Robert Pattinson's Quotes About Fancying These Video Game Characters Are Too Real
The actor struggled to pick between “really kind” Aeris and “sexy little thing” Tifa, though.

When talking about celebs and gaming, Henry Cavill is the first celeb to come to mind, but it turns out that The Witcher’s on-screen counterpart isn’t the only British actor who’s also an avid gamer. In a new interview alongside his The Batman co-star Zoë Kravitz, Robert Pattinson revealed just what a huge fan of Final Fantasy VII he really is.
Speaking to French magazine Clique X, the conversation quickly turned to video games according to NME after interviewer Mouloud Achour spoke about a scene in the game that both he and Pattinson teared up at. It seems as though Pattinson could talk forever about the love he has for two of its characters – Aeris and Tifa.
“I was in love [with them],” he said, much to Kravitz’s amusement. “It’s a love triangle where Aeris, or Aerith depending on what version of the game you have [...] She’s a really kind girl that has superpowers to heal everyone and make the world a better place” – to which Kravitz responds: “Poor women, we have to heal everyone. It’s exhausting.”
In true Pattinson style, the actor went on to describe Tifa as a “sexy little thing” thanks to her outfit, and how hard it is to choose between them – that is until Aerith “right at her peak, gets killed”. Talk about a spoiler. “This is how every guy who plays figures out what love is,” the actor concludes. Basically, you have to choose between, as Kravitz explains, “the one that’s going to heal everything and the one in the short skirt? These are the options? Oh my god, this is the problem with the world.”
This isn’t the first time Pattinson has gone off on a Final Fantasy tangent, either. Back when he was promoting Tenet, video games came up in conversation and he revealed that “one of the only times I’ve cried in my life was when Aerith died,” he told Gamespot. “My first love.”