. Minimizing your potential or talking down on yourself for other people’s comfort will only detriment you, so focus on going big or going home.

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DO: Follow Your Passions

Creativity, passion, and confidence all fall under the jurisdiction of Leo’s zodiac energy, so with the sun and moon together in this sign, this lunation is an important time to follow your heart enthusiastically and audaciously. What opportunities or potential plans make you feel viscerally excited? In what situations do you feel most confident and sure of yourself? Are there certain people or things that really get your creative juices flowing? Your gut feelings can lead you toward your passions, and now’s the time to pursue them.

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DON’T: Make Things Complicated

The Leo new moon may be a magical time for manifestation, but bear in mind that Mercury retrograde begins later that night. This transit is known for jumbling dates and schedules, causing delays in plans and projects, or otherwise mixing things up.

So while you’re fully in the clear to plant seeds for your new endeavors under this lunation, it’s better to keep your plans open-ended and avoid trying to kick off anything too complicated. With Mercury retrograde swooping in so quickly, simplicity and flexibility will be the keys to keeping your intentions alive until the end of the backspin.

DO: Let Your Creativity Percolate

You’re fully in the clear to plant seeds for new endeavors under this lunation, and it’s one of the best moments of the summer to kick off new passion projects, hobbies, or other forms of artistic self-expression. However, you may find that it takes some time to get things off the ground due to the Mercury retrograde period. Inspiration is flowing now, so grab onto those creative ideas — but be willing to let them percolate over the next few weeks. Mercury retrogrades can be annoying, but they can also help you review and revise your plans for the better.

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DON’T: Lose Sight Of Your Summer Goals

August’s new moon rises at nearly the exact midpoint of the summer, so it’s the perfect time to connect with your summer goals and hit them with a jolt of confidence and enthusiasm. This lunation could bring a fresh and creative perspective to whatever plans you’ve had brewing this season, so in addition to setting brand-new intentions, you might want to embrace the fast-approaching retrograde energy by circling back to whatever’s been on the back burner, too.