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“I Get Into It With Everybody”: The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Tease Season 5

Ahead of the Sept. 18 premiere, the cast gets candid about friendships, regrets, and Lisa’s vocal skills.

by Jake Viswanath
The 'RHOSLC' Cast Teases Season 5 Drama, Friendships, & Regrets
Ariela Basson/Bustle; Bravo

Over four seasons, the cast of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City has been through hell and back, and it’s made for some legendary reality TV. Heading into Season 5, which premieres on Sept. 18, it’ll be the first Housewives show with five original cast members still starring: Lisa Barlow, Mary Cosby, Heather Gay, Meredith Marks, and Whitney Rose.

Together, they’ve endured drama that would wear down most people, like watching former castmate Jen Shah get arrested and go to prison on fraud charges. Last year, when they were joined by longtime friend Angie Katsanevas, they learned in the season finale that new castmate Monica Garcia was behind Reality Von Tease, a gossip Instagram account that had posted damaging rumors about them for years.

The finale, which aired Jan. 2, was one of the most meme-d and praised episodes of reality TV — Barlow thinks they “were robbed” of an Emmy nod, and Jennifer Lawrence said she’d give the cast her Oscar.

Through it all, Barlow, Cosby, Katsanevas, Marks, Gay, and Rose have supplied some of Bravo’s most viral antics and quotable one-liners, proving their magic formula is working. In Season 5, they’ll be joined by new Housewife Bronwyn Newport.

Below, the cast dishes on allies and adversaries, regrets, and the show’s most unserious storylines.

On Monica Garcia’s Betrayal:

In the Season 4 finale, Gay told Barlow, Marks, and Rose about Garcia’s Instagram account during a dramatic moment on a Bermuda beach. Hours later, they confronted Garcia.

Meredith: The four of us had that bonding moment on the beach. [My mindset was to] make sure we can maintain our bond, and sometimes that means calling out a lot of stuff.

Heather: We were more united as friends than in any other season.

Lisa: Coming into this year, I was open, but issues still needed to be dealt with. It was just that [Reality Von Tease] was way bigger than all the other issues last year.

Whitney: I was excited to have a fresh start with everyone. We really bonded and built a sisterhood. Or so I thought.

Angie: We’ve seen how it affects other franchises when things get too dark and toxic. I wanted to bring more light and laughter, and see the show revolve around the cast versus something negative that could bring a franchise down.

Bronwyn: I have also been messaged by Reality Von Tease on Instagram. I’ve never responded, so we are not close by any means, but I understood coming in that this group was looking for new friends. They needed a sweet friend this year, but I might’ve ended up being a toothache.

On Their Most Surprising Allies:

The friendships between the cast change on a dime, with Barlow even describing their dynamics as “musical chairs.”

Whitney: Bronwyn and I had an interesting start, but by the end, I was surprised to really connect with her.

Bronwyn: Probably Mary. I did not see that coming. A close second would be Whitney. I pre-judged that I might not have a ton in common with either of them, and they’re the people I have the most in common with right now.

Mary: Angie. Her being friends with Jen [Shah] and Lisa, I thought, “Mm, I don’t know if I can click with her.” I love Lisa, but are we always seeing eye to eye? No. So when I saw eye to eye with Angie, I thought, “Oh, my gosh. She’s owning what she says, she’s doing what she means, and she’s meaning what she’s doing.” That’s my cup of tea.

Angie: Oh, Mary Cosby. 100%. Our friendship was very organic. She let her walls down and let me get to know a Mary Cosby that I don’t think the world or even any of the cast knows.

Meredith Marks, Heather Gay, and Lisa Barlow. Koury Angelo/Bravo

Heather: Lisa Barlow coming out to support me was not on my vision board. From the Season 1 reunion, when we were at each other’s throats, I always wanted to be in a good place with Lisa, and that’s why we fought so hard.

