The Bachelor Recap
Why Did Maria Go Home On The Bachelor? Here’s A Hometowns Recap
Plus: how one quick exchange might’ve subtly teased the winner.

After narrowing down his Bachelor journey to four women, Joey Graziadei embarked on Hometowns during the March 4 episode. “I’m hoping that after this week, we have the ability to look forward to what can come at the end of this, and where our relationship can continue to grow to,” he said at the start of Week 8. “That’s the best-case scenario.”
Of course, this part of the process is prone to get a little bumpy, which held particularly true for one Season 28 suitor, who left The Bachelor roseless. But first, here’s a Hometowns recap.
A New Beginning In New Orleans?
The last time Joey was in New Orleans, he was trying to find love with Charity Lawson, and while that didn’t pan out, his latest trip suggested the start of an even stronger relationship.
Joey and Kelsey A. went tandem biking, shared beignets, and explored the Louisiana city. Kelsey spotted several butterflies along the way, which she interpreted as signs from her late mother. They even saw a bride taking wedding photos in the park, prompting discussions about potential nuptials in their future — as well as their fears. Kelsey was wary of being heartbroken; Joey, of being rejected by the woman he chooses.
Ultimately, the conversation appeared to have made them stronger. “She has this brightness to her. She has this different level of excitement and joy that is just contagious,” Joey said in a confessional. “I just know I could be happy every day if Kelsey was the person I was with.”
The good vibes continued while meeting Kelsey’s family: her dad, Mark, and two of her siblings. Mark expressed some concern about Joey dating several other women, but Joey promised his feelings for Kelsey were real, which “reassured” Mark.
Kelsey also had a tearful conversation with her dad about her mom, Denise, and how Mark had cared for her during her illness. It moved Mark to realize how Kelsey saw her relationship with Joey as a reflection of his and Denise’s.
If that doesn’t convince you of the day’s success, Joey even told Mark “I hope to see you soon.” Certainly the magic of Bachelor editing means he could have said this to every family, but it feels like a promising sign for Joey and Kelsey’s future. Why else would he say that to a potential father-in-law?
Rachel’s Family Had Reservations
Instead of meeting Rachel Nance’s family in Honolulu, Joey traveled to their “semi-home” in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Rachel explained that the last person she brought home was someone to whom she was nearly engaged. Her parents, Noela and Hakim, had taken the breakup hard. (On social media, Rachel’s sees their relationship as inspo for her own.)
Fortunately Joey quickly earned their approval through a blend of charm and respect, like when he greeted Noela with a traditional Filipino mano po gesture. They felt “honored and respected,” Rachel’s mom told the camera.
But in separate conversations with their daughter and potential son-in-law, both parents expressed concerns about the Bachelor process, given Rachel’s past heartbreak.
Rachel’s dad told her to not “get too high, or get too low,” in her feelings for Joey in case she doesn’t win his final rose. Similarly, her mom said in a confessional that “the verdict is still out” re: Joey, despite her finding him a “nice, genuine young man.”
Rachel’s sister, Amanda, was the outlier of the group. She encouraged Rachel to go forward confidently, and by the end of the date, Rachel told Joey she was falling in love with him.
Daisy’s Walls Came Down
Daisy Kent told Joey that she’d need to see him with her family before saying she was falling in love, so Joey’s trip to the Christmas tree farm in Becker, Minnesota, was always going to be a game-changer.
After hanging out on the farm, where Daisy grew up, and meeting her friends, Joey was introduced to her family. He met her parents (Julie and Brandon), grandparents, and siblings. “If my family doesn’t see it with me and Joey ... it would be really, really hard for me to move forward,” Daisy said in a confessional.
Reality was quite the contrary: Both of Daisy’s parents seemed to click well with Joey, and instead wondered why their daughter was hesitant to share her feelings. “I feel like Joey truly does love her,” Julie said, “[but] she is not being vulnerable to the full extent.”
Both Julie and Brandon encouraged Daisy to bring her walls down. “If you think that you’re falling in love with him, I think it’s a no-brainer,” Brandon told his daughter.
By day’s end, Daisy had taken their encouragement to heart, telling Joey she was falling in love with him.
Maria’s Hometown Made Joey Nervous
Of all his Hometown dates, Joey seemed most anxious to meet Maria’s family near Niagara Falls, especially since she nearly left the show last week. “It seems like with Maria, as soon as I take one step forward, sometimes we take two steps back,” Joey told the camera.
After cruising past the famous waterfall by boat, the pair talked about their journey, and Joey was surprised that Maria had never brought anyone home before. “How has she gone this long in life without opening up to someone and showing that side of herself?” he said.
The visit itself went well, with Joey meeting Maria’s parents (Nick and Lori), her brothers, and a close friend. At first, Nick seemed apprehensive, telling Joey that it “doesn’t mean anything” to hear how Joey’s feeling about Maria if he’s feeling the same way about other women.
But Joey reassured him, promising that he wants “all [his] words to have a lot of intention,” and reiterating the strength of his connection with Maria. By the end of their talk, Maria’s dad said he’d happily give his blessing if Maria wanted to be with Joey. He also told his daughter she was “glowing.”
Maria and Joey ended their date watching home videos outside. While Maria intended to tell Joey she was falling in love, she ultimately stopped herself — saying intead that she appreciated him visiting and felt “very strong” about him.
Another Rose Ceremony Interruption
By the time the rose ceremony started, Maria was regretting not telling Joey how she really felt. “I should have told him then... I still do have time,” she said in a confessional. “Well, no I don’t. Because if he doesn’t give me the rose, then I’m screwed.” She decided to pull a Hail Maria, asking Joey to step away for a private conversation before he handed out roses. (She got some silent side-eye from Rachel for the move.)
“I am falling in love with you, and I didn’t feel like I got to tell you that that night,” she told Joey. “Regardless of what happens tonight ... I would regret not telling you that.”
Alas, when the ceremony resumed, Maria was left roseless. Joey explained the difficult decision after walking her out: “It would be dishonest to you to move forward with the amount of doubts that I have,” he said, acknowledging that Maria’s exit “feels wrong in some ways.”
Maria was “confused” in the car ride home, she said, and acknowledged where she went wrong. “I should have told him how I felt a lot sooner than I did, and that’s my biggest regret.”