August 2023’s Astrology Includes 2 Full Moons & 2 Retrogrades
Mercury retrograde is back, baby.

Welcome to the dog days of summer! The heat can get fierce at this time of year, and the astrology of August is bringing equally intense vibes. With Venus retrograde in full force, Mercury retrograde on the way, and a double blast of full moon opening and closing out the month, you’ll definitely want to mark your calendar for all the major astrological events in August 2023.
Leo season energy dominates through the first few weeks of August, so look forward to some glitzy boosts in confidence, charisma, and creativity. Hot girl summer is in full effect! Venus retrograde in Leo is also raging all month, prompting us to reassess our values when it comes to love and relationships. Cosmic vibes shift drastically come Aug. 23, as both Virgo season and Mercury retrograde kick off on the same day. While Virgo’s grounded and analytical energy is great for fine-tuning your goals and tidying up the messy parts of your life, Mercury retrograde’s mix-ups could throw a wrench into all things logistical. Take things slow and be sure to double-check the details of your plans.
On the lunar front, August is being bookended by two powerful full supermoons — dubbed as such due to their closer-than-usual proximity to Earth, which can make them appear extra big and bright. And because we typically only have one full moon per month, the second one is a special Blue Moon. The Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius acts as the month’s opening act on Aug. 1, while the mystical Blue Moon in Pisces wraps things up on Aug. 30. Right smack in the middle is the dramatic new moon in Leo on Aug. 16, which is putting a fire under our creative visions and highlighting all the love-related lessons we’ve been learning through the past weeks of Venus retrograde.
Read on for the scoop on the major astrological events in August 2023.
Kicking Things Off With A Full Supermoon In Aquarius
The month begins with a chain-breaking full moon in Aquarius, which will encourage you to embrace your individuality and let your freak flags fly. This lunation is traditionally known as the Sturgeon Moon, thanks to the influx of giant sturgeon fish that historically filled the lakes of North America during this part of the summer. The cool and airy Aquarian energy of this full moon can help us step back from the Leo season heat and look at emotional situations more objectively. It may also bring about unexpected twists or revelations, thanks to a lunar square with unpredictable planet Uranus.
Feeling The Fire Of Leo Season & A Venus Star Point
The first few weeks of the month comprise the majority of Leo season 2023, which cosmically amps up your star power and encourages unabashed self-expression. It’s time to show off and show out! Leo is the sun’s home sign, so when it’s here, it motivates all zodiac signs to bravely open up their hearts and let their inner light shine.
Additionally, the romantic planet Venus is also retrograding in lavish Leo all month, potentially spurring some drama in your love life or shifts in your self-worth. However, a bright spot emerges on Aug. 13, during which the sun and Venus will form a conjunction with one another (this is also known as a Venus cazimi or Venus Star Point). During this cosmic alignment, you may have some breakthroughs regarding your values, relationships, and more. And because the sun and Venus will be squaring off with wild-child Uranus at the time, you might also be taken by surprise with a sudden change of heart.
A Mid-Month New Moon In Leo
Speaking of Leo zodiac energy, the August new moon rises in Leo on Aug. 16, bringing an auspicious opportunity to set heartfelt intentions and plant the seeds for future passion projects. Keep in mind that the sun and moon will be in alignment with Venus retrograde during this lunation, so listen to your intuition when it comes to any confusing romantic situations. You may even be inspired to turn over a new leaf in an old relationship.
Bring On The Virgo Vibes
The sun leaves its Leonine home base and enters mutable earth sign Virgo on August 22, kicking off Virgo season 2023 and heralding in the final month of summer. This gentle and down-to-earth energy is great for inspiring organization, productivity, and any efforts toward self-improvement. Virgo is also the sign that rules health and wellness, so this month is a fabulous time to check in on your daily habits and work on cleaning up your routine. But you’ll want to pay extra close attention to any logistical details, because…
Mercury Retrograde Starts Aug. 23
On the same day that Virgo season begins, mental Mercury begins retrograding through Virgo — one of the planet’s home signs — for the next few weeks. Mercury is Virgo’s ruling planet, so during this Mercury retrograde period, assume that details, plans, and schedules may get a little messier than usual. Try to be flexible when it comes to booking meetings or hang-outs, as timing may not align quite as you’d hoped. You’ll also want to watch out for errors in virtual and IRL communication, as typos and foot-in-mouth moments are much more common during these pesky backspins.
Energy Shift For Mars On Aug. 27
On Aug. 27, high-energy Mars enters the balanced air sign Libra, inspiring all zodiac signs to take more initiative when it comes to their partnerships and be a little more diplomatic as they chase their goals. Harmony-loving Libra territory isn’t the most comfortable setting for this confrontational warrior planet, so you may struggle to fully stand up for yourself when it comes to confrontation or conflict. Remember, you can agree to a fair compromise without being a pushover or people-pleaser.
Uranus Retrograde Begins On Aug. 28
Uranus retrograde starts on Aug. 28, kicking off a subtle but important period of internal processing and up-leveling. Uranus’ cosmic energy can be disruptive and rebellious, but thankfully, its annual retrograde periods aren’t usually too chaotic. Instead, they bring a chance to unpack any unexpected personal changes or larger-scale paradigm shifts that may have rocked your world over the past few months. It’s time to break out of any limiting boxes and reevaluate the rules you’ve been following.
Full Blue Moon In Pisces On Aug. 30
Get ready for a bonus blast of lunar magic, as the second full moon of the month is hitting on Aug. 30, earning it the special title of Blue Moon. This once-in-a-blue-moon moment is taking place in dreamy water sign Pisces, giving you a chance to connect with your fantasies amidst the pragmatic energy of Virgo season. Because the moon will be teaming up with no-nonsense planet Saturn, you may be inspired to let go of unrealistic daydreams in favor of putting together more practical plans. By getting real about what you have to work with, you can get closer to making your most fantastical wishes come true.
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