
Sex And The City Author Reveals Whether She's Team Big Or Team Aidan

Candace Bushnell is partial to the unproblematic Harry Goldenblatt over Carrie’s exes.

by Alyssa Lapid
Candace Bushnell, author of Sex and the City, weighs in on the Team Big versus Team Aidan debate. Ph...
Photos by WWD/Penske Media/Getty Images and Patrick McMullan/Patrick McMullan/Getty Images

Carrie Bradshaw’s choices in Sex and the City have long been debated, from her finances (like spending all her rent money on shoes) to her outfits (some hits, some misses). But the most divisive conversations around the show’s protagonist center around her romantic decisions, particularly the choice between Aidan and Mr. Big, sparking a longstanding #TeamAidan vs. #TeamBig debate. Candace Bushnell, who wrote the original 1996 book anthology the series was adapted from, finally weighs in on which leading man she stands behind. And her answer may surprise you.

To recap, Carrie dates carpenter Aidan (John Corbett) in Season 3 but cheats on him with her on-again-off-again (and, at the time, married) beau Mr. Big (Chris Noth), causing the two to break up. The two eventually reunite and get engaged in Season 4 but ultimately break up again due to Carrie’s inability to commit. He moves on with someone else and starts a family. Meanwhile, the emotionally unavailable Big finally comes to his senses and commits to Carrie during the series finale. The pair tie the knot in the movie and live happily ever after... that is until the HBO Max reboot, And Just Like That..., where (spoiler alert!) Big dies.

On Jan. 4, after over two decades, Bushnell finally shared her thoughts on the SATC men. “When people ask me if I’m Team Big or Team Aidan, I loudly proclaim my love for Harry Goldenblatt,” the author posted on Twitter, to the shock and delight of fans.

Harry Goldenblatt, played by Evan Handler, is Charlotte’s (Kristin Davis) unproblematic lawyer husband. He wasn’t her usual type, but he was the “best sex” she ever had. They end up getting married and raising two daughters together. In the reboot, they’re still a strong family unit and still, err, satisfy each other’s needs.

Harry and Charlotte (Evan Handler and Kristin Davis) may be And Just Like That's least problematic c...
Courtesy of HBO Max

While Bushnell’s take may be unexpected, Sarah Jessica Parker, who plays Carrie, is a huge Team Big supporter. In a January 2020 episode of The Bradshaw Boys podcast, she said, “Ultimately, Carrie should have ended up with Big. But it was a delight to mess around before she arrived at that.”

Corbett previously revealed he “always knew” Carrie would always end up with Big. In a 2017 appearance on Today, the My Big Fat Greek Wedding actor said, “It made sense to me because New York is a fifth character in this show. And Carrie needed to end up with New York, and Mr. Big is New York.” He added, “But I still have my legion of fans who were Team Aidan and were cheering for me.”

#TeamAidan fans may see Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Aidan (John Corbett) reunite in Season 2 o...
Courtesy of HBO

Well, the #TeamAidan camp may just have something to look forward to when the reboot returns this summer. In August 2022, Deadline confirmed that Corbett will be reprising his role in Season 2 of AJLT after being noticeably absent for the reboot’s first season (despite initially teasing a return). And after Big’s death (he suffered from a heart attack after his workout), Carrie is left wide open to date, making room for Aidan to possibly swoop in.