Here's What It Means If You See 888 All The Time
It’s a sign of material abundance.

If you’re looking for a sign or guidance from the universe on an issue you’re facing right now, repeating numbers may hold the answers you’re looking for. When you see the same repeating numbers in your daily life like checking the clock at exactly 4:44 every other day or getting your receipt and seeing both your total and your order number is 777, you’re seeing what’s called angel numbers. If you’ve been seeing the number 888 everywhere, get excited. As Kaitlyn Kaerhart, numerologist and best-selling author of You Are Cosmic Code: Essential Numerology, tells Bustle, your finances are about to take a turn for the better.
In spirituality, repeating numbers represent synchronicities, which Kaerhart says represent divine guidance, alignment with your higher self, and spiritual upgrades. When you see these repeating numbers, you’re getting messages from the universe saying you’re on the right path and that something is being “activated” within you or a specific area in your life.
In numerology, the number eight represents wealth, success, wisdom, and enlightenment. It’s why those with life path Eight usually do well in the world of business, astrologer Maria Hayes tells Bustle. They have the tenacity and work ethic to achieve their goals, and many end up being pretty successful in life.
The number is also seen as a very lucky number. In Chinese numerology, eight is the number of abundance and prosperity. “Likened to the symbol of infinity, eight embodies prosperity and good luck,” Hayes says. “That’s why in this tradition, Aug. 8 (8/8) is the most booked marriage date.”
Given that eight is a lucky number, especially in terms of money and material goods, the number 888 brings some positive messages. So here’s what it means if you keep seeing the angel number 888.
The Meaning Of Angel Number 888 In Numerology
It helps to know the energy of each individual number in order to get the full scope of the angel number 888. For starters, numerologists believe that the number eight is related to abundance, so it makes sense that being life path Eight is associated with prestige and leadership. Given that the triple-digit holds significance in numerology, the angel number 888 deals with themes of money, success, and power, so seeing 888 in your everyday life means you’re being supported in the material realm.
The Spiritual Meaning Of Angel Number 888
Generally, the angel number 888 relates to material comforts, like money, influence, and power. It’s often a sign that you’re leaning into your leadership skills, and that abundance is on its way. If there’s something you want to make happen in your life — such as getting a promotion, a raise, a new job, or starting a successful business — Kaerhart says it’s a good time to start manifesting. The universe is on your side.
If you already have a big goal in mind and you’re taking the steps towards achieving that goal, the number 888 is a good sign that you’re doing the right thing and on the right path. “All past efforts are paying off as the angels are giving their support in creating abundance,” Linda Berry, spiritual coach and founder of the Spiritual Discovery Center in Southern California, tells Bustle. “Shifts are taking place and opportunities are coming. Releasing all resistance to abundance is necessary at this time by having an open heart, mind and arms to receive the blessings offered by the universe.”
Hayes adds that abundance isn’t necessarily limited to financial prosperity. When you see 888, you may also find abundance in other key areas of your life, including your physical and mental health, relationships, and spiritual life.
Ultimately, 888 is a signal to celebrate the accolades and milestones you’ve reached, big or small. But even for the times when you feel down on your luck, 888 comes up to remind you that you’re on the right path.
“Angel Number 888 is a message that your angels are proud of you. They want you to know you are doing a good job, and that you can have space for more as it becomes available to you,” Mystic Michaela, numerologist and author of The Angels Number Book, tells Bustle.
Angel Number 888 In Love & Relationships
Although the number 888 is very centered on money and material gain, it’s still a very positive number for relationships. According to Berry, the 888 is a sign that the love between two people is getting stronger and more grounded by the day. On a spiritual level, there’s a strong bond and a soul connection that’s unbreakable.
When you’re seeking guidance on love and you keep seeing the number eight, it indicates a need to stay open to connection. If you’re looking for love and you keep seeing the number eight, there’s a good chance that you’ll soon meet someone that you’ll connect with on a deeper level. It’s important to be open-minded and maybe even consider dating people who aren’t your typical type.
