
3 Manifestation Rituals To Try During August’s Full Sturgeon Moon

You can work with the chaos.

by Nina Kahn
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Full moons always mark a climactic moment in the lunar cycle, as they occur when the sun and moon are exactly opposite one another in the zodiac. This alignment can catalyze emotional realizations, explosive feelings, and important turning points — and as a result, this phase of the moon is particularly potent when it comes to letting things go or bringing things to the surface. In most cases, you can use this powerful lunar energy to guide the focus of your manifestation practice and give it a cosmic boost. And given the intensity of August’s full Sturgeon Moon, it’s helpful to know exactly how you should work the vibes to your advantage.

The next full moon takes place on Aug. 19 in the chain-breaking sign of Aquarius, and it’ll be facing off with the sun in expressive and self-assured Leo — so it’s pushing everyone to embrace radical shifts in their lives that’ll ultimately bring them a greater sense of freedom. This particular lunation is volatile, though, as it’s clashing with both Mercury retrograde and unpredictable Uranus, promising to bring surprises that could shift your trajectory in a big way.

Alongside the full moon are a series of other planetary quarrels, so you may need to make some big decisions, set stronger boundaries, and work through some blockages around your confidence and sense of community. There’s no rulebook to life, so take the challenges as they come — and remember that the future always holds surprises and upgrades that will reveal themselves in time.

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Change is never easy, but you can still make the most of this intense lunar moment by opening your heart to whatever realizations come about and stepping up to face any struggles that find their way to the surface. Here are some manifestations for the August full moon that’ll help you channel this chaotic lunar energy most effectively and bring your visions into reality.

Judgement-Releasing Ritual

As the collectivist-focused energy of Aquarius always teaches, learning to be more true to your weird and wonderful self isn’t selfish — it’s actually one of the greatest gifts you can give to others. Because when you’re confident in who you are and can let your authenticity shine, you’ll inspire others to do the same.

That said, the heaviest burdens people carry with them are the expectations placed on them by others. When you worry about being judged, you inherently end up making yourself smaller and fooling yourself into thinking you have fewer options than you really do! So under this full moon, focus on working through any mental, emotional, or spiritual blockages holding you back from pursuing your genuine desires.

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Write down all the things you would do, say, and experiment with if you weren’t concerned with what anyone else thought about you, then think about the worst thing that could happen if you went ahead and did that thing anyway. It probably isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things, right? The more you reflect on these wishes, the more you’ll realize how much agency you have in creating the reality of your dreams.

Set An Intention For The Collective

Aquarius is the sign that symbolizes friendships, community connections, and your hopes and wishes for the future — so this is a beautiful lunation to practice thinking beyond yourself and visualizing some dreams for the collective. Think about the country you live in or even the whole world. What changes could be made to improve the lives of everyone in it?

Then zoom in a little closer and consider what changes you’d like to see for your own community. When you think of a happy future for yourself with the people around you, what does that look like? How can you make more meaningful contributions to your community and the world at large?

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Boil your visualization down into a few key intentions designed to boost the collective good. If you’d like, write down your hopes, and light a candle or stick of incense to infuse your manifestation with a little extra firepower. With innovative and unpredictable Uranus thrown into the full moon mix, anything is possible — so dream big and don’t let go of your wishes for a better world.

Find Calm In The Chaos With Meditation

There’s a lot of intensity happening with this lunation, and depending on how it’s hitting your chart, it can feel a bit destabilizing. If you’re in the throes of some major full moon chaos, try manifesting with a calming meditation instead of a more complicated ritual. Clearing your mind, connecting with yourself, and giving yourself time to release your day’s worries can help you tap into your manifestation powers. Try a visualization-based meditation exercise like this full moon energy activation or simply put on some full moon meditation music in the background while you journal, set intentions, or get ready for bed.