Lisa: Heather was so good to me, and she understands me. She said, “Nobody’s ever stuck up for you. It was nice to be the person who could stick up for you.” I feel like I was Jen [Shah] this year for her, but I’m not going to prison.

On Their Biggest Adversaries:

The same holds true for adversaries. It only takes one rumor or nasty comment to turn friends into enemies.

Heather: I get into it with everybody, but it took me the longest time to warm up to Bronwyn.

Bronwyn: Heather straight-up says, “I don’t like Bronwyn, and I don’t think I could trust her.”

Lisa: The liar, liar, pants on fire Whitney Rose. We can go through all the lies. She brought guys to a party and told everyone I slept with them. She attacked my business. She said I slept with my business partner two years ago. I have given her beyond grace. And grace is being able to move on when someone’s so malicious, disgusting, and pointed.

Whitney: To my face, Lisa Barlow. Behind my back, Meredith Marks. Certain personalities are just not ever going to [click]. I can’t give it all away, but bathtubs are still a theme in Salt Lake City.

Meredith: Mary. We hit some bumps. I’m not entirely sure that I even understand it now.

Mary: Meredith. I was blindsided with it, and I don’t feel like I did anything wrong. I don’t hold grudges, so let’s hope Meredith will lead with the same mindset and we can work it out.

On Season 5’s Most Unserious Storyline:

The show is equally beloved for its wackiness and its scandals. Some of the show’s most memorable fights have involved bathtubs (Season 4) and smelling like a “hospital” (Season 1).

Whitney: We have an interesting man enter the chat. We have some photos and rumors circulating, and then someone’s particular hairstyle has its own little story.

Bronwyn: It was the hardest for me not to laugh at an event at Mary’s house. I refer to it lovingly as a fever dream. I felt like I was in the Upside Down.

Lisa: In Mexico, a restaurant gave us margaritas to go, and everybody had way too many. Heather wears an apron, she has a prop, and I could not stop laughing. My stomach hurt for two days.

Britani Bateman, Whitney Rose, Angie Katsanevas, Lisa Barlow, and Heather Gay.Jesse James Allen/Bravo

Heather: I bought an apron with a giant penis that, when I lifted it, the penis would go to full erection. I was drunk, and it’s been haunting me since that girls trip to Puerto Vallarta. God willing, it’s pixelated, and my reputation is spared.

On Lisa Barlow’s Singing:

In Season 3, Barlow debuted her rendition of “Away in a Manger,” which was nominated for The Bravos at BravoCon 2023. Since then, her singing has become a fan-favorite occurrence and a frequent source of memes.

Heather: I love her Wendy’s ads when she sings “Oh, Wendy’s, oh, Wendy’s, I love your minty treats.” We sing that in our house.

Meredith: When she sang at Heather’s book signing, I was proud of her. Did I think it was the best performance under the sun? No. But I thought that took courage, and she did a great job.

Bronwyn: I did my first Broadway show as a co-producer this year. She’s not the best singer I’ve ever heard, but she’s also not the worst, so that’s saying something.

Mary: Lisa Barlow cannot sing, but if she’s happy with it, just let her be.

Angie: The best part is she thinks she’s so good. That’s the delusion of Lisa Barlow and what we love about her. If you ask her, she should have a hit single, record label, a contract with J. Lo’s agent.

Lisa: I am so serious about singing. I want to do a three-song EP with someone who will surprise you, and I hope I get to open up for someone big someday. Maybe Post Malone.

On Rating Angie K’s Sunglasses Out Of 10:

Fans are also particularly fond of Katsanevas’ penchant for wearing oversize shield sunglasses.

Heather: They’re all 10-plus. When I pick up a style like that, I think of it as an Angie K.

Meredith: Because she goes full throttle on it, she gets a 10. For my particular preference, I’d give it a 4. So we average out at a 7.

Whitney: Ridiculous. I’ve never seen bigger sunglasses in my entire life.

Bronwyn: I would rate Angie's sunglasses a 9, but mine are better. We have a new sunglass queen coming.

