TV & Movies

Why Did Shanae Go Home On The Bachelor?

“I hate Clayton,” she declared after being eliminated during a two-on-one date.

by Kadin Burnett
Shanae Ankney playing a game of 'Never Have I Ever' on 'The Bachelor'
ABC/John Fleenor

Feb. 14 spelled the ultimate end for Bachelor villain Shanae Ankney, this season’s short-lived antagonist. Shanae spent much of this season alienating herself from her fellow contestants, doing everything from mocking a fellow contestant’s ADHD diagnosis, lying to Clayton Echard about the other women in the house, and, of course, stealing copious amounts of shrimp with zero remorse. Truly, Shanae checked off nearly every cardinal sin the show abides by, and those transgressions finally caught up with her this week during a two-on-one date with Genevieve Parisi.

It’s mostly unclear how Genevieve got roped into the Shanae mess, but since she was picked for the dreaded two-on-one, the trio headed for a romantic and ominous date at Niagara Falls during the Feb. 7 episode. Shanae told the cameras how confident she was, having already sent two girls home. Genevieve voiced her discomfort with the whole situation, but she did mention that if Shanae went home, the house would be better for it. Elsewhere the women referred to Shanae as a “succubus,” saying that if Shanae were to come back, it would begin to erode their relationships with Clayton.

When Clayton and Shanae got to talking in private, she immediately informed him that Genevieve had been talking about going home, taking advantage of the uncertainty Genevieve had voiced about being on the date in general. But it didn’t stop there. She then lamented to Clayton that she’d never been in love and proceeded to cry, overcome with emotion. Shortly after, she bragged to the cameras about having been able to produce fake tears.

Clayton Echard and Shanae Ankney on a group date during 'The Bachelor'.
ABC/John Fleenor

Once the three reconvened, Clayton had to decide who he’d give the rose to, but not before he interrogated Genevieve about lying to him, which earned a smile from Shanae. Genevieve denied the claims, and confused, Clayton had to walk away. While alone, both women exchanged barbs before Clayton returned with his mind made up. “I cannot find it in my heart to give you this rose,” he told Shanae as he left with Genevieve.

Meanwhile, the rest of the women celebrated and popped champagne after producers took Shanae’s suitcase. Some of the women even said their faith in Clayton had been restored now that he finally sent Shanae home. However, it’s worth mentioning that it did take him four episodes to finally do so, despite several weeks of the other women heedlessly warning him about her behavior.

Meanwhile, back at Niagara Falls, we heard Shanae’s last words: “I’m pissed, literally blindsided, I can’t believe he chose an actress,” she said of Clayton’s decision to choose Genevieve. It’s a little ironic considering just last episode Shanae said, “Give me the Oscar, give me the Emmy, give me the Golden Globe, and give me the f*cking rose,” after faking her way through an apology. For good effect, before she exited the show, she added, “F*ck that guy,” “I hate Clayton,” and called him something only the producers know, as they bleeped out multiple expletives.