Your Astrological Forecast For April
It’s not an April Fool’s joke — Mercury retrograde is back.

Happy April, star babes, and congrats on making it through a quarter of the year! This month begins in the thick of the year’s first eclipse season, so all zodiac signs are being swept up in big cosmic changes and major emotional intensity. But things aren’t slowing down anytime soon, as there’s another eclipse on the horizon, plus a hectic Mercury retrograde thrown in the mix, too. Spring has sprung, and the major astrological events of April 2024 are kicking things into high gear.
The tone for the month is set immediately, as Mercury stations retrograde on April 1, kicking off a few weeks of its infamous communication clashes and scheduling snags. It’s also Aries season for most of the month and by the second week of April, there will be a full-blown Aries stellium in the skies that climaxes with a powerful total solar eclipse — a lunation that will push everyone out of their comfort zones in the name of growth. Taurus season starts on April 19, and it does so with a cosmic bang, as a rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus peaks the very next day. Big changes are afoot, both personally and collectively. After several weeks of cosmic chaos, a cleansing full moon in Scorpio rises on April 23 to clear everyone’s emotional slates. Finally, the month wraps up with lover Venus and gutsy Mars entering their home-base zodiac signs, allowing romance and passion to flow more freely.
Read on for the scoop on the most important astrological events of March 2024.
Mercury Retrograde Is Back
It’s not an April Fool’s joke — Mercury retrograde is indeed back in town from April 1 until April 25, ending the pleasantly retrograde-free astro weather from the past few months. This backspin is likely to mix things up in the Mercurial realms of communication, timing, technological devices, and travel. Because the entirety of the retrograde takes place in feisty Aries, you may feel the urge to be impulsive and act quickly on your ideas, but you’ll want to temper this with a little extra patience. Taking it slow pays off during retrogrades like these!
Look out for the Mercury cazimi (the alignment of Mercury with the sun) on April 11, as it could bring a mental breakthrough or moment of clarity around some of the current retrograde issues on your plate.
Aries Action & A Total Solar Eclipse
The trailblazing energy of Aries season dominates the first few weeks of the month. Aries is the cardinal fire sign of the zodiac, so let this astrological season inspire you to take action, tap into your passions, and fearlessly face life’s challenges. On April 5, relationship-oriented Venus enters Aries, too, making all zodiac signs bolder about love. At this point, the sun, Mercury, Venus, minor planet Chiron, and the fate-wielding North Node of Destiny will be clustered together in Aries for the rest of the season, forming a powerful stellium that’ll light up a collective sense of leadership and passion.
The climax of Aries season comes on April 8, when the total solar eclipse in Aries rises in the skies. This is the first solar eclipse of the year and it marks a huge moment of growth for all zodiac signs. The eclipse will be conjoined with wounded-healer comet Chiron, so it’s challenging everyone to fight for their independence and face their weaknesses. Blazing new trails isn’t easy, but now’s the time to summon your inner leader and find your way against all odds.
A Powerful Mars-Saturn Conjunction
One of the biggest moments of the month arrives on April 10, when hot-headed Mars and get-serious Saturn form a conjunction aspect in the emotional sign of Pisces. Mars’ vibe in astrology is zealous and motivated, but stern and disciplined Saturn likes to take things slow so when these cosmic forces combine, it can either supercharge your long-term goals with lasting power or lead you to lots of frustration. Resist the urge to jump head-first into any plans and instead, give yourself time to think about the future and what you’d really like to commit your time to. These two planets only connect in the zodiac every two years, and they won’t meet again in the sign of Pisces until 2052, so channel this intense and buzzy energy wisely and use it to slowly but steadily launch your dreams into existence.
Tapping Into Taurus Season
It’s been a big month of Aries activity thus far, but springtime is taking a refreshingly down-to-earth turn come April 19, when the sun enters the sensuous realm of fixed earth sign Taurus. Taurus season brings the perfect vibe for finding some stability — especially after the past month of eclipse chaos — and its grounding energy can help you slow down, be pragmatic about your plans, and start working toward your goals sustainably and methodically. But this Taurus season starts a little spicier than usual, which leads to…
A Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Shakes Things Up
Taurus season is usually a chill time to enjoy life’s sensual pleasures and embrace the present moment — but this year it starts with an electrifying bang, as a rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction hits on April 20 in Taurus. This connection between lucky planet Jupiter and unpredictable Uranus is one of the most notable astrological alignments of the year, as these two planets only come together every 12 years and won’t do so again in Taurus for over 80 years. On a personal level, this can bring brilliant bursts of inspiration and lucrative new ideas and innovations, especially in the Taurus-ruled parts of your birth chart. On a collective level, look out for major progress and global shifts around money and finances, and an expansion of some of the themes that have come up with Uranus in Taurus over the past years.
A Cleansing Full Pink Moon On April 23
This month has been jam-packed with intensity and action, and the full moon in Scorpio on April 23 is coming through to sweep out all the emotional buildup that needs releasing. Scorpio zodiac energy is all about diving beneath the surface and excavating the truth, so prepare to get real with yourself as you sort through all the feelings brought up over the past month of eclipses. April’s full moon is also traditionally dubbed the “Pink Moon,” thanks to the widespread bloom of a wildflower called pink moss phlox in North America during this time of the year. With Mercury retrograde wrapping up just two days after this lunation, now’s the perfect time to start bringing your springtime manifestations to bloom, too.
A Homecoming For The Love & Sex Planets
After a lot of cosmic showers, the last two days of April bring an exciting vibe switch that’ll set the stage for lots of May flowers — as the love and sex planets Venus and Mars will both enter their traditional signs of rulership. Venus enters luscious Taurus on April 29, upping your desire for luxurious vibes and sensual indulgences. The following day, Mars enters feisty Aries, bringing a libido boost and an influx of passion to all zodiac signs. You may not get to enjoy much of this energy before April ends but trust that with these planetary homecomings, the next chunk of spring is shaping up to be exciting.