Lisa: She doesn’t really have a collection. She bounced from one big pair to another. They fit her, but I’m like, “You have such a pretty face, you shouldn’t be covering it with sunglasses.” I have over 500 sunglasses; [she] can borrow some of mine.

Angie Katsanevas and Whitney Rose.Bravo

Angie: I didn’t even realize I was becoming a meme. I thought wearing super stylish, big, giant shields was normal. My daughter says, “Mom, you have to keep these forever.” I’m going to get buried with those things on.

On Their Favorite Housewives Brand:

The Housewives have, perhaps predictably, used their platforms to launch various businesses and product lines.

Heather: Lunatic Fringe, Angie’s salons, have been the cool staple in Salt Lake City for 20 years. I have Vida Tequila, Meredith Marks’ jewelry, and used to carry Whitney’s skin care [at Beauty Lab]. I love all of their businesses.

Bronwyn: My husband gets his beard trimmed at Lunatic Fringe, and my daughter gets her hair cut. We are part of the Greek mafia — at least our hair is.

Lisa: I wear a lot of Meredith Marks jewelry. My family is obsessed with her caviar. Heather’s Beauty Lab + Laser is amazing.

Whitney: I love Beauty Lab + Laser, and I take Bobby into Lunatic Fringe. She gets her hair done there.

Meredith: I have Vida Tequila at home and am a Beauty Lab regular.

Angie: I’ve bought the most from Whitney’s jewelry company as gifts to send to friends. I wasn’t invited to Meredith’s events, so I didn’t buy any from her.

Mary: I’m sorry, I don’t even know where their products are. Can we buy them? Where are they?

Mary Cosby.Koury Angelo/Bravo

On Their Biggest Regrets:

With every moment of joy on reality TV comes a major regret.

Lisa: My hot mic rant [about Meredith on Season 2]. When Ralph Fiennes did it, I was like, “Should I be happy?” I regret the things I said. But Meredith and I have come a long way; we can talk about it. I’m like, “I call everybody a garbage whore. You don’t deliver my mail on time, you’re a garbage whore.”

Meredith: It’s how I handled things with Lisa in Season 3. I don’t think I was in the wrong to be upset, but I made a lot of insinuations when I should have just moved on and stayed above it.

Whitney: Fighting in lingerie with too much to drink. I don’t like watching myself when we’ve had maybe a few too many cocktails, and it’s emotional, so definitely that fight with Heather.

Angie: When I hurt someone’s feelings talking about their hair. Sometimes, you think you’re offering your professional advice, and someone just took it a little too serious.

Heather: I have 10 million [regrets], I can’t even list them all. If they involve me being drunk or having a black eye or vomiting, those would be on the podium of scenes I would prefer to forget.

Mary: I drank beer for the first time, and it wasn’t bad. I thought it would taste like urine. I hope they don’t air it, but they probably will.

On The OGs’ Secret To Longevity:

Since RHOSLC is the first Housewives show with five original cast members staying into the fifth season, I asked how they’ve made it work.

Whitney: I try to stay as authentic to myself as I can, and try not to force things. I watch other franchises, and when they’re too forced and don’t flow. That’s when things get hectic.

Meredith: I have to be able to disengage. People can be mean. Usually, you let it go, but sometimes they hit a nerve. Last year, I knew that I would be fine in the end, but it was rough getting there. You have to train yourself to know what’s coming, how to navigate it, and stay at peace.

Mary: The secret is understanding each other and saying what you mean, whether it’s rude or not. Say it so people know who you really are, and you can lead accordingly. If you don’t like this person, you still have to move and grow with them. So be mindful, be demure.

Lisa: I constantly like to be evolving as a person. I’m such a Sagittarius; I know when to cut off and cauterize.

Heather: You have to have real friendships, and real friendships go through ups and downs. You have to be able to recover and reconcile and always find a way to move forward.

These interviews have been edited and condensed for clarity.