If you’re already in a relationship, the number 888 is a reminder that love is a two-way street, and both partners must be willing to give as much as they receive. “The more that's put into the relationship, the more each partner will get back in return,” Berry says. “Remember to express love in actions as well as words.”
Angel Number 888 & Twin Flames
A relationship with your spiritual half, or a twin flame relationship, can be full of ups and downs, and seeing the number 888 brings some advice on how to make it flow more smoothly. According to Berry, 888 is a reminder to keep your sense of individuality.
“It’s important that each partner maintain their freedom and not lose themselves in the relationship,” Berry says. “Remember there are two separate people who have lives of their own with outside interests and beliefs independent of the relationship.”
Having those outside interests will help you better balance the intensity of your twin flame relationship with your life outside of that relationship. Having a full life that doesn’t involve your partner can also keep the relationship feeling fresh, which Berry says will help strengthen the energy of the spiritual connection.
How Should You Tap Into 888’s Meaning?
It’s important to note that seeing the number 888, as well as other repeating numbers, can bring a different message depending on your numerology chart. “Like a thumbprint, we all have our unique set of numbers (your cosmic code) based off of our birthdate and name,” Kaerhart says. “Depending on where certain numbers are in your overall numerology chart, the numbers could be communicating something very specific to you. This is the most authentic message being communicated by the universe straight to you.”
Pay attention to what you’re thinking about, how you’re feeling, and what you’re literally doing when you catch glimpses of 888. Let’s say you’re stressed about finances just as you notice 888 on a license plate. The Universe may be reminding you to take charge of your money goals by adopting a side hustle, pursuing a promotion, or making a career switch altogether.
Use 888 To Manifest Financial Abundance
The number eight is the symbol of abundance, so it’s good energy to use when you’re trying to manifest. Next time you carry out a money spell or use scripting for your manifestation practice, be sure to incorporate the number 888 — like manifesting during the lion’s gate portal, which happens on Aug. 8.
But you don’t need a special manifestation ritual to use 888. Michaela says you can incorporate the lucky number in your daily routine.
“Meditate upon the energy of the universe, and visualize it filling the spaces where your fears have left you with the bright light of the universe itself,” she says. “Doodle the number, incorporate it into your social media handles or create an ‘888’ background on your phone.” This lets the Universe know you’re ready to accept all the blessings to come, says Michaela.
Step Into Your Personal Power With 888
Since 888 has an authoritarian vibe, it makes sense that seeing the angel number inspires you to channel your inner CEO. Are you trying to create more boundaries? Or maybe you feel like you should assert yourself more when it comes to relationships. Whatever the case, 888 is a reminder that you are a powerhouse.
“When you see this number, meditate upon what in your life requires development and abundance,” explains Michaela. “Visualize energy coming forth to nurture growth in these areas.”
Show Gratitude With 888
Given that 888 is a sign of abundance and prosperity, it warrants a good moment to pause and show thanks for what the Universe has offered you. Whether it’s writing a list of what you’re thankful for or going out of your way to show a friend. you appreciate them, seeing 888 is a reminder to express your gratitude.
“By opening our minds through the gratitude for what we already have, and focusing on it so that it grows, we are making space for it to increase in ways we cannot even imagine,” says Michaela.
When it comes to numerology, astrology, tarot, or anything dealing with spirituality, it’s all very personal. There’s no right or wrong way to interpret something. But experts agree that the angel number 888 is generally a good sign that you’re on the right path towards manifesting your goals —so keep moving forward.
Linda Berry, spiritual coach and founder of the Spiritual Discovery Center
Kaitlyn Kaerhart, numerologist and best-selling author of You Are Cosmic Code: Essential Numerology
Maria Hayes, astrologer
Mystic Michaela, numerologist and author of The Angels Number Book
This article was originally published on