The Spiritual Meaning Of Angel Number 666, Explained
It’s not, in fact, a bad omen.

There’s a good chance that if you’ve ever leaned on the cosmos for guidance, they’ve communicated in the form of a repeated sequence of numbers. In numerology, every digit one through nine, holds a certain energy, and noticing that you’re seeing that number over and over means that energy is amplified. Paying $6.66 for your latte before calling an Uber to 666 Main Street might not be random after all. Numerologists consider these numerical patterns, known as angel numbers, to be messages from the Universe. If 666 has been showing up everywhere, don’t assume the worst — in numerology, it means the Universe is cheering you on your journey.
Because angel numbers often involve a repeated number pattern, they amplify the energy of that numeral. Though 666 has negative associations in Christian theology, where it’s considered the number of the Antichrist, in the context of numerology, 666 is an angel number you want in your corner. “The number 666 is actually a symbol of balance and harmony,” Anastasiya Kirilchik, resident astrologer and numerologist for the Futurio app, tells Bustle. “It represents your true moral values and ideals.”
Is 666 following you around and you’re not sure what to make of the messages? Keep reading to learn about the spiritual meaning of 666 and what to do when you encounter the misunderstood number.
The Meaning Of Angel Number 666 In Numerology
The angel number 666 gets a bad rap in literature and religious contexts, but in numerology, the digit sings a different tune. On the contrary, numerologists believe 666 means the Universe is encouraging you to connect to your heart space and move in accordance with your own joy and pleasure. That’s because, in numerology, six is connected to your emotions, which explains why those with a life path Six are altruistic people with huge hearts.
“The energy of Six is deeply humanistic. It stands for the love of our fellow humans, kindness, and willingness to help those who need it,” explains Kirilchik. “It symbolizes empathy, receptiveness, and readiness to serve a good cause.”
The number six has an optimistic and happy-go-lucky vibe to it, so rest assured, there’s no need to panic when you see its triple-digit angel number. Instead, it’s a good sign to lead with your heart and aim to strike balance in all corners of your life.
The Spiritual Meaning Of Angel Number 666
While you might have grown up associating 666 with the devil, 666 is often misunderstood — kind of like the Devil tarot card. In numerology, the number six is a compassionate one, encouraging healing and empathy. Seeing 666 is likely the Universe offering its loving support, and it also serves as a reminder to pass that same kindness to others.
“Each of the three sixes represents a different attribute of the divine: creation, wisdom, and love,” says Augusta, “so when we love and nurture ourselves, we tap into our divine nature.” Kindness and empathy are the central themes of this number, so it’s a good indicator that you should lean into compassion and listen to your heart. If you’ve been emotionally drained from helping everyone in your orbit and notice an address with 666, for example, it may be a reminder that you should have some compassion for yourself, too, and it’s a good time to create boundaries.
Whenever the angel number 666 shows up, it’s a confirmation of your progress, encouraging you to move forward in your path despite any negative energy in your way. Let’s say your professional journey has led you to a fork in the road. Repeatedly seeing 666 is telling you to strip away the stigma of a radical career shift and go for it.
“The number 666 is a call to action. The Universe is urging you to cast aside all that is shallow and meaningless and focus on what’s genuinely important to you,” Kirilchik says. It arrives when you need the confidence to combat feelings of doubt, worry, or fear of judgment. Consider it a sign to live on your own terms.
According to Augusta, since the number six is about kindness, 666 is also a message of self-love, and that we should focus on nurturing our needs. “The number 666 tells us to love ourselves unconditionally,” Augusta says. “This means accepting ourselves for who we are, flaws and all.”
Angel Number 666 In Love, Relationships, & More
Since 666 is all about compassion, it’s often a good thing to see the angel number in a romantic context. For example, if you’re hesitant about jumping into a relationship, 666 could be the Universe’s way of having your back in the face of worry about starting something new. “If you are single, the number 666 may be telling you to open your heart and let love in,” explains Augusta.
On the flip side, encountering 666 while reconsidering a relationship may be your message of encouragement to do what’s best for you — regardless of the implications of a breakup or what people may think about it.
“If you are in a relationship, the number 666 may be telling you to focus on creating more balance and harmony. This may mean spending more time with your partner or showing them more affection.”
Although a peaceful number, the angel number 666 can also be a huge wake-up call for those who are easily impressionable and seek to please others. Numerologists also believe that 666 is a harbinger of change; a reminder to let go so you can look forward to new beginnings. So if 666 comes up and you’re going through a sour breakup or falling out with a friend, the Universe is reminding you that you can only find peace by letting go. “666 can be seen as a sign to let go of anger, resentment, and bitterness,” explains Augusta. “Instead, try to focus on forgiveness and moving forward in a positive direction.”
What To Do If You See 666
Depending on where you’re at in life, your experience — and interpretation — of the angel number 666 may be different. That’s why it’s important to consider your thoughts and emotions when you see 666 come up. Have you been talking down on yourself lately? A glimpse of 666 could mean you’re in for some practice toward self-compassion.
“Trust your intuition and allow the guidance of the angels to lead you to the interpretation that is right for you,” says Augusta.
Show Self-Compassion
Seeing 666 is a good indication that you need to show the same care and empathy to others, to yourself. “Chances are, if you have been seeing angel number 666, you are putting an inordinate amount of energy and focus on the maternal world instead of your spiritual and emotional health,” Mystic Michaela, numerologist and author of The Angel Numbers Book, tells Bustle.
Practice self-compassion by employing boundaries. If you’re draining yourself by helping others, for example, practice giving yourself time to text back rather than dropping everything to remedy a situation. It also helps to allow a day for yourself and taking breaks to affirm yourself of how amazing you are.
Focus On Emotional Health
With six being tied to emotions, it makes sense that 666 is a sign to check in with yourself mentally. “Take a moment to measure the amount of mental energy you are putting towards material things and see the little ways in your day you can do something different,” says Michaela.
Emotional check-ins can be through daily journaling, meditation, going on nature walks, or even just slowing down and looking inward. “When you see this number, ask yourself immediately, ‘what do I feel?’,” explains Michaela. “Our emotions are a unique tool which you can use to decipher the nuances in messages which fit your life.”
Find Balance With 666
The number 666 is supportive and encourages balance, peace, and harmony. Seeing the angel number is reminding you to look at the imbalances in life and try to restore order.
“Many times we can find ourselves focused on material items, comparing ourselves to others on social media or being preoccupied with the number of likes we get on a photo,” explains Michaela. “This number is asking you to step away from all that, and go within.”
Pursuing balance with 666 can look like a social media break, delegating time to your personal projects, and striving for a healthy work-life balance. “The number 666 is a little nudge from your angels to break free of the superficial thinking,” says Michaela.
While the angel number 666 raises some eyebrows at first, it’s more often a sign of compassion. It’s not here to sway your decisions one way or another but to provide assistance in the process of huge shifts in your life. Seeing 666 is your cue to trust in the comfort of others, but also trust yourself. “All the answers that you seek are already there,” Kirilchik says.
Anastasiya Kirilchik, astrologer
Johanna Augusta, numerologist
Mystic Michaela, numerologist and author of The Angel Numbers Book
This article was originally published on