The Most Astrologically Intense Day Of The Year Is Here
Historically, it's brought global turmoil and creative breakthroughs.

April 20 will be one of the most intense days of the year, thanks to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus at 10:27 p.m. ET (7:27 p.m. PT). This planetary transit stirs up massive upheaval on both a personal and universal scale — think: powerful chaos and creative breakthroughs. Pay attention to this moment, because this event happens only once every 84 years.
A conjunction is when two planets’ paths veer close to each other, often meeting in the same sign. Astrologically speaking, this creates a powerful merge of energies. Jupiter rules luck, prosperity, and growth, while unpredictable Uranus reigns over the future. Taurus oversees money, the environment, self-worth, values, and beauty; April 20 marks the beginning of the bull’s reign.
All together, this sparks “an electrifying bang,” as astrologer Nina Kahn previously told Bustle. “Big changes are afoot, both personally and collectively.”
“On a personal level, this can bring brilliant bursts of inspiration and lucrative new ideas and innovations, especially in the Taurus-ruled parts of your birth chart,” Kahn said.
There will be a widespread impact, too. “On a collective level, look out for major progress and global shifts around money and finances, and an expansion of some of the themes that have come up with Uranus in Taurus over the past years,” she said.
Jupiter and Uranus come together every 14 years, regularly prompting world-shifting changes. The last one happened in 2010, the same year as the Arab Spring, the Occupy movements, and WikiLeaks. The conjunction’s effects can typically be felt during the surrounding weeks.
However, this particular dynamic won’t happen again until 2108. Historically, quite a few major events have happened during these periods.
The last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus hit in June 1941, the same month that Germany invaded Russia during World War II. Known as Operation Barbarossa, it remains the largest, deadliest military operation in history.
Before that, Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution on July 1, 1858, five weeks after the conjunction hit in late May.
Regardless of what’s happening around you, lean into your creativity and stay open to change.