We'll All Feel More Fearless During Aries Season
It marks the start of a fresh astrological year.

Time to dry your tears and get ready to heat things up, because the sun is leaving the zodiac seas of watery Pisces on March 20 and entering the red-hot sign of Aries. This solar shift marks the start of Aries season 2021, and it also coincides with the first official day of spring. Aries energy brings out the spunky firecracker in all of us, and knowing how Aries season 2021 will affect your zodiac sign can help you make the most of the exciting vibes ahead.
Aries is the cardinal fire sign of the zodiac bunch and its energy is all about leadership, passion, and taking charge. When the sun travels through Aries, we’ll all feel inspired to make bold moves and take action, as this vibe is all about chasing after what you want. Our competitive streaks like to come out to play during Aries season, so channel your boundless energy toward something productive — like a starting a new exercise routine, kicking off a lighthearted challenge between friends, or a laying out the plans for a new goal.
Fearless Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac — meaning that on top of ushering in a brand new season, the sun’s entry into Aries also marks the start of a new astrological year. Step into your power as you embrace this fresh n’ feisty energy, and read on for your Aries season 2021 horoscopes.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)
Happy birthday season to you, Aries! The coming month is a powerful time to step into the spotlight, set your compass toward what you want in life, and take some serious action. Both your confidence and energy levels are high enough to take you to wherever you need to go to accomplish your goals, so don’t stop until you’re satisfied with where you’re at.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This season marks a quieter and less social period for you, Taurus, so prioritize some introspective alone time. Your focus is fixed toward your internal landscape rather than your social calendar. Allow yourself to connect with your spirituality and recharge your batteries by making extra time to rest, daydream, and get in touch with your inner self.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You’re one of the social butterflies of the zodiac, Gemini, but Aries season will have you spreading your wings and connecting with others in entirely new ways. Let your inner leader shine by organizing some collaborative projects in your professional life, or joining a fun group in your community.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)
The sun is shining on your career right now, Cancer, so it’s time to make some bold moves and show off your leadership skills. Grab the reigns on a larger project at work this month, or take initiative toward a raise or promotion by scheduling a meeting with your boss and expressing your desires. Now’s the time to toot your own horn at work.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
After an emotionally heavy Pisces season, having the sun in a fellow fire sign’s territory will rev your engines for an exciting month. Be bold about your visions and aspirations for the future, Leo — because there’s no mountain too tall to climb and no ocean that’s too deep to swim in. Following your thirst for adventure and knowledge will broaden your horizons.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
It’s time to do some spring cleaning in your soul, Virgo. This month takes you on an inward journey and asks that you start facing your fears and setting boundaries within your relationships. Confront any secrets or unspoken resentments and own up to any debts or lingering promises. If you take charge, you have a chance to clear your energetic slate.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You may be known for being a people-pleaser, Libra, but Aries season is asking you to take a bolder stance within your closest personal relationships. If you’re ready to commit in love or wanting to break out of a limiting dynamic, now’s the time to speak your truth and say exactly what you want from others. If you’re honest, your partner will follow your lead.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
The start of this new season brings a whole bunch of physical energy that’ll inspire you to tackle your to-do list, Scorpio. You’re embracing a fresh take on your routine and are finding ways to revamp your schedule. If you’ve been trying to add exercise into your routine or restructure your days to allow more time to work toward your goals, now’s a great time for it.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
The sun in a fellow fire sign is lighting up your sense of romance and creativity this season, Sagittarius. It’s time to get bold and bombastic about having fun — whether that’s by pouring your heart into passion projects, flirting like nobody’s business, or temporarily pushing aside your responsibilities to make more time for play and leisure.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Your home is your safe haven, Capricorn, and this season asks you to spend some time making sure it truly feels like a sanctuary. Do some spring cleaning and redecorate your place to make it feel 100% like your own. And take charge of clearing up any emotional drama in your home life, too — family feuds or roommate issues can be resolved if you stand up for your needs.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Your social life is sparkling this season and you’ve got the gift of gab, Aquarius, so use this energy to your advantage. This is a great time to network, refresh connections with friends or coworkers, or get more active on social media. Expressing your ideas comes easily to you now and all the right people are listening, so speak exactly what you want into existence.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
It’s time to take charge of your money sitch, Pisces. After a dreamy birthday month, you’re jumping back into reality and focusing on your tangible assets. Do whatever you need to do to ensure that you’re able to do your thing freely. Picking up a new gig, working toward a raise, or just coming up with a fresh savings plans can get you back on track and boost your confidence.